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mr. Alien, oí me uexier íeauer, iiiiuhm ;he T., A. A. & G T. R. K. extensión, f rom Ann Arbor nort.h, will surely strike Dexter, and then Clielsca can crawl into a hole, and draw the hole in lifter it. We could teil a story such as are iisually read in dime novéis, but this is true : A mother who had been in the Pontiac itisiuit' asylum, died there, and the sons (residents of this place) were notilied of her death, but instead of going and getting the body and giving it decent burial, they let it go to Mie pickliug vat of the University. Oh ! for shame ! ! that such persons should be left around loose. DEXTER. From the I-eadw. The Methodist donation netled about fifty-eight dollars. Marcus Cook has moved his family from Lima into Norman Phelps' house, to take care of the gentleman. Beginning March 27th and ending to-dny - 24 days- there have been nine auctiong in the vicinity of Dexter; an average of one auction every 2% days. Married, at St. Joseph's ehurch,Wednesday moring, bv Rev. Father McNamara, Mr. Michfiel Devine and Miss Mary Nash, both of Webster. A large number of spectators witnessed the ceremony, after which the bridal party and their friendg repaired to the residence of the bride's father, wherean enjoyable time wasspent. MANCHESTER. From the Enterprue. Mrs. James Weir has presented the Baptist society with a clock for their church, and Rev. Munger hopes the congregation will be inore prompt in coming to church hereafter. The Lake Shore company have about completed arrangements with C. M. Robieon to transfer passengers and baggage from one depot to the other, in this village, the same as in Hlllsdale and other connecting pointg. Tickets will then be sold from one road to the other, including transfer hire. SALINE. From the Observer. It is estimated 40,000 poundsof poiiltry have been shipped from here this winter by our buyers. The stock and machinery in Groas Bros. establishment was appraised to the new stock company on Tueiday. Messrs. Eli Moore, Thomas Gretton and Mr. R. Ailes, of Ann Arbor, were the choseu appiaisers. Last week our energetic produce buyer, E. A. Hauser, shipped 800 dozen eggs, and will ship 1,000 dozen of the same kind of fruit this week. He expects to buy and ship on an average 1,000 dozen each week hereafter. Save your eggs for Mm, Mr. J. D. Allison of Pittsfield wintered over five swarm of bees. Nothlng strange in this, you may think, but one of the hives swarmed on the lOth instant, and that is something I never heard the like of before, and several of the bee-keepers l T Ii fft:fiill uo ir t i n aa wi s- tl, i.t . TPSH.ANTI. Krom the Commercial. L. A. Mcl,outh,'82, has left Ann Arbor for a po8ition in the Cassopolia schools as a salary of $900. The following are the amounts appropriated by the Legislature to the State Normal school: For current expenses in 1883, $23,115; for same in 1884, $27,050; forgrading grounds, nainting buildings and inaking necessary repairs and improvements, $7,700. Of the current expenditures, $1,500 must be used annually for library purposes. From the Sentinel. The oíd Hayton house, opposlte our office is walkinjr off, to give place to a new block. "Mechanic'srow,'' will soon be in process of building. The few papers that came out so loudly in praise of the Scripps-Maclean verdict, have generally shut up, and crept into their holes, actually sharned out of their nonsense, by the significant silence, and open dissent of nineteen twentieths of the state press. If the plaintiff can feel any degree of pleasure, at such a vindicution, he is easily satisfied. From the Ypsilant!n. The comniittee golicting subscriptions for the bonus fund report that nearly the required aiuount has been raised, and we can feel assured that the sanitarium will be built. One item of importance in considering the benefit a railroad is toatown isshown in the fact that the Central has In its employ the heads of 55 families resident in this city. The amonnt paid out for ties at this station for the past year is $3,337.68, or an average of $278,13 per uionth.