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BUSINESS CARDS. WILLIAM BIG6S, BUILDER. HOI: COBNEKCHUKCH AND ORLEAKSST. Ann Arbor. W. H. JACKSON, DENTIST, OFFICE: Over Bach & Abel's. Éntranos by first National tank. a WILLIAM HERZ, Hoose, Slgn, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER. :O: pnrlnl Glallng, Qliainc nd Cfclcimlnln? and SSfcofiwÏÏÈrtPt done in the b,.t .trie. and warranted to giïe iattsfnctlon. SHOP, If 0.4 WEST WASHIJi6T0 ST. Ann Arber. MlcMn. Stilt "deanTgodfrey&co., DECORATOES, 1OT A 160 Grlmolil 8t., Detroit. Fino Paper Hanglngs. Elegant Ceillng Decorations. Fine Friezes in all Widths. Houfo Shades and Rollers. A. larg varlety of room moulding and hooks. PHBSOO PAHTT1WG. We make a specialty of Storo Shades and we win furnlsh estlmates and samples of color on applicoUon. Shades fltted to roll f rom top or bottoin of the window on Statlonery or Traveling rollers. Will furnitli Opaque shading to the trade eut to measure. FKED BAJ1FORD & CO., FRESCO AUTISTS. Dealers ia Fine Wall Papers, Leather Papers, LINCRUSTA, Paper Ceiling, Decorations, Store Shades, Decorativa Picture Mouldlngs and Centres. Estimates given and designs submitted for Frescoing and Paper Decorations. 255 Jefferson Ave., DETROIT, Mich. VyiLLlAMSV.NlCHOlgga DENTIST! &# us UemoTcd To Bla NEW DENTAL BOOMS Onr Joe T. JacoDi' sif íniDsFwJÍÑKS PR1NTEI) ON SHORT NOTICE AT THE COURIER JOB ROOMS. Boek-hiixlin quickly dne uiul aUprograni', invitación, anti cardo tnuefiilly liniol. L. SÜTER, u U l L L s i III rt S L n , Has opcned a oliop lor Building and Repairtng Boilers Of every SescripUou, Stationary, Portable, Tbreshing Machino Boilers, and every variety of work kuown to the trade. Estlinates furnished for New Boilers on short notice. Shop Cor. Main and Cathsriw Sts., Opposite Courïer Oñice. J. BERRY, Tho Practical TAILOB, & GUTTER, Of the late flrm of WIVAN'S & BE11RY, has lo] cited his pli'-e of business at No. 7 HUBOlf STREWf, Wlth a fa)l line of SÜITINUS AND ÏHOUSERIXiS, Aid would say to hls old lrionds und new rne thtt 1f thcy want a Ui'od FU and a Nobby "It t Kaionable Pitees, cali on him and they wlll ba ure to net one. M BC Wm BI u„„u. . i" ¦" 1"" i HJJllTL1Rffiiru"iTa.i.lTRí: THE AKBOR Savings Bank, ANX AUHOIt, MIVUfUAy. Transaets General Banking Business. CAPITAL, 850,000. OrfiiDHuJ artiéli th General llanklüS Law of thl MfJS. the stocktu.ider ure Individual!? Hable for ui ililttic.nil -imjoui,! equnl to the ntock held by Uicm, Hi'feby tnërtat a Ouarantee B'und for the bsnKflt of Depoitor. of $100,000.00. Thrce per cenl. lnt'-rost 11 uüovud on all iafKB llt'i.iiu üf mie dotlnr and upwai(!8 :ir, oorolnt t' the rulus of the Bank aml Interen o-ini pomiaet emi-ariiiualij Mo:i y to ljoan on uiilacumt)Cred run 'alat.e nn1 o her pü'id ieoórny. Dmecruiiü -Uhrtat an Mao,V. v. vv;in-s. '¦ A. Bol, Wtllmm leulil Wl liam I" !l'iiriiuH, Oanlol HIhccicIc. and Wlllnr 1! SmtiD OFFIC KS. Luuti.i.v Mck, Pre vv.w Winkb, Vice-lrt, Uau Uiitcoci Chtr. LSiO 'JSI


Ann Arbor Courier
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