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Mis. W. XV. Waite liaa pone tojoia lier husband In Portland, Maine, whrre they will make their home. Tlie Dexter Leader is booming for an extensio.i of the T. & A. A. road, through that place to Lansing, From the Leader. G. A. Peters, of Scio, sheared )iis tlock of sheep last weck. The best yearling buck slieared M},,', pouude, and weighed before sheanng 120 poanda. The balance of his stock of yearlings sheared froni 1-1 to l(i pounds. One two-year-old buck sheared 22.V ponnds. Last Monday morning, before Jnstice Crane, John Dolan pleadcd guilty of solling liquor to Joe Conklin, a minor, and was fined $25 and costs. CIIELSEA. From the Herakl Judfre Tatum oroanized a couneil of Royal Templare at tbis place last Saturday evening. A one-horse wagon load went through tbis village last Thursday that eonsisted of eight kegs of beer, two boxes of beer, and four bags of grain. IIow is the proportion ? Mr. A. Crawford and fatnily attended church at Aun Arbor on Sunday last, at which time their two chiklren were Christened. Chas. Wunder, the baker, has sold his building iu the Chelsea House block, to Isaac Taylor, ai'd about July Ist lie will remove to more convenient quarters. S. V. Miller, who lives a few miles south, has a 7-acre corn field that lies in three sections, viz., 13, 28, and 24. Nextl SALINE. From the Observer. The often recnrring ralns of the past two weeks so remlnd us of the old coudlet : " A dry April and a wet May Filis the baru.s witli corn aud hay." Ann Arbor has gained sixteen childreu of school a;e durlng the past year. In Ypsilariti there is a telling off Of 32 from last year. J. D. Alllson, of Pittsfleld, has 8UCceeded in raisinf two perfect and well ' developed chickeus from one egg - a large i double-yolked one - this season, and has the chickens on hand, alive and well, to convinee all doubters. There are 95 citiea and vülages in Michigan that may suppress saloons if tlie ! conncils so desire, according to the fainous ' "local option bill " recently passed by ' the Lpgislature. Saline is amonjr the number. The only othei; towu in Washtenaw county entitled to that privilege is ' Manchester. ; MANCHESTER. From the Enterprise. Our business men are deflghted to know tliat they wlll soon have communication with ths outside world, telephonically. The school board lias invited the present teachers In our Union school to reïnain with us another year. and it is quite likely they wlll do so. Prof. Shartau, the principal in the bltrb school, has had Iris salaiy inereased $100, making it $550. The lady teachers wlll all receive ihe same salaries, $320 each. Supt. Robison's salary will reinaiu at $1,000. YPSILANTI. From tile Commercial. The Commercial has reached ai) important era. Nu. 1000. The present editor and publifiher sat up at the birth of Xo. 1. The Postmaster General, Frank Uatton, sent last week to Postmaster Capt. Spencer a 5 and 15 cent scrip to be redeemed, issued by Oornwell, VanCleve 4 Barns, in December, 1802, payable at the banking house of E. & F. P. Bogfardus. The ü. S. circuit court pronounces the Green drive-well patent void. So farmers breathe easler, your drive-uell will be unniolested. Wooden abutments dónt last, as is dem onstrated by the rotting out and caving in on the north side of the east end of the iron bridge. From the Ypsilantfan. Paul C. Reveré, whose rijrlit name is saitl to be Van Dcinbuifrh, was arreslcil by constable Palmer at the Pive Mile House, near Detroit, last Friday ni"ht. His oflense is slieep-stealiug, lic liaviny occupied the week before gatbeïingB few from eaeh of severa! flocks in Superior. The animáis stolen were kei)tin a secluded piece of woods until Thursday night. wheu lie started with them for Detroit. Ilis capture brought about the recovery of 73 sheep, nearly all ot which were identilied by the owners, l'our of whom lodjred oomplalnt agalnst the prisonef, who waived examiuation Weduesda)' and was committed in default of bail. Kevere, as he preferg to be cal led, is a smartlooking y ou Dg man and lias woiked for Superior farmers for several yeais. He had also attended the luw school at Ann Arbor one year.


Ann Arbor Courier
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