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THE NEW 1883 Gota Star ËStoYe! The latest improved atove In the market. The only stove made that has moveable chimneys. You can Sake, Broil, Boil, Heat Flatlrons, Waeh, Do anythtng that can be done on a cook stove, at a cost of about 3 CEÜTTS .A. 3D-A.-ST. NoHeat,NoSmoke,NoSmell! If you want an oil stove, the best and safet stove made, buy an 1883 COLDEN STAR! Wealsosell the 90LDIH STAB 3AC3LI3E 3T0VI. whloh hw several valnable improveraents lhi year. Seud for circular with prlcea. COULSON & MORHOUS, 115 Ho..ilsiJ A vi-.. - Detroit We are the only exclusive House-furnishlng Store In the state. Send us your address and we will mail you au Illustrated Catalogue, Gratis. 11381150 AYER'S Sarsaparilla ooras Bheunatisui, Neuralgia, Ilheumatlc -1 ,;, aeaeral lii-iiillt), 'aturrii. ad all ¦vinlan 4Ui4 by a tiiin aml ÍB)poverb)he4, or omptad, conditlou of tb blvod; expalling Ihe Wmtk [iirti i - from tlio v.-t-iu, euiehing :uul raaMrtag the bloód, and restoring ils viuitaing ym. Ünfeg a long period of unparalUled usefuliw, Atmi's Rarsai-arili.a lias proren itt perfect adaitatleu lo tb cure of all diseases origina ttuK in poor blood and a weakened vlia lity. It is a klk'IHv ruui-iwti'iituil extract of Sarsaparilla and other blood-pnrlfyinc roota, eoaabined with Iodid of Potauftium and Iron, and is tbe safest, most reliable, aal most econoniical bl(xxl-iuriflcr and blod-fool tliat can be used. Inflammstorr Kheiimatlsm Cnred. '¦Avkk's bas mrd ine i th I ntlaniiitatci y Klii-umul ihii, with wliieli 1 tMve sutfered for many years. W. H. Mooke." Durbain, la., March 2, 1882. " Llgbt ycars ago 1 had an attack of Rheuma t i mm so severe that 1 could not move from th bed, or dress, without belp. 1 tried weveral reniedia without much if any relief, uut il I i ik Aykb's Sahsaparilla, by'tlie us of two boules of whicb 1 was completely curel. 1 hav uot beea troubled witb the Kheunatisni since. llar sold large uantitiés of your Saksaparh.i.a, and it still retains its wonderful opularity. The mauy notable cures it hae effeoted in thiti vicinity convtDoe me tbat it Is the best blood medicine ever otfered to the public. K. F. Hadhi." ltlvrt St., Buuklauil, Mass., May 13, 18W. " I jist March I was so v eak from K-nrl deblllty tbat I couid not walk without help. KollowiDg thedvice of a friend, 1 cotnineaceil takius Avih's Sarsaparii.i.a, and before I had uea tbree bottles 1 feit as wel) as I t-verdidin mv liV. I bave been at wik now for two montbf. and Uiink yonr Sarsapaiuli.a the greatest blond medicine iu the world. .Tamks mavkakd.1' 620 West 42d St., Kew York, Jnly 19, 1882. Ayer's Sarsaparim.a cures Scrofula and 11 Scrofulouit Complaintd, li nip-li4, Kcr,-iiiH, Ringworm, Iilotcheft, Sors, HoJIk, Tumora, aiKl Krnptions of the tikin. liofcri tbe Mo4 of all impurities, aids digestios, Mtnu lates tlw actin of the bowels, and thus reatov Titalltj ad strengtbeix the whole system. PRBPAHBO BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mbm. Sold by all OruggisU: prico $1, sii bottla .


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