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R .A. IV D A. 1 I, jg PHOTOGRAPHIC ESTABISHMENT Cor. Williams St. and Madison Ave.- Opposite East Grana Circus Park, DETROIT, MICII. RedncBdRatei to Clnba of 10 or Over. 1SH3. A.LWA.YÜ ÏS88. FIRST iï TUE MARKET! We are now offering Something New nearly every day in SPRING STYLES! The fashionable public tvill bear in mind we are the only House between Detroit and Chicago who employ men to make pants. Winans & Stafford. IMeroliant Tailors, No. 19 S. Main St. P. S.-FULL and SEMIDRESS Suitsaspecialty GrET THE BEST Fire Insurance '$42,000,000 Security held lor the protection ot th poücy holden). CHRISTIAN MACK Repreêents the followicer Cr3trClass comijani",of which one, the íEíp.k, bas alone pald iöoi)00,000 fire losses in sixty jeara: .Setna, of Hartford t 7,'OOWO W Kranklln, Phlladelphla S.399,000 M Germán American N. ï i.WOm London Assurance Corporation 1S,8M,W CÍ National, Hartford 'SSS 2 North Germán, Hamburg 2,000,000 D Phasnlx, BrooUyn 2,300,800 M ünderwrlters Aüeocy, N. Y 4,6C0,C0l CO Lossen liberaliy adj usted aad protaptiy paid. Policies Bsued at tho !o west rates of premium. J073-11J5 CIIKISTT.iy MAOK. T nSTSET & SEABOLTTS BAKERY, GR0CERI AMD FLOUR & FEED STORE. Ws keep oonsUnUr on hnd, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FORWHOLïSALE AND EKTAILTRADB. We Bhall also keep a supplj of 8WIÍT & DEDBBL'S BEST WHITE WHKAT rLOUR, DEL.H1 FLOUK, KYB FI-OÜB BüCKWHEAT FuOÜR, COKN MEAL, FKED, ., C At Wholesale and retail. A general stock of GROCERIES AND PaoVÏSIONS eonatantlr on hand, whlch win be old on m renonable terms as at an y otner bouse ui tbe city. Casa pald for Butter, Ebïs, anë Country ProinM (eneraüy. lyGoodi dellrered to any part of the city wtuV ont extra charge. TT. RIN8Er 3SABOIr__ Perdón LumberYard JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Manofactnrer and Dealer !n SAGINAW GAIti-SAWEO IMBER, Lath and Shingles. Wa lnTlte ajl to glve iu a cali, ana examta of tooi before purchasinj elsenhere ALSO AOÖtt R JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO, And sells Qre brick. JAMES TOLDE RT, PROP T J: BHCH. Bnpt. t b_JLÜimBBpcople are alwnys on the lookf_out for chancos to increse ¦¦ their earnins;s, and ia time DeIcome wealtliy; those who ao ¦¦not improvc' their opportunh ties remain in poverty. We offer a great chante to make money. We want mauy men, voBifü. boys and girls'to work for us right in their own localities. Any one can do the work properly from the flrst start. The business will PT more than ten times ordinary wages. Eip"1" siye outfit furnished íree. No one whoengages iails to mako money rapidly. Ytu cn devote your whole time to the work, or only your 6pare rnoments. Full inforinationsniH" that is needed sent free. Address SnSlO Co., Portland. Maine. ______--- To all who are suffering from the error ani lndiscretions of youth, nervousweakness, e&rly deeay, loss of raanhood, etc. I wlll eendsrecelpe that will cure yon, FKEE OF CHARGKThia great remedy was diseovered by mii' sionary iu South America. Send a Belf-addressed envelope to the Kev. Josei li T. lnnian, Station D, New York City. Life and Characteristics By LYMAN ABBOTT, D. D., AssIsteJ by tweutr-fivf moro of :iMest Clereynion mul BcholBl s Iu the LiiiteJ siiLtes and On ú in iu In. E.icliof thau dutiuKuisliiil I .. :.r u.en. (romliU own stand point, nivci an .-.Mi llcli nmarkabUpovrors, mtlh !,.¦ l .:. ...!:¦¦ uiisticTluitpart of tlw 1 lc. .:' i htr' listarle visit to . arhi 'al rr7Mi% and to ,'(,- r. ' ad ''" quent speeches ichich !.¦ tl ¦ Mtile, tn any patriotie Amn. , . mora thon in price of the b ot. Inpeaklngof tl) infliienco of jrr. l'iocher at that time, in chnnciMg i;i1j1c m ntiment lnQreat Britain, am) ni'otlirvin tlicpolicj of tho Britisli Uoi ernnicn! li-v ni fio I u'" ted States, PctorMaoI.i Idfyii goyr.Sootland. savs: ¦¦Had Beechcr oi iy rono 2 ycr sooner. ihere would liave b-r.y Mo symP thy in Britain forthe r.lavo-holdinq Scuth.' 8vo, 60? na(tt!3. benntifiil! pertraittElegant rioth Blndlns, $J.00. .mmus V. i.nled. Address. HO: VCB h"T ICV, irr Wejj lh 81. fi:i.XATI, OHIOy