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WM1fcÉlsry?ttBHsWffir%hfry"fftfrM'felMa'1 Hall' Catarrh Cure is takêrt nternally. It acts directly upon the blood and the mucous surfaces of the system. Priee 7" cents. For sale by Eberbach Sr,Son. A New Jersey man has patentad astove that explodcs at ten o'clock at niglit. He has tour diiughturs. Wolcott, Wayne Co., N. Y. Rheumalic Syrup Co. : Gentlemen- For many jearsl have been a great utferer with rheumatism. Much of the time I had but httle use of my arms; my hands were drawn out ofshape and nearly lost the use of one of my linibs. I have been treated by the best physicians, and have taken many different remedies that wem highly reconamemled, but jjrew worse all the time until I commenced using Rheumatic Syrup, and before I had used one bottle I began to improve, and after taking the Öyrup four weeks, I was completely cnred, and to-day 1 am as well as ever, and eau use my hands and limbs as freely as wlien a boy. The effect of the Hheumatic Syrup has been truly wondert' ui in my case. and I find, on inquiry, that it is doing equally as well in every other case where it is being used. You are at liberty to use my name as you ehoosc, as I am very glad to be able to say, as I can. that the Rheumatic Syrup iáone of the best medicines on the market, and a single trial will convince any one of its wonderful merits. Jacob Williams. Holline Piles- Symptoms and Care. Tlie symptoms are moisture like perspiration, intense ïtchinir, incrensed by scratching, vcry distressing, particul.irly at night, seems as f pin-worms were crawling in and about the rectum; the private parts are sometimes affected. If allowed to continue serious results may follow. "Swayne's Ointment" is a pleasant, sure cure. Also for tetter, itch, salt rheum, scald head, erysipelas, barbera' itch, blotches, all scaly, crusty skin diseases. Sent by mail for 50 cents; 3 hoxes for $1.2:, (in stamp?). Address, Dr. Swavne &' Sou, I'hiladelphia, Pa. Sold by DriiggiEts. Daughtcrs, Vi ves, anl Molliers. We emphatically guarantee Dr. Marchisi'g Catholicon a Peínale Remedy, to cure Fenuile Diseases.such as üvariim troubles, Inflammation and ulceration, Falling and Displacements or hearing down feeling, Irregularities, Barren nes, Cuangeof Life, Leucon ha':i, hesides many weaknesses 8pringing from the above, like Ileadache, Bloating, Spinal weakness, Sleeplessness, Nervous debility, Palpitation of the heart, etc. No cure. No Pay. For sale by druggists. Pricesfl.00 and $1,50 per Bottle. Send to Dr. .1. B. Marchihi, Utica. N. Y., for pamphlet, free. Forsaleby Eberhiich & Son, Druggists. Positive Cure for Piles. To the people of this County we would say we have heen given the Agency of Dr. Marchisi's Italian Pile Ointment - emphatically guaranteed to Cure or money refunded- Interna], External, Blind, Blneding or Itching Piles. Price 50c. a box. No cure, No pay. For sale by Eberbach & Sou, Druggists. KILL THE WOODCHUCKS! The township of Ann Arbor at the last township meeting voted a lax of flfty dollars to bc called " The Woodchuck Fund " The object bel uk to extermínate the pest in the township. The clerk was instrueted by vote to pay 10 cents each for woodchuck scalps Thechucks must be killed in the township. Brlng in the scalps boysaudgetyour money. 'Ihe scalps must be drled before being preseuted. L. DAVIS, Township Clerk. Ann Arbor, April 20, 1883. FOR SALE! A BARCAIN ! That handsome frame dwellfng of the late Dr. Cocker, north-east coruer of West Huron atreet, C0NTAINING 10 ROOMS, Bath Room, and all modern Iraprovements, with TWO LAEGE LOTS AND BARN ! Only one-half mlle wefttofCourt House and Postofflce and close to the mineral sprlngs, maklug it the most denlrabfe and healthy locatlon in Ann Arbor. Part of thefurniture for sale very cheap. Apply to. Til O WAM IIAUKY. on Premtses. M1!S. CHIPMAN SMII I!. Has taken a store opposite Keck's Fuiniture store, where ladies can be supplied with Millinery Goods. 1138-1141 "POR SALE CHEAP. My entire lot of :ro"w boats, Congl8ting of 20. Apply at once to A. F. Hangstcrfer. 1U0-1U1 HAS BEEN PROVED „ The SUREST CURE for ï i KIDNEY DISEA8ES. I " CoeaaUms bok or dlsordered urtne S otethtyou pe vloUm P THEN DO NOT C HXSETATBi xna Kldney-Wort at once, E Simt reoommend it) and It wülspeedUy overw ooma tho diiBMe and restore healthy aetion. 9 I gHiae Por oompialnta pfoullar L hflUICOi toyour soi, noltu pain J and weakneaies, Kidney-Wort Is muurpaaaod, ¦ a it will act promptly and lafely. XltlierSex. InoonUnenoe, retentlon of mine, o 2 bxlokduatorropy deposita, and dull drag-üiT c 0 paüu, all speedily yield to lts curativo power S ' BOLD BY AU. PBTJQGIBT3. Prloe tl. 1 have prttcribed Kindey-Wort with very great êuecest in a score or more obstinate cases of Kidney and Li ver Troubles.also for female 1 weaknesses.- Philip C. Ballon, M. D., Monkton, Vt. "My wife has been mud beneflled from the 1 use of Kidney-Wort. She had kidney and I other complainU," writes Rev. A. B. Coleman, , Fayettevllle, Tenn. ayYyyyyj-r- 1- 1.- - - IS A SURE CURE n I for all diseases of the Kidneys and LIVER i It hu spodflc aotion on this most important , . orgtvn, enabhnff it to throw off torpidily and , inaction, ¦timuiatlnff the healthy bocmUüh of t the Blle, and by keepiuj the boweU In freo ' eondítion, effecting lts refular diBoharffe. ' U olofío If yon aremiflering f mm IWICHCÏI lui malaria, havo the chilla, are bllious, dyspeptio, orconstipatcd, Kidney. Wort will aurely relieve and quiokly euro. ' In the Spring: to cleanse the System, evcry one shoiüd take a thorough oourse ot' it I 8OLDBY DRUCCIST8, Prlccjt.l ( ti AAji7ïMJHLAiM_MjLllKji I ara a living advocate of the virtues of c Kldney-Wort. I suffered untold agony frora d liver disorder. It cured me."-Jno. D. Nevins, n 9pringneld, Ohio. LBlssstssiÉ[iï3BkiT'71mBi.li3B3 c FOR THE PERMANENT CURE é l CONSTIPATION. f Í oqualled the oelobrated Kldneyort U l ? " tmre. Whatever the cauM,however obstinate S b tb , tW. remedy wiU overoomo iu n ! PILES. pL- f Cl O cure, all kinds of Piles even when phyaielans " tl ¦ and medicine have beforo tillod. 3 tyir yon have elther of thew tronble 5 a lTlT ' J-Uf w LlPi'UKKI.L8.s "Constlpation, in ail its forms, yields to " ildney-Wort. In female diseases itiswr wce„ul."-Dr. Philip C. Ballou, Monkton r t. Apr. 20-82. ' J THE CREAT CURE , I roa ë "I could flnd no remedy lor my kidney oraplaintand rheuraatlsm," writes Mr A V .. Burr, of Temple's MUI, Florida, -uutil 1 ou w cured by Wort," Exposure, lncienttolnrabering.caused Mr.Burr'sdlsorders


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News