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To tli" p'fp'" r)f w'ii''il'"!lw CniteelDO o 1. bn-y ihan to slt down iiiI bf idle. We are not oiiij: " r MIN nCi"i' wc are nol jfoiiiK l leavc town, we are nol ffOlflff o il down and do notliin norwlll we allow eorcnitonen to boy old shop warn faderi Rood wlien we can give tliem nlce new spring styles in ClotliiiiK, Hat & Cap pooitively at cosl. We must be l)u'. Look at our cost adver SIIEEHAtt&lO. HATiTS Vegetable Sicilian HAIR RENEWER was the flrst preparation perfectly adapted to cur diseases of the scalp, and the flrst successful restorer of faded or gray 'iair lts natural color growth, and youthful beauty. It has had man imitators, but none have so fully met all the re quirements needful for the proper treatinent of thehairand scalp. Uai.i.'s IIaiu Rknkwkk ha steadily grown In favor, and spread it fame aD usefulne8S to every quarter of the globe. lts uu paralleled success can be attributed to but on cause: the entire J'uljilmenl of its promites. The proprietors have often been surprised at th receipt of orders from rnimie i-ountries, wher they had never made an ¦ö.irt for its introductiou The use for a short time of Hall's Haib Rexkwkk wondcrfully improves the persona appeíiraiico. It cleanses the scalp from all im purities, cures all huinorS, fever, and dryness and thus prevents baldnesa. It stimulates th weakencd glands, and enables thein to push for ward a new and vigorous growth. The effects of this article are not transient, Hke those of alcoholic preparations, but remain a long time, which makes its use a matter of econoiny. BUOKINGHAM'S DYE FOK THE WHISKERS WIB change the beard to a natural browtl, o black, as desired. It iroduces a permanent colo that will not wash away. Consltting of a singl prepiiration, it is npplied without trooble. PKEPARED BY E. P. HALL & CO., Nasliun, X.H Sold by all Dealers in Medicines. tFOR ALL THE FORMS ScrofnloiiR, Mercurial, and Blood Disorder, the best reinedy, because the mos eearching a:nl thnrougii bloodAyer's Sarsaparilla. Sold bj all Drnggists ; fl, six bottles, $5. MffiHETICjpDICIHi[. SnrffBRAlN &NERVE FOODjSSÏ A cure Ganranteen in all Caes For lil and Yonng. ïll' and K'niiil MAGÍTETI U i:i:'Z ; a Brain asi Korvo ïoed Unfailing anl Positivo Curo. Tones up the debilitatei ayölem, arrests all involuntary discharges, remove mental gloom aDd despondency. and restore woi derful power to the weakened orgHns tLT V't each order for twelve packngets accompauied wit (We dollars, we will send our Guarantee to reran the moiifyilthe treatmeut does not efl'ect cure It Is the Cheapeetamt Best Medicine in the marke Full particular in Pamphlet, which we mail Iree to arijr addrea?. Sold by all Drnegists, one package 5( cents; Six for $2.50, or ent by mail on rrreipt o price. by addressing the MAÓNETIO UECIOniE CO Tlotroit. Mich. Gtiaranteee isued in Ann Arbo by C. K. IIOLMES, Uook Hotel Block. 11IÍ5-85 Conimissioncrs' Notire. STATE ÓP MICHIGAN, County of Washtena ss. The underaigned having beeD nppointed b the Probattó Court tbr said cuunty.Commissioners t ol al) persons against thö esfate of Calvin Wheeler lateoi said couuty,decea8ed,hereby give notice tha six months from date are allowed, by order of saü Probate Court, for creditors to present, their claim arainst the estáte of eiid deceased, and that the' will meet at the store of Georee 8. Wheeler in the vlllage uf Salem, in taid county, on Friday the tweuty-seventh day of July, and on Saturday the twenty-eeventh day ofOctoher next, at, ten o'clocl a. m. of each of paid da}, to receive, examine an adiust yaid claims. Dated. April 27 18aS. 8S& íiííf ¦C-miss.oners 1141-1144 Notice to Creditors. QTATE OP MICHIGAN. County of ONotice is hereby given.thut by an order of iheProbateCourt for tlieöonuty of Washteuaw.made on the twenty-thi rd day 1 1 Ai iril A. D. 1883,six months from that date were aliowed for creditora to present thelr claims agf.inst the estáte of William Noble, late of saiil county, deceased, aud that all creditors of said deceased are requin-d to presenttheir claims tosaid Probalu Conrt, ai the Probate Office in the Jity of Aun Arbor, for exauiination and nllowance onlor belorethetwenty-tiiirdday of Ocioher, Belt, and that sucb claims will he heard bafore said court, on Monday, the twen'y-third day of July, and on Tnesday.the twenty-third day of October next,at ten o'clock in the forenoou of eaco of said davo Dated Aun Arhor, April 23, A. D. 1883 WILLIAM D. HAKKIMAN, 1140-1143 Jadee of Probate. Estáte of Josepli Scbnnbel. OTATK UP MICU1QAN. County of Waehtenaw At a session of the ProbateCourt for theConnty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office.iu thecity of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the twenty-third day ol „Apiil, in tlie year one thouxand eight hundred nd eighty-three. Preaent, William O. Harriman, Jndge of Hrobate. In the matter of the estáte of Joseph Schnabel doceased. Ou reading aud flling the petltiou duly venfled, of Paul Schnabel, praying that adminislration of said eetate may be granted to nimselt or some other suitable persou. Thereupou it is ordered, that Saturday, the nineteenth day of Mny next, at ten o'clock in the forenoou, be asaigned for the hearing of aald petitlon, and that the helrs at law of 'aid deceased, and all other persons iutereeted in said estate,are required to appear at a session of said court then to be holden at the Probate Office.iu the city oí Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be whv the prayer of the putitioner should uot be eranted. And it Is further ordered. that said petitioner give notice to theiersons iuterested in said estáte of the peudency of said petitioii, and the hearinj thcreof, by ,cansing a copy of this Order to be pubnshed in Hie Ann Arbor Courier, a newBpaper printed and circulated in said county three sacce'Hive weeks previou to said day of hearing. (A trúe copy.) WILLIAM D. HAKUIMAN, wm ra iïitv o k „ Jud:e of Probate. WM. G. DOTY. Prohnt Register. 1140-1143 Etate of Olivo Jme YVinslow. gTATEOF MICniGAN.Connty of Ata seasion ol the Probate Conrt for the County ol Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the Uní o A,"n-, A.nb0rA OU Ion tue 8eenth i. y a v n, thev year one thousand eight ÏESSSLffitS&gss. Prüeent wmum DIn the : mntterof theesMte of Olive JaneWinslow '' dereaaed. On reading and flling the pi-tition dul veriaed, of Simon Win.low, prnying that" cerUin nstrument now on file lu tbla court nurportiiiE to 1 be the m will and testament of ,-aid áeceased ma, be admitted to probate, and that he may be áu poiuted executor ihereof. y e ap Thereuponit is ordered, tbat Moniiay, the four. ' eenth doy of May next, at ten o'clock in the orenoon, be assiguod for the hearing of suld ueti " tion.and that the deviseee, lecatees aiïd heirs at law of said deceaaed, and all other persons interes'ed ií said éstate, are required to app.-ar at a session öf ?ald court, then to be holden at the Probate office n the city of A nn Arbor, and show cause, if nny I StórS9 "- HSBl aho'ulá t And It is further ordered, that said MtHtoou eive lotice to the persons intereated in tala est ot he jendency of said petition, aud the hearing ttierJof - nV1ari„rib„d0Zi„%%rr'ZecresPsteteweae .rev.ous tosa.d day of heaVing. (A trm copy ) WILLIAM D. HAKKIMAN. M n noTv n v Judee of Probate. M. U. DOTY, Probate Register. 1139 1142 Estáte of John W. TVhitlark. TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw. J .iLh?8'011 L th,e Probatc t;ourt for the County Í ¦1 Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in thï I íinTeronT SSSWSS In the matter of the estáte of John W Whitlart Thereupon it is ordercd.ihat Siturday nine senth day of May instant, at ten ocl ck in X" jrenoou, be assigued for examining aud 'lmv í uch account, and that the oevise," ê -,wèes „"h eirs at law of aiid deccaned, and uil',, h?i . fl lterested in said catate are rvu ir,ñ , lerens xount hould not bc.lCi Ái d iíis ín Td rdered, that said administratrix give „n cJ n íh f uraona interestcd in said i-Btati. r 1 e rsaid account, and the hearing he?Ltlblhfenrtcl.'cJr W0t this order to be published 'i h " ii to aaid day ofearing! " A true coov " P"Vl" william r iiÁkhEBÍÍi WM. O. DOTY, Probate SáSS? f fn .íi


Ann Arbor Courier
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