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ïtching Pilen-} mpioms anü Cure. Thaarmntomi ai moWnre llko perupiratlon, lnine tcblny, IncrejMed by acratohlnjt, vci.v dtetresaliig, partlculariy at ni"hi. neem hs ir pin-worma ware crawlitig In and aboiit the rertum; the private part are jmetlroea afieuteq. ll allowed to cotitiime genuUH lesults may follow. "SWHyiie'" Ointnient' ie h pleasant sure cure. .Also for tetter, Heli. aalt rkeum, scakl heail, eiylpelaS barbera tch, blotches, all scaly, erusty skin iliseases. Sent by mail for 50 centt ; 3 boxee for $1.25. (in itampa). Address, Dr. Swavne & Sou, Phlfadelphia, l'a. Sold by Drnggists. Posilive Cure for Piles. To the people of this County we wonld sav we have been riven the Agency of Dr. Marchisl'sItalmnPileOintment- mphatically nuaranteed to Cure or nioncy refumied- Interna!, Esternal, Blind, Bleeding or Itohing Piles. Price 50c. a box. No cure, No pay. For sale by Ebeibach & Son, Druguist?. AYER'S Hair Vigor restores, wlth the glcws and freshness of youth, faded or gray huir to a natural, ricli brown color, or deep black, as niay bo desired. liv its use liglit or red hair may be ilarkenwl, tuin huir thickened, and baldness often, thongli not ahrays, cured. It checka falling of the hair, and stimulates a weak andsickly growth to vigor, ltprevents and cures scurf and dandruff, and heals ncarly every disease peculiar to the s:alp. As u Ladiett' Hair Jrt8iiiK, the VïQQR In unequalled ; it containg neitlier oil nor dye, renders the hair soft, glossy, and silken In appearauce, and Imparta a delifate, ¦greeable, and lasting perfume. Mlí. t'. P. BBICTOB writesfrom Kirbif. O.. Juli 8, 1KS2 : " Last fall my hair oouluieneeil talling out, and in a short timo 1 beeaine nearly bald. 1 used part of a bottle of AYKR'S HAIR VlOOB, which stopped the falling of the hair, andstarted a new growth. I have now a full head of hair growing vigorously, and am convincod that but for the use of your preparatioii 1 shoultl have beeu entirely bald." ,T. W. Bowex, propriotor of the Mn Arthur (Olio) EiHuircr, says : " A VF.R'.i Haik VlOOB is a most excellent préparation for tho hair. 1 speak of it from my oini xperience. lts use proniotes tlie growtli of "ew hair, and niakes il glossy and soft. The Viuor is also a sure euro for dandruff. Xot withln my kiiowledge has tlie prep.initio cvur failed to give entire satisfaction." Mk. A5IU.1 Faikbaien, leadar of ihe cclobrated" Pairbairu Family ''of Scottlsh VocaliHU, ritea from Bailón, Mass., F,h. i. iskii : Kver since my liair began toglveflllvery eVldeuoeoi the whloli floetlugtmie procuretli, 1 have usod avkiï's ilAiit "Híoit, and bo baY0 faeon ableto maiiaaiii au nnpearánce of youtlifulnM- fl matter of emm!'terable conwquence to ministers, orators, mMors. nul in faotevery onewbo liva iu the eyes oí the pabilo.1' Mns. O.A. I'rkscott, writing from 18 F.lm Sb, Chnrltêloton, .!.., Anr'ii II. 1882, snvs : "Two vean ago aoout two tnirds of my hair cune off. ït thimu'd very rapkUy, und I was frist growing bald. On Bling AVKBBHAIB VlOOB Un! lalling gtoppiMl and :i new giowth oonmtenced, and in about a nionth my head was oompletely oovered wilh short hair. tt hal oontinued togrow.andia now as go.ul ;,s fi-ll. 1 regularlyusedbu one bottle of the VlOOB, bul now us; it uocagtoilally as a dn Mdiig." We have Inindredsofllmllar testimoníale to ths effleaoy of .', -v kii's'Haik Vkíor. 1 1, needs but a trial to i-oiiviiict: the most skeptical of iisvalue. MIKP.Milll nv Dp. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lovvell, Mass. Sold by all Iruggists. Notlce to Credliors. STATP: OF MICHIGAN.County o! Washtenaw.Ba. Notice ia hcreby g;vt:u. that by an order of tbe Prohate Uourt for tbe County of Washtenaw, made on the fourteenth day of May, A. Ü. 18S3, six mouths from that date vvere allowed for creditors to prt'iient thcir clHims againet the eetate of Olive Jane WinRlow, late oí said connty, deceased.and that all creditore of said deceaed are reqnired to present their claims to uaid Probaie Court, at the Probate Offlce,in the city oí' Aun Arbor,for examination an allowatice.on or befóte the founeenth day ol November uext. and that such claimet wil] be heard betore said court, ou Tue8day,the fonrtt enth day of Augnst and on Wednesday, the fourteenth day ol November next, at ten o'clock lu tlie forenoon of each ol eaid dan. Dated, Ann Arhor, May Hth, A. D. 1883. WILLIAM ü. UAKKIMAN, 1143-1146 Jud;e of Probate. Estáte of Williain Hullert. STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Washtenaw, At a scsslon of the Probate Conrt for the County ot Washtenaw. holden at the Probate OlHce. Id tbc city of Aun Arbor. on Saturday, the twulfth day of May, in the year one thousand eight hundred and elghty-three. Present W'illiam D. llarrimuu, Judge of Probate. Id the matter ot the estatp of William Hulbert, deceased. Comstock F. llill the adminiutrator or sald estáte, comes into conrt and rep esents that he is now prepared to rentier bis annuul account as such admiiiistrator. Therenpon it is ordered, that Saturday, the second day of June, next, al ten oYlock in the forenoou be aseigncd for cxaraining anü allowiug such account, and that the heire at luw of said deceased, aud all other iersous interested In e:üd estáte, required to appear at a aession of said court. then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in suid couuty. and sliow cause, ifany there be, why the said account should uot be allowed. And it ie further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the peudenry of eaid account, and the hearing thereof, by ca ising a copy of thit order tobe publishcd in the Aun Arbor Courier, a newspapi-r printed andcirculaled in said county, two succeesive weeks previous to said day of hearing. (Atruecopy.) WILLIAM L). UAKR1MAN, Judge of Probate. WM. G. DOTV, Prob.-.te Register. 1143-45 Commlssioners' Notioe. STATE OF MICIJIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. The undersigned liaving been appomted by the Probate Court for said counly.Commissioners to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands ol all persons against tlie estáte of Calvin Wlieehr, late ot said couuty, deceased.hereby give notice that six months from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the store of Georiru S. Whecler in tlie village of Salem, in said county, on Friday the twenty-seventh day ol July, and on Saiurday the tweuty-seventu day of Octobcr next, at ten o'clouk a. m. of each of said daj s, to receive, examine and adinst said claims. Djted, Miril 'il. 1883. JAMES B. VANATTA, I „ WILLIAM MÜKRAY, f Conimispioners. 1141-114) Xotlce to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN.Connty ofWashteuaw s Notice ishereby given.that by an order oflheProbateCourt fortheCouiity of Washtenaw.maile on the twenty-thlrddaylf April A.D.lS83,sixmonths Irom that date were aliowed for creditore to present thuir claim agunst tbe estáte of Williom Nohl.late of said county, deceaed, aud that all creditors of said deceasiarerequi[edtopR.sontih!ir claims tosaid Probaiu Court, al the Probate Office in the oity of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance on or beloreth": twenty-tliird day ol October next' and I thai such claims will be heard before said'court' on Mouday, the tweniythird day of July, and on' Tuesday.the twenty-third uny olOctohernext at ten o clock u the forenoon of each ofsaid davs Dated Aun Arlvir, April Z A U lissi iiJn_i, WILLIA.M D. Ha'küIMAN, 1140-1143 Judi:c or Probate. Estáte of Josepli Schnabcl. JÉTATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Washtenaw, At a sesaion of the ProbateCourt for thcConnty ol Washtenaw, holden at ihe Probate Office in thecitv of Ann Arbor, ou Monday, the twenty-third day ol April, In tlie year thousaud eight hnndred jfdlepío'rte. P- "-Dg Ilarrimaif, In the matter of the estáte or Joeph Sihnabil deceased. Ou reading and ftling the petition' dulyvcriflod, of Paul Bchnabel, praying th i a ] minisiration of said estáte n.ay be tranted to - htmself or some olher suitahle person Ihereupou it is ordered, thiu Katurdny, the nineteenth day of M.,y next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of suid petition, and that the heirs at law of ?ai 1 de reaaed, and all other peisons iulerested in said esate.are required lo appear at a sessiou of said court then to be holden at the Probate Offlce,in the citvo Anu Arbor, and show cause, if auy the re be íh the prayer of the petitioner should uot be g'rant ed. And it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons intcrested in said , estato of the pendency of said petitiou, and the hearinj thereof by causing a couy of this order to be pu ,- Ushed in The Arm Arbor CourUr, a newsimnér printed and circnlated in said county ttae iuscm! slve weeks previous to said day ol hcaï g (A. trmcopy.) WILLIAM D. UAKKIMAN, WM ra vrv d „ Jatee of Probate. vM. G. DOTY. Proh.t, ReKiter. 1 ] 40-1 1 1.Í Estáte of John W. Vliitlnrk I gTATEOF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw. At a sesslon of the Probate Court rOr the Countv t,"f itUnavï' íolden at the Prub:lte OIHco, in the In the matter of the estáte ot John W Whitlark Srtnnai'-ou'ifL'haZinS1" orenoon, bc assigiu-,1 for esamlning „,,d a'l i n . r uch account, and thnt the üevleccs 1... av 1", tó,m„tvsiSd! iïïSi s rdered, that said administratnx giv ¦ . ,,". et t ?h ersou, tnterested iu satd estïte'of tSeoïïidenÏJ f said account, and the hearing thwoof bïntiS copy of this ord.r to be publishèd in ,h" A íi W1LUAM D. UAKKIMAN WM. G. DOTY, Probate UmuSS? " $$$%