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Decoration Day

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Tlie cominittec of Weich Post, G. A. R., onsisting of J. B. Saunders, Prof. C. E. Jreene, W. W. Nichols, Robert Campell aud P. Irwin, who were appointed ast Prlday evening for the "purpose of' making arrangemeuts and presenting a rogram for tlie proceedings of the abovelentioned day, had a meeting Monday vening last, and the following plan was dopted and will be presented tothe Post, t their meeting this evening : lst. ïhat the ladies, children, and clti.ens generally, be invited to collect all heñowers (beth wild and cultivated) that an be obtained, and send or leave them t Agricultural Room (in basement of the 'ourt House) or Fireman'i Hall, tlfth ward, bcfore the liour ot' 10 o'clock, on tlie 30th inst. 2d. That the Ladics" Decoration Society be invited to take charge of all floral ofVeríiirs that may thus be presented, and arrange and deliver tlie saine to lliose dqgignated to decórate the graves of the ir deceased comrades. 3d. That the Post Commander detail (at a meeting of the Tost, preceding tlie 30th inst.)squads, under different commanders, whose duty it shall be to assemble at the' places natned as depots of supply,'as early as 10 a. in., on Decoration Day, recelve the necessary llowers, then to proceed to the cemetery to which they are direeted, and therc siinilarly decórate all known soldiere' graves, the same to have been previously marked by suiall flags. 4tli. That the clecoration of thesolcliers' monument in the tifth ward cemetery, be left to tlie Ladiesof the Decoration Society; and that the strewingof flowers by the chlldren thereon be pertoimed, alter the arrival of the procession, under their direction. 5th. That Company A, as an organization, the faciilües and stutlents oí the University, the chidren of the public schools, the common council, and citizens generally be invited to particípate in the proceedings of the day. 6th. That, at the hour of % p. m., the general assernbly be sounded and the members of the different organization fall in around the court house square, the head of the line on North Main street, facing Huron street, in order, as followe: Baud. Offlcers of the Day. Chaplain and Orator. Company A. Welch Post No, 137 of Michigan, G. A. R. Professors and Studeuts, ou foot. Citizens, on foot. Chlldren of Public Schools, on foot. Children (in charge of L. D. S.) with ftowers, in carriages. Common Oounctl, in earriages. Citizens, in carriages. 7ih. The line of rnarch to be south on Main street to William street; east on William street to State street ; north on State street to Huron street; west on Huron street to Fourth street, and noith ou Fourth street to Detroit street, Broadway and North Pontiac street to flfth ward cemetery, where, after a few short addresses, the services as laid down in the ritual of the G. A. R. will be perfoimed. 8th. The committce will also recommend that the followiug gentlctncn (with oue exception, old soldicrs) be the speakers for the occasion : Rev. (Capt.) Rvder, Prof. C. E. Greene, Capt. Chas. Manly, and Rev. R. B. Pope. 9th. The offlcers of the Post to be the officers of the battalion; and lOtli. That as some fiinds will be necessary to meet the expenses of the band, etc, of the day. They will propose a subscription cora ral ttee, with the Post Commander as cliairinin (the renittlnder of the committee tobe appointed by him) tO8licil what aid may be deenied nccessaryto defray the same. llth. That the fclefgy of the city aio earnestly invited to cali the attention of their congregations to the services of Decoration Day and the need of generous olferings of floral gifts.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News