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T01.KD0, AMN AHIIOK (i. T. lt. K. Columlms Time. Through timo tab'o !n effect Jamiary 27th, 1S3J. 1OIWO WOKTH. GOTNQ OPTW i r r 01 a STATION. - "o. M H M h b h a q 5KJPM 836AM T Toledo Ar 9 3in i 40PM 6 18" 8 40 " Manhattnn Jet III" ir' 8 26" 8 4T " b AlexUJuno 9 J8 " S U ¦ j 00 ' 9 29" MonroeJot 41 " 4 41" 1,1" g 40" Iiundee I 1 " 4 43 ' 7 18 " 9 64 " Aïallla 8 20 ' 4 17 " 1 4Q " 10 08 " Mllan 8 Ct '¦ 4 10 " 7 59" 10 :i ' Urania 7 61" 67 " 8 05 " 10 26 PittslUl T 41 " 47 " 8 20 " 10 35 " Ar Arm K.I 7 !0 " J 36 ' 110" 12 52PM Jackaon M. C. 6 U 9 60AM 1 IKAM 1 16 " BatUe (.'reek 3 49" 7 (8 " 1 65 " 2 68 " Kalamnoo 2 60 " T 10 ' 7 S) 4 60," Grand Uaplds 10 40rM 6 10 " C 00 " 10 35AM LvAnn Arbor Ar 3 35PM 17 25" 1110" AriouthLyonhv 5 00 ' 12 02P1I Howell DliN 118" 120" Lanaing 1 00 " 3 00" Ionia 1115AM 6 04 Edmore 10 6 40 ' Bilt Kaplda 7 10 " 4 45" Howaxd City 9 25" 4 15AJK Petoskeyom 105" 7 00" Macklnawüit g 50pm ConnectloDS- At Toledo wiUirallroadndlTeriilnK: at Alexis wlih Canada Southern, 1.. 11. &¦ M. B., and F. k P. M K'j'a; at Manhittan June, wlth Wtaesllng & l.uke !¦- lo II. R. ; at Monroe JcU wlth L. S. & M. S ; al Dunde wlth I, 8. 4 M. 8. ; at Mllan wlth W Bt.L. P. K'y; at Plttinald wlth L. B. A M. 8 ; at Ann Arbor wltft Michigan Can K'y; at South 1yon wlth Detroit, Lasslng 4 Northern tl'j. H W. ABHJilir. Sup't. W. H. Bivnitt. Hea'l Paa. A- nt. T7U)KT WAYNB 4 J.ACKSON R. B. Oet'oit and Indlanapolle Line. By Michigan Central Kallroad from Ann Arburto Jackson. TralnB leuvo Ann Arbor as follow: Indlanapoll Express 8 40am Ft Wajne Accomodation 6 22 p m ClnelunsU Kxpross 11 17 p m All tratns leave )y Chlcaso timo. Procure tickets at Ann Arbor or Jackson. M. Ü WQQDFORIJ. Onn'l fjup't. ÜKTHOlt; M ACKIÑAÜ 4 STÁBQ'ÜTrlrrE H. li. January, 15, 1883. Pioneer East and West Lino Throngh the Upper Península of Michigan. 240 Miles Shorter between nll eostero and norihwestern points vía Detroit, pnd 311 Miles Shorter vla Port Huron to Montreal and all points In Canada, etc. AST. ] Bl'A'I'IONS VI Kil. 9 15 A. M. L Harquetto A. 4 Sa P M. 10 41 " Onota 3 18 " 11 10 " Au Tr-iln 2 45 " 12 10 P. M Vnnl ¦!!,.' 2 00 " 2 20 " Seney ... 12 15 " 3 00 ' McMIilnn 1116 a. m. 8 30 " Dollarrllle 10 50 " 3 65 " Newberry 10 30 " 7 00 " la St. Ignace L 7 30 " VIA M. C, K. K. 7 10 a.m BayCity 8 45 p. m. 8 67 " Lapcer Junct ... 7 21 " 10 15 " PortHuron 4 16 " 7 68 " Saglnawi'ity.... 8 30 " 1il 2.1 " T.anBiniT R 'IK " 11 45 ' Jackson ! 4 15 ' 1125 " Detroit 6 00 " VIA O. R. & I H. K. i 1 00 F. u Grand Rapldl.... i 5 15 " 2 57 " Knlamazjo 2 25 " Connections are made at 8T. IGNA'JK with: Tho Michigan Central raltroad fr Detroit and all polnts In Michigan and In tbe east, soutn and southoast. Tralns leave Macklnsc City 8:30 a. m., and 9:30 p. m. The Grand Hapuls 4 Indiana R. K. for Grand Itaplds, Fort tt'ayne and tbe soulli und ent. l.i-avIng Macklnao Cityiit 9:50 p. m. Connections mgde t MAKQUETTK wlth The Marquetle, Houghton tuntonagon rallroad ior the Iron and Copper distrlcts. Through tickets on sale at Marquette and St. Ignaceand at all polnts In the Northern Península. AIso tickets to Europe&n ports by all principal lLnes atGen'l Pass, geit's office For Information as to passenger and frelght ratos pplyto office of General Frelght and Passengei Agent. Tralns daily except Sunday. D. Mc 'OOL, FRANK MILLIGAN, GOi'lSup't. Gon'l FrU &Pats. Ag't, Marquette, Mlch. Marquette, Mlch. JVf IC111ÜAN KAll.KOAD. 1 i me Tnble, Nov. 12, 1SS2. öoixTwest. tl STATIONS. . iiillll=i_l == ï& 11 1 f L si 11 A M. A.M. I'. U P. M. P. Ai. P. M. i. M. Betrolt. . l,y 7 OU 8 35 5 55 4 01 8 00 9 50 4 0Ü G. T. Jone .. 7 15 9 55 6 10 4 20 8 15 10 10 4 15 WayneJunc. 7 55 10 24 6 4? 4 46 8 45,10 40 4 41 ypsilanti.... 8 83 10 48 7 05 5 05 9 08 1102 5 15 AnnArbor.. 8 45 1100 7 24 5 22 9 25 1117 5 ia Dexter 9 03 . .. ï 48 5 39 9 44 .... 5 3(1 Chelsea 9 25... . 8 05 6 5.' 10 00 5 50 ü.-ass Lle.. 9 50 8 32 6 12 10 30 .... 6 13 P. M A. M. Jack9un Junv 10 10 8 55 U 38 Jackson 10 20 12 16 á 6 65 11 05 1Í 45 7 02 Albion 11 04 12 S0 ; e 7 42 1156 122 7 42 M:irthall .... II 50 1 3t, L L 8 08 12 20 1 43 8 06 r.M. Battle Creek. 12 19 1 65 8 41 12 47 2 02 8 32 4. M Galesburg. . 1253... . i.U. 9 15 117 .... 9 00 Kalamnzoo.. 113 2 36 4 60 'J ;t.j I 35 2 45 9 18 Lawton .... 152 6 2i .... 2 13 .... 9 50 Decatur. ... 2 0T 6 42 2 32 10 05 Dowaglae... 2 29 6 07 .... 2 67 ...Iff27 Nllei 2 55 4 U4 6 51) 3 27 4 15 10 52 Buchanan. . 3 OS . . 7 0.' ... 3 42 1106 ThreeOaks . 3 38 7 27 .... 4 12 ... 1132 New Búlalo. 8 68 4 6Ï 7 40 4 35 1145 ilich. City.... 4 23 5 18 8 08 ... 5 03 5 28 . II. lJikü 6 13 6 0J 8 54 .... 5 51 6 18 106 Kenelnirton. . 6 10 6 50 9 46 6 40 7 10 2 00 Chicago.. Ar 6 50 7 40 10 85 .... 7 30 8 10 160 ooiso iast! i i' Si 8TA TIÜN8. . i B M , S 5 f . 5 ? ? yjs ? h sa L5 AM. 4 M. P. U. !. M, PM. P.M. CL!c:go. . .I.t 6 45 0 00 3 40 .... 6 15 9 10 3 30 Kcnsingtou . 7 35 9 M) 4 30 6 00 10 00 4 20 Lake 8 17 10 27 6 13 6 51110 40 Mlch. City... U03U1.H 600 ... 7 38 1133 ra New Búllalo. U 27 11 33 6 26 1165 Three Ouks. . 1 41 ml) A il Bucliauau 10 30 P. M. 7 08 12 82 Nllei 10(12 18 7 37 .... 900 1245 tl 27 Duwaglac... 1153 8 Oü 112 Decatur 1118 8 33 137 Lawton 1135 .... 8(3 1 4s I'. M A.M Kulaniaioo.. 12 12 138 9 30 6 50 10 25 2 3 7 UaMrbaM... 12 33 ? 7 08 DaUKUrsfk i ib 2 16 Je 7 SB II Ñ 3 20 8 1 iMnmhull .. 15(i 3 00 g " 8 0-; 11 33 3 4li 8 3(i Albion SU 3 21 -¦ 8 32 11 65 4 12 AM. A.. U JnCkson...Lv JIC. 4 05 7 05 9 30 12 40 5 00 9 28 UrassLake.. 3 32 .. 7 28 9 5J .... 525 Chelaea. 3 5S 7 50 10 07 6 50 fex-cr 4 15 . 8 03 10 1!) .... 0 05 AnnArbor.. 4 37 5 07 8 25 10 34 2 O.i ÖÏ5 10 26 Ypsllanll.... 4 55 5 2;i 8 43 10 4S 2 20 4110 41 WajneJunc. 5 20 6 t6 OS 11 08 2 44 T Oh O, T. June . . ti 0 1 6 15 'J 45 11 35 3 20 7 45 11 2 Detroit 6 15 6 30 10 00 11 50_3_36 _8 Olí 11 4 Sunday exccpïêï I tiatmday 4 BÜñdmy" tlally. oxeepted. O. W. UtJOOLES, U. B. UOVARD, ' tí. P. t r. A.. Chicas. O. Sve't. Detroit. W. H.H. Boylan&Co., PAINTERS and Dealers In French, American & Píate Giass. Sign Writing, Paper Hanging, Decorating, Frescoing, etc. VTteêïaTnT GENERAL Insurance Agency orno Over Casper Rinsey's Groeory Store, COB. IITJRON AMD FO0RTH ST. Nortb British Insurance Conip'j (Of London and Edinburg) Capital $18,000,000, Gold. Detroit Fire and Marine Ins. r. Caih AmaU 9600,000 Springfleld Ins. Comp'y of Mas.. Cash Assets . . . . 1,800,000. Howard Ins. Co., of New York. Caih Aiseto.... $1,000,000. Agrlcultural Insurance Conip' WATKRTOWN, . . NEW YOBK, CashAsaets ,.100,000. i-o Ubliï .üli!std_juid piojnptl v.i.


Ann Arbor Courier
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