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Ireliabletestimont Philadei-phia, Pa , Sept., 6, J882. Hop Bittert Co. I am74 yearsold, havo lived Siyears in Phll adelphia, and well knowu anioiig Oermans I have been troublod 12 yeiirs with a whlt welling on my rlght foot, and gettlug wors. everyyear, and very painful, and breaklm out In hot weatner. I cousulted several doe tors and they told me It was Incurable and wovihl have to take lt with me in the grave 8ome time ago I lot my appetite, wascostlve had hcadacbe, and fever, in fact I was ven ¦lek. I saw in the Herman üemocrat that Hoi Bitters wa wbat I needed. I gota bottle, tooi lt one week and wan as well again as ever and to my greatest surprise rlght from tm flrgt, my swelling went down gradually and 1 taking another Bottle ot entirely well of lt The wlfe of my nelghbor had two such swell lngson her legs and three bottle cured lier I tliluk this is a great trlumph for your bit torn. JOHN 8TOLL, No. 4 Young's Alley, above Wlüow St. STIPP8HII.L, Ind., Nov. 13. 1881. Dkak Sms- I have read o much.about Hop Bitters and al wayx belng [arnicted with neuralgia, weakness, dlseased stomach, never having much health I trled a couple bottleH ; lt lias atrengthened and helped me more llian any medicine or doctor, lam now on. my third bottle and am thankful tbat it has helped me. I win advlse all that are affllcted to giveita trial. LUCY VAIL. Beat World. Uockvillk, Conn., March 6, 1882. Bi p Bitten Co. I have been taking your Hop Bitters for several week, and they beat the world, L. 8. LEWIS, Lewls' axies machine. Leetonia, Pa., April 13, 1882. Hop Bitters Co. 1 have not been well for three yeara, tried almiist everykind of patent mediclnts aud no less than aeveu doctors, one of Elmira, N . Y., none have dóneme iny good. Ifiually tried your Hop Bitters and found them ust the thlng. I nave praised them so liigliiy there Ih ii great number here who use them wilh great benefit aud satlhlaction. Very respectlully yours, B. HO.N'T, Gkntlemkn- The "Hop Bitters" meet with large sales aud give general saUslacllon, one case in particular you suould know of. Mr. John B. Oreen, 72S Spring Uarden 81., Phila., Pa,, has been sufferlug froui kidney aiïeclion, wiiich uperinduced rluuinatism. Hi; was obllged totake morphlne to Induce sleep; Mis trouble wassogreal. Keartlng your advertisement in tlie " Uhristiau at Work," he was jirrvaik'd upon by ono of hls daugliters to try lt. Three boules eSecled a uure, and now he is uu enthusiast lor "'Hop Bitters." Hels une of the oldest residents in the iocality named ; and kuowu as a gentleman o! unusiuu pro bity. HKNBY TOTTKJN, 672 North lOlh St., Philadelpuia, Pa. Offici Jklloway Mü. A. Associatiox, i JKL.LOWAY, O., Mar. 18, 'Ui. ) Hop Bitter Manufacturing Co, I have beeu uxlng your Hop Bitters and flnd them wbat you recouamend thein lo be for klduey disease. (viz., superior to all otilen.} J. JL. H1LDEKBRAND. Verlig", Vixzlness and hHimIik-v. Offic Utica Mohninq Ukiiai.ii I ütica, Feb. 18, 1SS2. ) I have been troubled with vértigo since last July.and have nutte red greatly every nlghl alter any cousiderable exeitiou from dl.zlness and ibllniiiiesH. I trled twu bottkw of Hop BiUers,.aud aluce tbeuthave been eullrelyrelievod. Kespectfuily yours, J.J. FLANIGAN. Sop Bittert Co. June 15.IÍ01. I have been sufferilijf live years past with neuralgia, llver complaint, dyspepsia and kidney eomplalnt, and I liave doctored wilii fourteen differeut doctors who did me 110 good. At last I trled Hop Bitters, and after using a few bottlea I recelved a greal benen1!, from them, and if I hd used Hop Biners re"ularly I would bare been well belore I knuw tbem to be tue beat medicine in the world lor nervous disease of all kinds JAMK-i COONTS, Beellngton, JJarbur County, V'. Va. w 'ickeil for Clergy men. "I belleve it tobe all wrougand even wlcked for ciergyraen or other public men to be led lutogivlug testimoniáis toquack doctors or patent medicines, but wheu a really ruerltorious artlcle componed of valuable remedies known toall, and thatall physlclans use and trust In daily, we should freely coramend lt, I therefore cbeerfully and heartlly coramend Hop Bitters for the good they have done me and iny friends.tirmly believing tbey have no equal for famlly use. I wlll not De without them. Rkv. B. R , Washington, D. C. A good Baptist clergyman of Bergen, N. Y astrong temperance man. suffered with kid' noy trouble,neuralgla add dlzzinessalmost to bllndness, over two years after he was advised tnatHop Bitters would cure hlm; because he was afrald of, and prejudiced against the word " bitters " Since hls cure he says none need fear but trust in Hop Bitters. Mywifeand daughter were made healthv by the use of Hop Bitters and Í recommend Meil-tO I7 pePle-Metuodlst Clergyraan, I had severe attack of Gravel and Kidney .rouble, was unable to get any medicine or loctorto cúreme until I used Hop Bitters nd they cured me in a short time- A dlstinÏÏ$SLaLSy.L$. temPeraoce orator Not enough to worry him: "I wish I knew what would prevent my food frorn distressim? me," said Mr. Lymph. "Mv ' dear fellow," exclaimed Fogg, ' come and stop a while at our boarding-house I can , assure you that all the food you get there won t distress you a partiële." i -uMy skin which has been covered uÖh , scaly sores, ha become clean, smooth and êoft as a lady's. My hands wore covered with lütU dry icabs. They have disappeared and I m bttter than 1 have beenfor ticentv years. using Dr. Benson's Skin Cure - M. Noble, Selnia, N. C., July 3, 1882. Swayne's Pilis- Comfortfn? to the Sick. Thousands die from neglect to properly treat impure blood, constipation, dyspepBia, malaria, apoplexy, liver, kidney heart distases, dropRy, and rheumatisin. But to the debilitated burdened with sucli serious sicknes?, we conscientiously recommend "Swayne's Pilis," whicii contuin medicinal properties possessed bv no other remedy. Sent by mail for 25 cents boxof30pills; 5 boxes. $1, (in stamps).' Address Dr. Swayne&Son, I'hiladelpiiia Pa. Sold by Drujigists. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. No other complalnts a so Uwidlous I thelr attack w th,e alfectiBg the ttrwt aul l„llgs . non9 t ed with by tke .ajorit oí suüer. tZ ornary Wugh coW, ,ultig perhap8 .om a tnttb,g .r ncoiiscious expomro, is ofte.i 1 ebt, begtouiBg a fatal 8ickIluM. avkr's Ouamy PKCT..BAI. bas well prov, it. ,fficacy in a „ hould be taken in all cn8es wlth.ut delaj . A Terrible Conglt Cured. hale and bearty and ut satislied .uv PKoXurrj.vyo'--'" ,. ,frOUP A Moth"-1 Tribute. .5, Wt tmt St., Newrïiy-" and coW ijo liave ever tried. A .1 CuAxírfi Lake Cryitsi; Mimi., March 13, 1882 ¦ Byhaüa, Mi9fi., April 5, 1" Wa"-" ' Palestlne, Te, April 2ï, Iggf BnA8-" I.o ase of an afcotlon .f Ui tkroat or lungs J exits whtoh caot b. .aMy relleved 1)v the Jo J Of AYO.' OllBWtY PBCTORA1, aiM it Wil] ahr„ys O wb„ the ákeaa. ta .t alr,ady byond ti e ontrol ( diciB. J J""alue o a 11U IAUli BY A Dr. 4. C.Ayw & Oo., Lowell, Mass. ï Sold ky all DrugglsU.


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