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FROM THE OLD WORLD. From the great London (.Eng.) Tim". Among the many peciflcs introduced to the public for the cure of dyspepsia, IndlgestloD, derangements of varlous kinds, and aa a general famlly medicine, none hav met withsuch genulne appreciatlon as Hop Bitters. Introduced to thls country but a oomparatlvely short Urne slnce, to meet the great demand for a pure, safe and perfect famlly medicine, they have rapldly increased In favor, untll lhey are, without question. the most popular and valuable medicine known. Itn world-wlde renown is not due to the advertising lt bas recelved ; lt Is famous by reason of lts inherent virtues. lt doe all that is clalmed for it. lt dlsobarges lts curatlve powers without any of the evil effects ol other bitters or medicine, being perfectly safe and harmless for the most frall woman, amallest child, and weakest invalld to use. Few are the homas Indeed where the great discovery has not already been hailed as a deliverer and welcomed asafriend. It doei what others ailect to do. Composed of simpie materlals, lt Is a marvel of delicate and successful combinatlon. Nothlng is wanting. Every ingrediënt goes straight to the mark at which lt is almed, and never fails. Pleasant to the palate, agreeable to the stomach, aud thoroughly effective as a cure, ithas won for ltself the confldence of all.- limes, London, Eng. A Few Unsollclted Letters From Tl ¦ salida Received. Feb. 9, 1882. I have tried experimenta on myself and others wlth Hop Bitters and can easlly recc imiiirml them as a pleasant and efflcaclous medicine. I have íound them speclally useful in cases of congestión of the kidnty as well as In blliotu derangement. Rkv. J. Miï.ner. M. A., Rector to the Duke of Edinburgh. U. 8. Consulate, Manchbstkr, Bno., Nov. 8, '82. Gentlemen :- Slnce writine you of the ereat benefit I bad derired from taking " IIop Bitters." I L'tivi! a friend a bottle, who bad been snlTering mach from dyspepsia and slugeish üver. and the change was marvellous ; hñ'appeared another being altogcther. He had tried several other remedies without any benefit. I couid name over a dozen other miraculous cures AiiTauK C. Hall, Consular Clerk. London, En ., Supt. 1, 1882, I ara pluaeed to testify to the good effects ol " Hop Bitters." Have been sufferlng a 'orir time wlth severe pain in the left side and across the lotns nnd, hivinj; triert a nnmbor of wo-called remedffit without any benefit, I am i'l.i'i to acknowleyse thi) great relief I have obtaine'i trom your medicine. Chakles Watson. Colcorstbh, Eng., Aug. 18, 1882. Gentlemen: - I was troubled with a very bad torm of indieetion for a long time, and tried many thinsr in v.ifn antil I got Borne Hop Bitiera." and on takinf; was qnite cured, and remafn no till thïa timu. It is now tbree months ago since T was bad. F. Bill. From Rev. J. C. Boycs, M. A. Oct. 30, 1882. Dear 8irs :- I have lately flnished my flrst bottle of " Hop Bltte s." After hav'ng for many ear euffered ucutely from rheumatic gout (lnherited) I Teel so ïnuch bitter, and eau walk so niuch mor ¦ frecly, ghnujd like to coDtinue the useot it. I write to at-k how many boules you will let me bavc for L1, so that I mas alwuyp have gome in etock. Froui Ould Ireland. Hop Bitters Co. Dublin, Nov. 22, 1882. Gentlemen :- You may be Interested to Ititrii thiit one of the most eminent Jud re i the Irlsh bench (a customer of mine) hlghly approves of your Hop Bitters, hoving ireceived great beneñt from their use. T. T. Holmes, Chemist. Alexandria Palacf, i London, Eng., April 18, 1882. f I flnd Hop Bitters a most wonderful medical combtnation, healthful. blood-purifying, and strengthenlng. I can from aualysis, as well as from medical knowledge, hlghly recommeud them as a valuable family medici ne. Bakbara Wallacb Uothahü, öupt. London, Eno., Feb. 1, 188-2. Gentlemen :- For years I havo heen a sufferer from kidmy complaint, and frora ustng your Hop Bitters am entirely cured, and eau recommend them to all sufferlng from sucli disease. William Harkis. Sheffield, Eng, June 7, 1882, 81 r :- Havingsuffered from extreme nervous debility for four years, and baving tried all kinds of medicine and change of scène and air without deriving any benefit whatever, I was persuaded by a friend to try Hop Bitters, and theeffect, I am happy to say, was most marvellous. Under tliese circumstances 1 feel ilmyduty to glvethls testimonial for the benefit of others, as I may say I am now entirely well ; tuerefore I can justly aud with confldence glve personal testluiouy to any one wiahing to cali upon me. Yours trajy, uenry Hall. Nobwich, Eng , June 20, 1882. To the Hop Bitters Co. Gentlemen :- Having suffered for many years from blliousness, accompanied wilh sleknoss and dreadful headache (belnggreatly fatisuud with overwork and long hours at business), I lost all energy, strength and appetite. I was advlsed by a friend in whom I had seen such beneflclal effects to try Hop Bitters, and a few bottles have quite altered and restored me to better health than ever. I have also recommended it to other frlends, and am pleased to add with the like result. Every claim you make for lt I can fully endorse, and recommend it as an incomparable tonic. Yours faithfully, S. W. Fitt. From Germán) . Katzenbaohof, Germán y, Aug. Ï3, 1881. Hop Bitters Co. DearSlrs:- I have taken your most preolous essence. Hop Bitters, and I can already afterso short a time, assure you that I feei much better than I have fait for months I have had, during the courie of four years three times an lnflammatlon of the kidnevs The last, in January, 1880, was the wort ; and I took a lot of medicine to cure the same in consequence of which my stomach Rot te'rribly weakened. I suffered from enormoui pains, had to bear great torments when takiug nourishment, had sleepless niehts but none of the medicine was of the least use to me. Now, In consequence of taking Hop Bitters, these palnsand lnconventence have entirely ieft me, I have a good night's rest an.'i, am safioiently strengthened for work while I always had to He down durine thè r.a.y',a,nd tbls almst every hour. I shall tliink lt my duty to recommend the Bitters to all who suffer, for I am sore I cannot thank tlie Lord enough that I came across your preparation, and I hope He will maintaln you a long time to come for the welfare of suirering mankind. Yours very truly, Pauline Haussler, Gebr. Rosler. From Portugal and Spain. Gentlemen :- Though not In the habit of praising patent medicines, which are for the most part not oniy uxeless but injurious, I have constantly used Hop Bitters for the past four years In cases of indigestión, debility, feebleness of constitutlon, and in áll dlseases caused by poor or bad ventilation, want of lr and exerclse, orerwork and waulof appetlte, with the most perfect success I am the flrst who Introduced your Hop Bitter in Portugal and Spain, where they ire now used very extensively. Yours very S yV . lBaron DkFontk Bei-la, rnMtToKrtlg-ar16' C" STILÏTÜÖRE PARLOR mm PATENT ROCKERS, ! ESTO., nmm?mw. h u AT a. o ÍOCH & HALLER'S j o 52 S. Main and 4 W. Liberty Sts.


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