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¦ i THE NEW 1883 Golflen Star Oíl Stove ! The latest improvedstove in tlie market. Tlie only stove made that lias inoveabte cliiinneys. You can Eake, Broil, Boíl, Heat Platirons, Wash, Do anythlng that can be done on a cook stove, at a cost of about 3 CEKTS .A. JDJ!:. NoHeat, NoSmoke, NoSmell! If you want nn oil stove, the bost and safcst stove made, buy an 1883 GOLDEN STAR! Wealsosell the OÍLDBT STAB OASOLIWE STOVE, i wliich lus several valnable ImproveraenH : this year. Sund for circular with prloes. COULSON & MORHOUS, 115 IikikI Ave, - Detroit. We are the only exclusive House-furnishing Store in the state. Wend us your ndilress and we wtll mail you an lilustrated Catalogue, Gratis. 1138 1150 SCROFULA and all scrofulous diseases, Sores, Krysiiielas, Eczema, lílotches, Ringworm, Tumors, Carliuní lt . Boils, and ErupttOBS oí the Skin, are the direct result oí' an impuro state of tlie blood. ïo cure these diseases the blood must be purified, and reslored to a healthyand natural eondition. Aveu's Sahsapauilla has for over forty years heen recognized by eminent medical authorities as the most powerful hlood puritier in existence. It frees the systein (rom all (ooi liumors, enriches aud strengthens the hlood, removes all traces of mercurial trentment, and proves itself a complete master of all scroíuluus dlseatet. A Kecent Cure of Scrofulous Sores " Some months ago I was troubled with scrofulous sores (ulcers) on my legs. The Hmbs tere badly swollen and intiamed, and the sores dist-hai.'nl large quantities of orteiifsive matter. Kvery remedy I tried faltad, until i iuêd -vi:it's Saksai'ARH.'la, of which 1 have now taken throe bottles, -itli the result Üiat the sores are henled and my general health Ereetly Improved. I leel verygrateful forthe good ymr medicine haídone me. Youra respectlully. Jlns. AKK U'BttIAK." 148 Sullivan St., New Vork, June L'4, lssj. Ü3r All persons interested are invit4d to cali on Mrs. O'Itriau ; a'.so apon tl' Kiv. Z. P. %Vilrts of 8 Kast 54tli Street, Men York City, who will take pleasure in tejitifyinfí to tlie wondorful efflcacy of Ayer' SarMtparilla, notonly in the cure of this lad.v. lint in his own case and ínany otiléis ivkbin his knowledKe. The well-known toriter mi the Bnttmi Ihrch), B. W. BAIX, of Keahester, .v...writes. June 7. ivj: " Having Buffered iererely fot aonie ears with Eczema, aud hiiviiij; i 'ailrd toliud relief froni other remedies, 1 have made use. dwing the pal Uiree months, at Ara:1. 8AK8ATAJJ1LLA. wlilcll li:is effeoted :i campU le cure. 1 eonsider it a luagniticeut remedy tor all blood distases." Ayer's Sarsaparüla stimulates and regúlate the netten "f the digestivo and assiinilativi' organa, rounvs and Btrengthens tlie vital forcé, :nl ípeeiWjf enre Hheuniatixm, Neuralgia, Uhumatic íioul. C'atarrh, General Debility, and all dlaeiMea ¦rMog f rom an !mpoTwrihd or eomifteí eondltton of the blood, and a weakemd vitality. lt is incomparably the ebeopeat id 1 medicine, on account ofitscoiicentralcd strengt h, and rrat power over disease. riiKi'Ai;i:n nv Dr. J. C. Ayer &. Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all PrugtfUU; price fl, six bottles for 85.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News