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rpOLEDO, ANN ARBOK fc O. T. K. B. Columbus Time. ThrouKh timo table In effect Jamiiry 27th, 1883. OQIKO NORTn. GÓTICO HOUTn ¦ "o. STATIONa. S. "I 6 hm h w a a 610 PM 8 35AM V Toledo Ar 9 35AM 6 40PM 6 18 " 8 40 ' Manhattan Jet 9 32 " 5 30 ' G 25 " 8 47 " L Alexia June 23 " 5 53 " 7 0'" 9 29" MonroeJct 8 41" 4 51" 7(6" 9 40" Dundee 8 32'4 42" 7 16 " 9 64 " Azallla 8 20" 4 27 ¦' 7 40 " 10 06 " Milan 8 16 4 10 " 7 6a " 10 19 " Urania 7 62 " 8 67 " 8 05 " 10 25 Pittsflol 7 42 " 47 " 8 20 " 10 35 " ArAnn A.r3 7 a0 " 3 85 ' 120" 12 32PM JackBOn M. C. 5 2 l " 9 50AM 1 07AM 2 15" Battle Oreek 3 49 7 68" 1165" 2 66" Kalamazoo 2 60" 7 10" 7 3)" 4 60" Grand Rápida 10 40PM 6 20 " 6 00 " 10 S5AM LvAnn Arbor Ar 3 35PM 7 25" 1120" ArSouth Lyon L,v 5 00" 12 02P.M Howell D1,N 2 18" 120" Lansmg 100" 3 01" Ionla 1U5AH 5 04' Edmoro 9 10 ' K 40 ' H(ï Kaplds 7 2:1" 4 45 " Hüward City 9 25 " 4 15AM PetoskeyQRI 105" 7 On MacklnawCity lï 6ÜPM Connectlons - At Toledo with rallroads dlversinK ; ut Alexis wlth Canada Kouthern, 1. 8. & M. 8., and IV & F M K'y's; at Manhuttao June, wiih Wbealing & l.ake Erie R. R. ; at Monroe Jet. wlth Ij. s. M. S ; at IJundee with I. S. & M. s. ; ut jlilun with W. Bt.L. & P. ll'y; at Pittsoeld wlth L. 8. & II. 8 ; at Ann Arbor witb Michigan Cen E' y; at South Lyon with Detroit, Lanslng & Northern R'y. H W. ASIILKV, Sup't. W. H Benitt, Oen'l Pass. Aeent. TjiOKT WAYNE JACKSON E. R. Oetroit and ItidianapoHs Line. By Michigan Central Ballroad f rom Ann Arbor to JaokBou. Trains leave Ann Arbor ai follow: [ndlanapolis Express 8 40 a m Ft Wayne Accomodation 6 22 p m Clnutnnü Express 11 17 p m All traína leave by Chicago time. Procure tickets at Ann Arbor or Jackson. M. l WQQt)FKI), Oen'l t-u&'t. ÜiïRÖrr7MA!KfNAir"MA!(ÖD'lLÏiïlS R. Ü January, 15, 1S83. Pioneer East and 'West Line Throagh the Upper Península of Michigan, 240 Hiles Sho? ter between all eastern and ttonhwostern polnta vla Detroit, pin! 311 Miles Shorter vla Port Hurón to Moa treal and all points In Canada, etc. Ü.ABT. , ril'ATlON WBii. !t 15 A. M. L Marquette A. UI pu 10 41 " Onota 3 18 " 11 tO " Au ÏTuln l 4} " 12 10 P. M Munising 2 00 " 2 20 " geney 12 15 " 3 00 " MoMMsn 11 15 a. m 3 30 " i DoUanrille 10 60 " 3 65 " I Newberry 10 80 " 7 0C " A 8U Ign.c L 7 30 " VIA M. C, R. R. 7 10 A.M BayCity 9 45 p. M 8 67 " Lapcer Junct.... 7 21 " 10 15 " PortHuron 4 15 " 7 68 " SaglnawClty.... 8 80 ' 10 Ï6 " Li;Mic 6 36 " 11 45 " JaekBon 4 15 1125 " Detroit 9 00 " VIA O. B. & l K. B. 1 00 P. u Grand Rapldl.... SU " 2 67 " Kalamai.i 125 " Connectlons are made at 8T. IONATE wlth: The Miohisan Central rallroad fr Detroit tin all points la Miohlgan and In the ea&t, loutu anc southeast. Train leave Mackinic City í:80 a. m and 9:30 p. m. The Grand Rápida 4 Indiana R. R. for Gran Raplds, Fort Wayne and the outh aad eait. I,eav Ing Macklnao Ctynt 9:50 p. m. Connectlons made nt HARQÜBTTE wiöi The Marquette, Uoughton &Ontonnnon rallroi for the Iron and Copper dlstrlcta. Through tickets on sale at Marquette and S'. Ignaceand at all points in the Northern Península Also tickets to Kuropean port by all principal Hoe atGen'lPass, Lgect's office For Information aa to pasnenger and freightrato apply lo office oí Genera) Frelght and Passenge Agent. Trains daily except Sunday. D. Mc 'OUL, FRANK MILLIGAN, Gea'l Sup't. (ien'lFrt, i-l'BM. ik't, Marquette, Mlch. Marquette, Mlcli. f 1CH1GAN CENTRAL KA1LKOAD. Time Table, Nov. 12, 1882. OOINQ WEST. STATIONS. . Í f! Ü SS S _ AU. A.U. P. II. P. V. P. M.IP. H. i. M Betrolt.. Lt 7 OU 9 35 6 55 4 03 8 00 9 50 4 00 G. T. Jnnc... 7 15 9 55 6 10 4 20 8 15 10 10 4 15 Wayn June. 7 55 10 24 6 4Ï 4 4' 8 45 10 40 4 44 Vpullautl.... 8 23 10 48 7 06 5 05 'J Ui 11 U5 15 AnnXrbor.. 8 45 1100 7 24 5 22 9 2j 11 17 5 19 Deitr 908 If 48 6 39 9 41 .... i 36 Chelsia 9 ?5 . .. . 8 05 6 6a 10 00 . 5 60 GrassXake.. 9 60 8 32 6 12 10 30 .... 6 13 "K. P. M A. M. Jackson June 10 10 8 55 6 38 JackBOn 10 20 12 15 ë 6 55 1105 12 45 7 02 Alblon 1104 12 600 7 42 1156 122 7 42 Mareoall .... 11 6U 1308 8 08 12 20 1 43 8 C6 P.M. ¦ Battle Creek. 12 19 1 55 8 41 12 47 2 02 8 32 A.M. Galesburg. . 12 63 .... i 11. 9 15 1 17 9 OU Kalmnuzoo.. 113 2 36 4 50 9 35 136 2 45 9 18 Lawton 162 6 25 2 13 9 50 Decatnr. ... 2 07 5 42 2 32 10 05 Dowagiae... 2 21i 6 07 2 67 ... 10 27 NUes 2 65 4 04 6 50 3 27 4 15 10 52 Buchanan. . 3 08 7 0; 3 42 1105 ThreeOaks.. 3 38 7 27 .... 4 12 ... 1182 NewBuffolo. 3 53 4 52 7 40 4 35 1145 Mlch. City.... 4 23 5 18 8 08 ... i 03 5 28 I M Lako 5U 6 02 8 54 6 51 6 18 105 Kenslngton. . 6 10 6 50 9 46 6 40 7 1(1 2 00 Chicago.. Ar 6 50 7 40 10 3a 7 80 8 10 1 60 OPINO AST. 3 I 2 K ' -2 „¦ STAflONS. . kS H H.SS -S ï ri a-g .sa aa ; ? 9L z H ïë sfi g A M. .M. P. U. i'. M, P M. P.M. CjIcko. ..Lt 6 45 9 00 3 40 5 15 9 10 3 30 Kenslngton . 7 35 il M) 4 30 .... 6 00 ld CO 4 2 lake 8 17 10 27 5 13 ... 0 60 10 40 Mich. City... 0 03 1113 6 00 ... 7 38 1183 f. 3 1 New UutTalo. 9 27 1133 6 25 1165 Throo Oiiks. . 9 42 6 40 A.U Buchanan... 10 30 p. M. 7 06 . . 12 32 Nllea 10 ï5 12 18 7 37 .... 9001245 1127 Dowagiac... 1153 8 00 ... 1 iv Decatur .... 1118 .... 8 33 137 Lawton 1135 8 63 14 P.M A.M Kalamazoo.. 12 12 1 38 9 30 6 50 10 25 2 3. 7 Gatesbura.. . 12 33 a 7 os Bnttle Creek. 103 2 15 jo 7 3S1108 320 81 Marshall .. 1 50 3 00 $ SOllas 3 4U 83c Alblon 2 13 3 21 ;¦ 8 3Í1IÍ5 412 A.M. A.M Jackson... L.V 3 0A 4 05 7 05 9 30 12 40 5 00 9 2H GnifS Lake.. 3 32 .. 7 28 '.) 5'! . 5 25 Chelsea 3 5! .... 7 50 10 07 ... 6 50 Dexter 4 15 . 8 03 10 la .... B 0i Ann Arbor.. 4 37 5 07 8 25 10S4 2 05 6 "6 10 2e Ypsilantl.... 4 56 5 8 43 10 45 2 20 411041 WajneJunc. 6 20 5 45 9 OS 11 08 2 44 7 0'. G, T. June.. 6 0J 6 15 9 45 1135 3 20 7 45 112 Detroit C 16 630 1000 1150 ,1 35 8 Ou 11 4 Sunday ticeptei I tSatuiday & 8undy" tOally. oxceptcd. O. W. RDOOLKS, D. B. LBDTAHD, O. Jt. t T. A., Om. Su-t, Detroit. 1Th7h. Boyfan & Co., PAINTERS and Dealers In French, American & Plate Glass. Sign Writing, Paper Hanging. ' ting, Prescoiug, etc. liiJIáiiiJtJoOIoon , W. TREMAIN. Insurance Agency amen ver Casper Rinsey's Groeery Store, ] COR. HURÓN AMD FOTJRTH 8T. íorth British Insurance Comp'A [ (Of London and Edlnburg) Capital 18,000,000, Qold. )etroit Fire and Marine Ins. Co. J CaihAweU 600,000 pringfleld Ins. Comp'y of Mas.. J CaBhAneto.... f 1300,00a ,pn0, loward Ins. Co., of Nw ïorli, Ph Cash Ati....i,ooo,000. Si gricnltural Insurance Comp'j WATEBTOWN. . . NKWYOBK, CaahAwets ,.tl20OO0O ' JöWiBlJfflBWjMiLBiiDp'u, pan An


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