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-., , ,„„ - ___.J_ - .. ., . - Lltorary Nottoes. 'Fho stüijentsand citizensol (nu tli whom tlie violinist Hemenyi is sucli a favorito will be glad to read 'A Night with Rerneoyi" in the June Llppiocott. ïliose wlio niet lihn at the banquet glven to him after his concert liere will finil big charmingeceentricities well touehed upoD. The Biogiapher, Illustratud. Tiie lirst nninbei' of this is a painphlet of 64 pages COntainlng short running sketches of the prominent charncters both in this country and Europe. These biographies ure accompanled with reproductlona ut' photo(fraphfl of the personages. It has uddiüoual interest to us also trom being edito I by Heury tí. Taylor ot' the Law class of '7H. Publiahed at 23 Park Row tor 2." cents. The Magazine of Art lias a curions eolored drawing by Hossetii of "Rosa Triplex " for its f'rontispiece. lts cbief illustrated articles are, one on San Francisco, on Bastien-Lepage, Benevenuto Cellini. Musical Instruments as Works of Art, anti Ultimas Ilomanorum, but the most delicate littlc sketches we haveseen for inany days are soiue of the still-life in the art icle on "Out of Doors in Surrey, ' by Burrand. The many who have tried in vain to oltain acopy of "Students' Songs" will learii with pleasure that a third and greatly en larged edition of the book is just off the press. The new book comprises the songs of both the first and the second editions and containing, besides, more than twenty pages of entirely new music, includingall the very latest college songs of the day with piano accompaniment. The book is gotten up in excellent sh Ie. It niiikea a handsomequarto of sixty-four pages, nearly sheet-unisie size, with engraved cover of unique and approprhite design. The new edition ot "Students' Songs" wascompiled by Mr. Wm. H. Hills. Harvard class of '80, and is published by Moses King. Cambi dge, Mass. It is sold at iifty cents. "Error'sCliains: How Forgedand Brokéii." By Frank S. Dobbïns, A.M., assisted by Hon. S. W. Williams, of Yalc, and Prof. Isaac Hall, LL. B., Ph. D. Standard Publishing Ilonse, NewTprk. Pp. 777. Cloth, $4.00. Full moro.-co, $ö.5. We are in receipt of a most elegant and interesting volume from the presses of the New York .Standard Pdblfshlng House, entltled " Error's "Cliains : How Forged and Broken." The publiehera and authore are sufiiciently well known to command for the book a oareful perusal. The type, binding, and papnr are most excellent, and the engravings.nearly three lmndied in nuniber, are superb. The work is tlie embodiment of the travels of its gifted authors throughout the leading nationa of the world, and treats of the social and religious lifeof the people. Readlng the book is like visiting the different countries with reliable guides. We Confesa to have learned more in its perusal, of the evcryday life of the nations of the East, than in any other volume we have ever read. One cannot fail to be struek with the unusually low price of the book, in this respect difl'ering fram most works of travel and description. It is written in a most attractive and pleasing style and can not fail to interest both old and young. It seems destined to have a sale, unexampled in the annals of gubscription book publications. To tlie PublicT A gure remedy for measles: Take a one, Iwo, or three quart pitcher, or other vessel, and fill it nearly tull of shelled corn. Then fill tlie vessel with boiling water. Aller it cools, give the patiënt drink as often as he needs. I used this remedy some thirty years ago for my chlldren, and found it a sure cure. I have recouimended it ever since, and I believe it to be the best remedy for uieasles. Try it and see. J. AUSTIN SCOTT. . 1


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