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lnlorniation has been received to the effect tbat on April 19, Gerónimo, one of the ctiiefs of Juh's Apaches, captured Professor A. ï . Bandelier, of the American Arehfflologieal Inetitute, 8. F. Balder, of Tueson, anda MexicaJr, near the villagc of San Cristóbal in the State of Sonora. The Apaches took the prisoncrs iuto the mountains and it ia nearly certain that thcy have been imirdered. Professor Bandelier tas been iuvestigatlug the Indian quarries in New-Mexico and Arizona for several years. His fathu and famiiy live at Highland, 111. The Rev. Dr, C. B. Boyuton, aged 77, died in Cincinnati a few days ago. He eerveii as pastor of the Vine Btreet Congregational church in that city 25 years, also preached in eastern churches, and served two terms as ehaplain of the house of representatives at Washington, beginning in 1S65. Alex. Sullivan, of Chicago, was elected president of the Irish National Society, and Rev. Dr. Reilly of Detroit was made treasurer. Gen. Raum, commissioner of internal revenue, has resigned hisposition, greatly to the surprise of everyone conneeted with the departi".ent. President Arthur wab very much surprised by this action of Gen. Raum. md asked ior an explanation, speaking of Ramn's remarkable success, and aaid that he ippreciated his services in the highest degree and regretted the loss of so valuable an offleer. laum's reasons for resigning are purely oí a jersonal nature, and everything is harmonious jetween liimself and the other members of the cabinet. The General will at once resume the practico of law iu Washington. Only six ex-congressmon applicd for Jommlssioner Raunoi'a poeition In the t.hro ïour's following his resignation. Iutcrnal revenue receipls iu March ncreased $1,435,121 over March last year. The solieitor of the treasuiy has decidcd that the collector of customs at Brownsville, Texa6, has authority to arrest smugglers as well as to seize contraband goods. lt is esimated that the government loses annually about $500,000 by snmggling carried on along he Rio Grande. Agent McGillicuddy ofthoPine Ridge ndinn ageuey, Dakota, under date of April 19 frites the commissioner of Indiau affairs as folollowa: Rt-d'Clnud wishes to inforra his (reut atherlhat bis Ucart is good and his mlud transí i. a mi that hehnsdis covertd a gold mine on jis reservation and lutends to go mining with lii people when the weather btcomes fine. He does uut wish to be disturbed in the posseesion of the mine for 10 years The decrease in the national debt for April amounted to 3,500,000 The reasoa for thie sm?U amount is found iu the faet that $10,000,000 had been paid out for pensions duriug the nonth. The issue of standard silver dollars 'or the week ending April 28 was was $168,900. TIk ia trnnhlfi bef. ween those worthy gentleman, Secretary Teller and Senator HUI of Colorado. The Senator has written a letter, n wliieh he charges the Secretary with all sorts af mismanagoment. Mr. Teller nas not leplied to thelatter. Everything about the Treasury examination s flnished, and the United States owes extreasurer Gilfillan three cents. Ex-Senator Dorsey denies all of Judge Ltlley's allegations, and says he is willing to eubmit the caee to twelve "di6interested men." Cougressman Murch of Maine, who is interested iu the charges against Architect HUI, in a letter to Secretary Folger suggests the name of Solicitor Raynor of the treasury department as a member of the cornmittee of investigation. The appointment of Keim as chief examiner of the civil service commission is severely criticised and may be withdrawn. The president :ias not yet signed his commission. OENKRAL ITEMS. The object of tho convention of the national land league which met in Philadelphla, April 25, was to wind up the affairs of that organiaation and merge it into a similar body with a broader scope. As nów organized the league deals only with questions of land !aw, and not with those of national self-government. The new organizations will grapple with all of the6e important questions, and is to be afliliated witb the Irish national league of Ireland. A young colored fiend ncar Houston, Texas, was uadcr the impression that some boys in the nelghborhood were going to nog him. So flrmly fixed was this impression, that while playing with a boy named Curney Nelsou, he tied a rope around Nelaon's waist, and mountlug a horse he tied the other end of the rope to the saddle, and rode off líke a whirlwind, draggingj-oune Nelson after him until dcath relieved the Hltle sufferer.The fiend tben took a train for Houston, wnere bewas captured. Rear Adniiral Baldwin commanding the United States naval forces on the European station, has been ordered to proeeed with his personal staff to Moscow to attend the corona ion of the czar. Eliza Pinkston, who gained notoriety as a wltncss in 1875-0, died in jail at Cantón, Mies. A bilí is pending in the New York eglslature to pension the teachers' in the public schools of New York. It authorlzes the teachers to créate a pension fund with their own money, and is said to be favored by the majority of teachers. The bill provides for the retirement of teachers at the aee of 70. The Kentucky ministers' temperance convention ask the legislature to prohibit the sale of intoxlcatiug liquors within three miles of any church, uaiveroity, college, aeadcmy or school house in towns of less than 1,000 inhabi;ant. April 20 was observed as Memorial Day in the South. In all the larger eities business was entirely suspended, and the graves of ;he confedérate dcad deeorated with imposing peremoniea. Gen. Crook has been ordered to keep out of Mexico with his troops. A severc wind and hall storm passed over Louisiana and Tixas a few nights ago, and did an incalculable amouut of damage to growiug crope, as well as to buildings. In one eounty in Louisiapa seven persons were killed, and at Rock Chnrch, Texas, fout persons lost their Uves. The trial of William Goodeke, at Sheboygan, Wis., aged 19, for tbc murder of his brother, ended in a verdict of guilty, and he was senteneed to 6even years' imprisonment. The crime was a most eold blooded one, and caused uuusual excitement. About slx inonths ago the two boys, sons of an igncrant farmer, were seated at a table reading wben one diew the lamp nearer to bis side. This angcred the other and hard yjrd and blows folloived. The father interfered with a poker, when William rau out of the house, got a gun. and shot throuKh. the window, ktllingbis brother instantly. The uext day he went to the country store, bought some board and nails, with wliieh he uittde a rude collln. Father and sou dug a grave on the farra - under the fence so as not to lose any tillable land - and burled the murdered boy. Tbc crime was soon aftcr dlscovered, aud an attenipt made to prove the uiurderor insane. This tallad, aud the trial for murder ended as above. The jury were out eleveu hours. Kate Kane, the belligerent female lawyer of Milwaukee, who gaiued so iiiuch notoriety by throwing a glass of water in the iudge's face, is still in jail, and 6ayg sbe'll die liierc before she'll pay one cent fine, so there ! The New York board of aldermen unanimou9ly request the trustees of the Brooklyn bride to change the date of the foi-mal opening from the 24th Instant, the anniversary of thebirthof Queen Victoria, to the 80th, Decoration day. The Suprème Court of ühio, refused to grant a writ of error in the case of J. D. Watson, eonvicted of brlbine members of the Legislature. The sentence of the court to ini prisonment will be carriedout. Advices from the Red river valley and northern Minnesota, and Dakota repor seeding eonsiderably In advance of Jast year If the present favorable weather continúes th area of wheat sown In those 6ections will b niueh larger than last year. crxjyte. Capt. Phil B. Thompson, member o Congress from the eighth Kentucky district shot W alter Davis at Harrodsburg, Ky, a few days ago. The cause ís undue intimacy with Mr?] Thompson. The facts are about as f ollows Wh Phil Thompson started for Washtae ton last November Mrs. Thompson ac companied him to Cinclnnati, but was to go home the same night. She met Davis in the street. He supplied her with liquor and took her to St. Clair hotel to hia room. Later in the night the watchman founti her lylng in the corridor. The proprietor would have put her in the street but for recoLnition by hls wife. Next morning she was overwhelmed with shame on discovering her disgrace and lef t the hotel. Miss Buckner an inmate of the house wrote to Thompson telling of his wife's disgrace but said uothing of Davis' conduet, whereupon Thompson refused to further recognize her 86 his wife. The two men hsd not met until the day the fatal shot was fired. Thompson at once gave himaelf up, and was held by the judge in the sum of $5,000 to answer to the grand jury. OTHER LlAJVDS. The Chinege government has paid over to United States Minister Youug $60,000 principal and interest of claims for suppües furnisued during the Taipine rebelliona) ,, ae;o. Othc riiiuuui we umtedStatesagainst Cnma, aggregating about $200,00C, are promised epeedy setilement. The Lonclon Times in an editorial concernlng the Phlladelpbla convention, says, "it began with clap-trap of folly and malignïty and closed after the same fashion. The whole seoue, it say, would be palnful were it not supremely ridiculous. The only practical sugeestion made by the convention for Djuriug Gn;at Britais is the advice to the people of Ireland to buy nothlng fron. England unless obliged to. It is a confession of impotence wheu Irish matice is driven to such a paltry xpedient. which, if followed, would only lnjure lts adoptcrs. The lesson for Great Britain is to ignore Irishmen and to abandon the hope of briugin them to a better frame of mind 6y the continuance of umserited favors. They aavc already convinced the rest of the world that they are unflt to have uational independ¦nce and they must be made to feel the strong land cf thelaw." The trial of Fitzharris, known as "Skin the Goat," began in Dublin the other day. He is one of the alleged principáis in the murder of Cavendish and Burke. The prlsoner pleaded not guilty. The case for the prosecution was optned bv Mr. Porter, attoruey reneral for Ireland. Heargued that although Fitzharris didn't pcrsonally stab Mr. Burke yet ha was cognizant of the act and was am imDlement of murder, as he droveoff the assassins rcd-handed. The aérense will endeavor to prove that Fitzharris merely drove the murderers in the eourse of his avocationas a cabdriver and didn't know what the object of the errand was. The real name of "Featherstone," one of the alleged dynamic conspiritors In custody in Dnblin, is Edmund O'Brien Kennedy. It is stated that he has turned informer and Is giving information to the authoritles touching %ie doings ef the conspirators. The Londou Times says: The gov't. has obtained information in the course of t 8 recent inquiries that the enrolled members of Fenian organization in the United kingdom number 150,000, and there are besides distict off-shoots of Fenianism, such as vigllauts and invfncibles. Eugene Kingston, who was arrested at Liverpool and taken to Dublin, was a member of both these branches. Such doublé membership is unusual. There are besides secret sessions affiliated with the American dynamite party. The polloe have accurate information regarding the movements of the oonspirators, and it is expected further revelations will be made. The cab-driver Fitzharris.on trial on the charge of being one of the principáis in the Phoenix Park murders, was acquitted. No wltnesses were called by the defense. The evidenee against Fitzharris was that given by the iuformers. He was, besides, identified by the defendants' witnesses, who swore they saw bim in the park May 6. Mclnern' opened the argument for the defense. He dwelt on the Eact that the accusation that the prisoner was in the park with knowledge of the errand of of the murderer rested on the cvidenoe af the informor alone. He particularly pointed out that although Peter Cary swore that the prisoner had recounted the ciremnstances of the murder to him, his narrativo of the assas6ination had differed from the ascertained facts. He closed with a patriotic appeal to the jury to restore the Door man to hiu starving ïamily, with a good name, which was his sole possession The jury returned a verdict of not guilty. Fitzharris was at once re-arrested on the charge of consplracy to murder, and taken back to jail to await trial. There is a code of the English criminal law which gives tLe orosecutor the right to ask for a new trial, and to repeat thls request uutil a conviction is secured. Queen Victoria will not open the international flsh exhtbition, but will leave that honor to the Prince and Princess of Wales. Many awards are made to persorjs who have suffered by reason of violations of law in Ireland. Lady Mount Morris and Mrs. Blake each receivc L3,000 for the murder of a busbaud.


Ann Arbor Courier
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