Ir. P. B. Rose was home last Snnday. Mr. James, the Saline dcntist was in town over Sunday. Edwin Puckanl, of" Biooklyn, X. Y., is visilnig in the city. Mis. Ueddes and daughter, Nellie, spent Smiday iu lMyniouth. llfv. R. B. Pope was at Petoskey a COUpkl ol'days this week. lrs. A. T. Hill of Detroit lias been at the home of Calvin Bliss. Miss Susie W. Valeutine of Kalamazoo is at W. F. ötiuison's.on a visit. Mis. Holland of Saginaw, was here on a few days visit w itU relatives last week. Miss Zilpha Andrews, who has been speiiding the winter out of town has rcturned to Ann Arbor. llev. J. Alabaster and wife, of Detroit will be (iresentat the Paper festival at the' M. E. Cliurch this evening.
Zilpha Andrews
Rev. Russel B. Pope
Rev. J. Alabaster
Calvin Bliss
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News