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A CARD TWEXTY-NIIÏU YE ARS. I connncnccd tlic Mcrcaiilllc liícTwcnly-nino Ycarsaeo,and lí-í'ii ji iiiai a chance ii necei -:n for ni) heallh I thall retire Trom retatí lol hiñe Business, 011 o about .lulj lst, 1883. ín HÚC rcspecls It i wlth relucían c ilmi i goontof active business Uut I have deeided after careftitly thinking the matter ovcrtluit it ín lite Ihlng for me to do. Tlie way I Kliall procced Is as follows; flrt,toglvc my frlcnds and patrón who llave stood ij ni Tor no many years (during iny slay in Aun Arbor,) a benefit hy making a great reduction on my cutiré stock, by selling for the next Nixty days at rctall. Tlien I will beready toreceive propositions froui anyone for balance oí' stock, store room and good will of the concern. my stock conslsts of a large and wcll select ni Une of rcadyniadc Clothing, Hats, Caps, and Gents Furnishing Goods, etc. Tcrms of sale will bc cash on all siims of twenty dollars and undcr. All amountsoi er twenty dollars, six mouths time wlll be givcn on approved notes. I hope especially all my old customers will avall themselves of i!ii. opportunity to buy goodü chcap. Sale to comiucncc April 18lh, 1883. J. T. JACOBS, the Clotbicr, 27 & 39 .s. naiii SI., Ann Arbor. ¦FOR SALE. SASH AND BLIND FACTORY, Near M. C. Freigüt Depot, forraerly owned by W'Illiam Noble, deceased. A. L. (Hïi.i:. Adininistrator. 1140-1143 DEATH'S SHAF1S. fleurt DiMraNf In Canal ng them (o l'ly Thlek and Fast. Illuxlrative lnstanees of Inil.v Tcl-craphlc lií-i.iií, I,.-.. From Cleveland Herald. New York : The editor of the World was notified by Treseott that Gen. Hurlburt, late United States Minister to Peru, died suddenly of' disease of the heart at Lima. Sandusky, O.: Peter Zorbe, aged 22, was found dead in bed this inorning; he retired at 10 o'clock last night apparently in perfect liealtli. The wife of Peter Fraze, of Chippewa, died yery suddenly last night ; slie was In apparent good health and ate a liearty supper before retiring. Kenyon,O.: A'iuait named Brown, while uuloading ties at the C. &, A. railroad yesterday, suddenly dropped dead. Mount Vernon, O.: M ra. John Crowl dropped dead this morning in Tudor's grocery ; haait disease the cause of her sudden demise. Falmouth, Ky.: Mr. W. W. Williams, a farmer living uear liere, feil dead at his plow. He was 50 yeais of age; heart disease was the cause. Mr. Niece, of Kinsman, Oliio, carne in the house froni doing chores, lay down on a lounge, and immediately expired, it is supposed from hearldisease. Erie, Pa. : A farmer named John Herskey, living near liere, dropped dead thi ,mirning as he aróse from the breakfast table. Rev. L. Hamilton, pas tor of the Independent church, Oakland, (Jal., died suddenly yesterday morning in the pulpit while delivering his discourse. Intense excitementhas beencaused bythe article headed " Suddeu Deaths" inlast Suturday's issue. Probably there never was an article published in our columns that hasawakencd the interest and set even the most Indifferent person to thinking as the oiin mentioned, for it is a matter of vital importance, not only to those sufferiüg with some form of liver, kldncy or stomach trouble, but to those apparently in perfect health, as while the formcr are in great datiger, the latter are very liable, as it often attacksthem without the slightest premon ilion. Those ot our readers who neglected giving the article careful readln should not fail to read it again. The terrible facts are before us, and are proven in every day's paper, that the people are dying rapidly and guddenly with heart disease, and it goes without saying that physicians aa well as the people throughout the country are more seriounly alarmen eoncerning this disease titan that of any other,and well it miglit be drcaded.fbr who is there that ui;iy not be iiffected at any moment, without previons knowledjje? Consiqiiently the slightest indloalions we have at any time that oursystem is not in perfect cotidjUon should be a solemn warnng to prompt usatonce toseek that which will not only cure but prevent the ocenrrence of this terrible complaint. Our interest has become greatly awakened on this subject, because it is a sorrowful thought to kuow that so many are afllicted with this disease, and it should be b1 ought out vividly before the people. We have taken the trouble of again interviewing Mr. White and Mr. Austin personally for our benefit as well as others in reference to their remarkablo statements and to satisfy ourselves wiiether our lirst report had not, to some extent, boen exaggerated regardiug their sickness, but on thecontrary we found thatthey werc even in a more critical condition than had been stated, and they most emphatioally declared that the reinedy knownas VonTagan's Alaxine cuied them. Now reliable testimony published of this charactcr from two such gentlemen of candor and veracity as these, must, it sterns to us, convince the most prejudiced that Vou Tagan's Alaxine has great remedial virtue and power, and that it will do all that is claimed for it. Therefore we ask your serious consideratlon when we advise the immediateuseof the great Germán remedy, Alasine, for the livcr, kidneys, stomach and heart affections. We make this broad assertion based upon the best evidences of its curative propeities, that we believe within the space of but a few months Vou Tagan's Alaxine will be adopted and considered by every family in the land as the best remedy science has yet originated, both for old and young to keep the system in health, the people havlng alwaye needed such a remedy. That remedy they now have. The fullowiug is important information eoncerning Von Tagan's Alaxine. It is an elegant pharmaceutical preparation composed of costly roots, herl.s and finest French brandy, and while t is a remedy of great power, yet it ent be jjiven with impunitytothe most delicate child. Patients suffering with sick headache will find it a specific for this complaint. As a laxativc and cathartic for the treatmeut of recent or ehronic constipatioii this remedy Is absolutely perfect. lts eíücacy for indigestión and all stomach troubles, as a tonic, atid for dispelling the lassitude ihcidental to the spring and summcr season, is remarkable. Alaxine is a very econoinical remedy to use, as each bottle coiitains one hundred doses, and to those in health its use is advised in teaspoonful doses three or four times a week, just before dinner or before retiring. This will keep the system healtliy by assistiug digestión and keeping the bowels regular. Patienlü affiicted with coinplaiuts mentioned on the label of each bottle of the remedy are requested to use it in teaspoonful doses three tunes daily before eatingand occasionally iust before retiring, and Uke all sterlins? remedies, it should be given a systematic and protracted trial if not at once remedial. We feel that this great remedy will save many of our readers money, sickness, perhaps life, by preventing the occurrence of heart disease and by the cure of all diseases for which it is recominended. Therefore we urge you to procure a bottle of Alaxine at once on the guarantee every dnig"ist gives as authorized by the proprietors, until further notice that you may taste and see for yoursel ves, without money and without price, if you do not reeeive positive benefit.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News