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THE DINGEE & CONARD COS BEAUTIFUL EVER-BLOOMING; ROSES i o e ,_ dn t n r i llltlii tíi ilute UlOOin, GS i2'? 'L 4 i lneredcafelyl.ymail 79" 10.' 100" 13.) PoatI"üdtoalliolnti IlT Pllll" ¦ Handnome PRESENT of WUr li I II r Cholee and valuable ROMES ¦ ¦ UI ¦ ha freO with every order, aud are the only concern makitiir n SPKt'I A I. HUKlncin of Kokos. OverfïO lirt lïousesfor Kospm alone. Our N(?v nils ' co,npleie Trtuf pnp on the Rose, 70pp, elegant'y illuetrated,êenl f w B THE DINCEE & CONARD CO. KoseUrowers, WestGrove.ChesterCo.Fa 1128-1144 GET YOUIt PROPERTÏ IKSURED BY C. XI. MIX.X.EÏT, INSURANCE AGENT, No. 4 S. Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldeEt agency in the city. Eitabllehcd a qa-irter of a centnry agn. Kepresentiug the follovviug first-clas companies: noDie Insurance Co., of N. Y .$ 7,000.000 Continental Insuram e Co., ol N. Y 4,17.2Ü6 Niágara Insurance Co., of N. Y 1,735 563 Girard Insurance Co., of Phila 1,132,486 Oriënt Insnrance Co., of Hartlord 1,419,522 Commercial Union, of Londou 12,000,000 EST Kates Low. Losscs liberall; udjustcd aud promptly paid. C. H. Millen. 11 15-1 HO SCROFULA and all scrofulous diseases, Soreft, Erysipelas, Sczeuia, Blutcltes, lUngworm, Tumors, Car buncles, Uuils, and Eruption of the Skin, are the direct result of au iuipure state of the blood. To cure these diseases tlie blood must be purifled, and restored to a liealthy and natural condition. Ayer's Saksaparilla Uas for over forty years been recoguized by eminent medical authorities as the most powerful blood purifter in existcuce. It frees tlie system from all foul humors, curiches and strengtbeus tbe blood, rvmoTea all traces of mercurial treatinent, and proves itself a complete master of all scrofulous diseuses. A Recent Cure of Scrofuloua Sores "Some months ago I was troubled with pcrofulous sores (ulcers) on my legs. TUo linibs were badly swollen aud inflnnied, and tlie sores discharged larce quantities of offensive niatter. Every remedy I tried faileï, until I used AYBM'fl suiMriKii.ii, of whioh I have now taken thres bottles, with the result that the sores are healed, and my general health greatly iniproved. i feel verygrateful for the good your medicine hnsdone me. Yours respectfully. Mits. Axx O'Uiiiax." 148 Sullivan St., New York, June Ü4. 18C2. y All pemons interested are invltpd to cali on Mrs. O'Brian ; a!eo upon the It ¦ v . Z. P. Wllds of 78 EaBt 54th Str-t, Nw York rit v, wli o II take pleatture In t-st it hij: to the wonderfnl eftlcacy of Ayer's Sm -upai il la, not only in the cure of this lalv. lint In hls own case and niany otlicm witliln hla knowledge. The well-known icr'Ucron the Boston Utrald, B. W. Ball, of Uochester, A'.A.writos, June 7, 1W2: " Having suffered sevorely for sonic ears with Eczema, and having failed to llnd relkf from other remedies, I have made use, durlng tlie pant three months, of Ayek's Saksai-ahilla, which has effected a complete cure. I conslder it a lukgiiincent remedy ior all blood diseases." Ayer's Sarsaparilla stimulates and regulates tlie action of tlie digestive and assimilativc organs, renews aml 6trengthens the vital forcé, fmd speedlly cur-K Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Kheuniatio Oont. Catarrh, General Debllity, iuul all diseases arising from an impoverished or corruiaed onditionof the blood, and a weakened vitality. It is incomparably the cheapest bloo.l inedloine, on account of ttsconcentrateU strenglli, aud great power over disease. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer &. Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all DruggiüU; price f 1, li bottles for ÍD.