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A Voíce From the People. The Greatest Curative Success of the Age No medicino introduced to the public ha ever met with the success accorded to Hop Hitters. It stands to-day tui! best known curative article in tho world. lts marvellou renown is Dot dtie to the advertistnjr it ha received. It is famous by reason of its in herent virtues. It does all that is claimet for it. It is tho most powerful. speedy and effectlve agent known for the building n; of debilitated systems and general familj medicine. WInston, Forsythe Co., N. C. March 15, 1880. (cnts-I lclre to expresa to you my tliank '! vour wonderful Hop Bitters. 1 waa trouWed wit 'Dyspi-psUfor five vears prevlous to comnienclng th ná !,f your Hop Bitter ome ix month; ago. M cure lias been wonderful. I am pastor of the Flrn M.-tlio1ll Ctaureh of thiB place, and my whole con Ki-cKatlon can tentlfy to the great virtuc of your bit teii Vcry respcclfully. Ekv. H. Fïbibki. Rochester, N. Y.. March 11. 1880. Hop Bitter Co.- Pitase accept our gratcful ac for the Hop Bitters you were bo kin tu dónate iincl whlch were such a bcneflt to us. W are o built up with It we fcel young agaln. Oli Ladiis of tuk Homï or thk Fbikndlxss. Delcvan, Wis., Sept. 24, 1880. Gents-I have taken not quite one bottle of the no Bitters. I m a fecblc old man of 78 when I got !t Today I am na active and feel as well as I dld at M. ee a great many that need such a medicine. D. Rotck. Monroc, MIch., Sept. 25, 1875. filrs-I have been taking Hop Bitters for lnflamma tion of the kldney and bladder ; It has done for in what four doctor falled to do- curcd me, The effec of the Bitters secmed llkc magie. W. L. Caktüb. If you have a Blek f rlond. whosc Ufe Ib a burilen one tiottle. of Hop Bitters will restore that fricad t perfect health aud happluess. Bradford, Pa., May 8, 1881. "It has cured me of sevcrcl dlscasea, such as nerv ousness, nlckness at the stomach, inonthly troubleB SC. I have uut aeen a slck dav slnce I took Hop Bil [c.-8." MES. FANNIB GBKÏN. EvansvIIle, Wis.. June 34, 1882. Gentlemen- Xo medicine was hadone-half the sal here and glvcn such uní versal satlsfaetlon as your Ho Bitters have. We take plcasurc In speaklng for thel welfare, as every one who tries them Is well satlsned with thelr resulta. Sevcral such remarkable cure have been made with them here thnt thirc are a nuin her of earnest wolkers in lhc nop BlttcrB cause. On person Rfllned eleven pounds fi-oui tuking only a few bottle, Smith & Iik. Bay City, Mlch., Fcb. 3, 1880. Hop Bitter Compnny- 1 1 hink It my duty to send you a recommend for the be ncflt of any person wlsh Ing toknowwhetlur Hop Bitters are good or not. know they are good for general deblllty and Indlge tlon, Btn-ngthen the nervouB system. and make new llfe. 1 recommend my patlents to use them. De. A. Platt, Treater of Clironic Diseascs. I heard In my nelghborhood that vour Hop Bitter was dning sueb a great deal of good aiaong the slck and ittllcted wlln most every kind of dffiease, aud as Imdlieeu troubled for tlfteen years with neumlgi and all klndH of rheumatic complnints and kldne. trouhle, I took one l)ottle accordlng to dlrecilons. I at once dld me a great deal of good. and 1 used fou bottlrs more. 1 am an old man, but am now us wel a I can wlsh. There are Beven or elght familie li our place uingllop Bitters for thelr fa rnlly medicine and are ao well Batlsfled with It they wlll use no other One lady here has been bedrldden for years. Is wel and doiug her wurk from the use of three bottles. Leoxabd Whitbkck. ¦What it Did for an Old Lady. Cohocton Station, N.Y., Dec. 28. 18T8. Gents- A number of people had been uslng you Bitters here, and with marked effect. A lady of ove seventy years had been Bick for the past ten years she had not been able to be around. SIx monthB ago Bhe was ïielpless. Her old remedies or physicians be ing of no avall, I sent forty-flve miles and got a bottle of Hop Bitters. It had such au effect ou her that elK was able. to dress herself and walk about the house After taking two bottles more she was able to takt care of her own room and walk out to her nefghbor's and has improved all the time slnce. My wlfe and ehlldren also have derived great benefit from thel use. W. B. Hathaway, Agt. U. S. Es. Co. Honest Old Tim. Gorham, N.H., July 11, 1879. Gents- Whoever you are, Idon't know; but I thank the Lord, and feel grateful to you. to know that In thiH world of adulterated medicines there Í8 one compount that provea and does all it advertises to do, and more. Fonv years ago I bad asllght shock of palsy, whleh unnerved me to auch an extent that the least excltemeut would make me shake llke the ague. Last May I wat ludueed to trv Hop Bitters. I used one bottle, nut dld not see any change; another did so change my nérvea I hat they are now as steady as they ever were. It usec to take both hands to wrlte, but now my good rlghl hand wrltes thls. Now, lf you continue to manufacture au honest and good an article as you do, you will aeeumulate an honeBt fortune, aud confer the great - est blesRlng on your fellow-men that was evereonferred on mankind. Tim Iïubcji. Anna Maria Krider, wife of Tobias K Chamberaburg, July2r, 1375. Tblsistolet the people know that I, Anna Marta Krider, wlfe of Tobías ivrlder, am now past aeventyfonr years of age. My health has been very bad for many years past. I was troubled with weakneaa, had eougli, dyspepsift, great debility and conatlpatlon of the bowela. I was so miserable I eould eat nothfng. I heard of Hop Bitters and waa resolved to try them. I have only uaed three bottles, and I feel wonderful good, well and atrong agaln. My bowels are regular, niy appetlte good, and cough gone. I thlnk It my duty to let the people know huw bad I was and what the medleine has done for me, so they can cure themselves with It. My wlfe was troubled for years with blotches, moth pau-hes, freekles and pimples on her face, wliich nearly annoyed the llfe out of her. She apent many dollars on the thousand lnfallable(?) cures, with nothlng but lnjurlous effects. A lady f rlend of Syracuse, N y., wtio liad had similar experlence and had been cared with Hop Bitters, induced her to try it. üne liottle bas made her face aa smooth, fair and soft as a i'lilld'a and glven her such health that It seems almost a miraclc. A Membkb of Canadias Parliamknt. A Rich Lady's Experieuce. I travclled all over Europe and other foreign countries at a cost of thouaands of dollars in search of health aud found lt not. I returned dlscouraged and dlsheartened. and was restored to real youthful health and spirits with less than two bottles of Hop Bitters. 1 hope othera inay proüt by my experience and stay at home. A Ladt, Augusta, Me. I had been slck and miserable so long, causlng my litMband ao much troublc and expense, no one knowing what alled me. I was so completely dlaheartened aud discouraged that I got a bottle of Hop bltterB and used them unknown to my fainliy, I soon began to lmprove and gained so fast that my huaband and famlly thought It strangc and uunatural, but when I told them what had helped me. they aald "Hurrah for Hop Bitters ! long may they proapcr, for they have made mother well and ub happy." the Mothkb. My mother saya Hop Blttera Ia the only thlng that wlll keep her from her old and severe attacks of paralyala and headache.- Ed. Osweyo Sun. Ludlngton, Mich., Fcb. 2. 1880. I have sold Hop Bitters for four yeara and there Is no medleine that surpaaaes them for bllloua attackB, kidney complalnts and many dlseasea Incident to this malaria! climate. H. T. Alïiasdkb. The aisle of a church ia not the proper place for a sexton with squeaky boots. He sltould try some other kind of " He." - New York Advertiser. Daughters, Wives, and Hotherg. We einphatically pruarantee Dr. Marchisi'g Catholicon a Female Hemeiiy, to cure Female Diseases.suchas Orarían troubles, Inflamniation and ulceration, Falling and Displacements or bearing down feeling, Irregulaiities, Barrennesd, Change of Lite, Leuconliceii, besides many weaknesses springing from the above, like Headaclie, Bloating, Spinal weakness, Sleeplessness, Nervous debility, Palpitation of the heart, etc. No cure, No Pay. For sale by dru"-gists. Prices $1.00 and $1,50 per 'Bottle. Send to Dr. J. B. Marchisi, Utica. N. Y., for pami)hlet, free. Forsale by Eberbach & Son, Druggtets. Swayne's Pilis- Coiufortlng to the Sick. Thoiisandsdie from neglect to properly treat impure blood, constipation, dj-spepsia, malaria, apoplexy, liver, kidney, heart dist ases, dropRy, and rheumatism. But to the debilitated burdened with lucb serious sickness, we conscientiously recommend "Swayne's Pilis," Whlch cortain medicinal properties possessed by no other remedy. Sent by mail for 25 cents, box of 30 pills; 5 boxes, $1, (in stamps). Address Dr. Swayne&Son, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by Druggists. CWAYMES u Pms Known to Men of Fme and 8cience fob Reuovino ALL IMPURITIES OFTHE BLOOD. Acbiowloigod i Orwd, nunt, isl Iffldmt Cm Aar CONSTIPATION. ffiïï&ÏÏ&ïïi DYSPEPSIA, SrViThfnwe?anil tenderness at pit of stomach, despondency LIVER f;"m''1it. Biliommu. M.l.rl, Chilla ,1 , i'ever, oauajng lortness in baok %ai kGSa iilsu bottom of. ribs; weariness, irritability tongue coated, skin yellow, hot and cold seiiEations,pyesdull,drycough,stifledandobstruot- cd feil hik. irregular pulse, bad colored stools. APOPLEXY KpO'PsyParalyslH.dim .'sight, sound in ears, giddincas, cnnfuMon tn head, nervousness, flashes of light bcforo eyo, Un of mmory. DiMtaea of Bladdar u4 K D N EYS "ina, dark or U8ht' red deposit; " "' burninp, stinging.bcaringdown eunsationi, frequent deaire to nnnat, nneaaineaa inflamed evea, d&rlt circlos, tliirit DliraM'B of HEART "vr paim, Hntteriog or welht nu ' ' nart, mon to on moTinf qnickly and wht'Q I v ing on left aids ; out of broath on esertion HEADACHE dal1 " lh%r? p'"1 in um&: !r....r ia cnuied bj wattry Buid., 4c, by urio acid in Mood. Ilonrl nu. ÍÍ?!? Worm by th. nnta 1129-1180