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Ttie new uiiiforms of the ball iiine are tasteful and pleasing. The ball game Saturdav ifternoon is with the Lawrence Park Club. H. C. Alexander, lit. '82, was back fora cU on college fiiaods this week. He has agood position In Dakota surveying and layiiijf put town-sites. The next Chamber Concert is to be Friday, June 1. The Beethoven Quintette Club will give the concert, issisted by Mis. Willmm Ludeier. The Field-day to be observed June 9th is to be an intercollegiate one, and the colleges of Albion, Hillsdale, Adrián, Kalamazoo and Oberlin have been invited to send on coutestants for the prizes. H. S. Spalding. lit. '82, mauaging editor of the Chronicle the second semester of last year, was again about the University last week. He came down f rom Bay City to look after the Saturday electious. The supper of the fresktnen at the 8t. St. James Friday night waB a success, and it was well atteuded. The only dauiper f the evening was wuen the wickiud soplioinores sent up a bottle of aiilk lor thetíi. There was aot euough to go inmnd. Theybad abo kidnapped several f the orchestra, but the uiusic went on all the same. The Mutnals of Jacksou came down to amuse the University niue awuüe Saturduy afteriioou. They could not play very well, and the strong wind blowüigr added o the score alniost as niuch as their glarng errors. A fair sized crowd assembled o cheer the boys umi to groan at the uni)ire's wouderf uUlecLsions. The score was: . , ituuM. B.H. Er'a. University.. ao 10 7 Mulual, _ ui 4 14 Urs. Allen, Franklin and Jones were present lust week at the meeting at Lansiug of the State homeopathie society. Dr. FraiLklln, who was the president in his iddress, complaiued that his department at the University was not receiring the upport it merited froiu tie practitloners n tlie State. Dr. Allen ws made chairnian of the cotnioittee on isateria medica tnd delégate to Üie New York State society. Saturday's Chronicla electioo, which promised to be a Uvely one, was eonducted quietly and mmniiuously owing to the iioii-appeaiiincc'of the faction in the niinority. The t'ollowina: were electcd etítors tor uext year: Iudcpendent, F. W. Gregory and E. 8. dartoon; Fraternity -F. A. Giddings of Chi Psi and Harry Forbes of Zeta Psi. J. M. Zane and W. L. McDonald have teiidered thcir resignations from the board. The editora of the Palladium for next year have already been elected by the secret societies and are as followa: Chi Psi, V. J. Abbott; Alpha Delta Plii, Wm. Savidge; Delta Kappa Epsilon, Wilüam Clapp; Sigma Phi, Eliner Dwiggins; Zeta Psi, H. S. Forbes; Psi Upsilera, L. B. Hauchett; Beta Tlieta Pi, W. F. Word; Phi Kappa Psi, L. A. Khoades; Delta Tau Delta, J. L. Callard. The board have organized with E. Dwiggins, niauging editor; L. B. Hanchett, secretaiy aud tieasurer; V. F. Word, financial editor. OTMNASIÜM FOND. N, Prof. Alfred Hennequïn, well known as & warm supporter of the Athletic interest of the students, has agaüi shown a practical proof of his zeal by going into Detroit Mondiiy night to interview the aluumi U get t hem to start a mibscription of $0,000 for a gj'tnnasiuui. The Association has s f, nou aud with the proposed aiuuuot a fine, well-cqtiipped ryiiiiiaMuui cuuld be built. At the taeetiuif of the Association, May 18th, Prof. Ilennequin aud Mr. A. T. Packard were ippointed a committee to visie the alumni in Detroit, for the purpose above ineotioned. They went aUo by the authorlty of the trustees of the fuud - Pres. Angrell, i'rofs. Cooley aud Demmon, nul Messrs. Palmer and Baldwiu of Detroit. Senator Paluier was the first uluiinius seen, and he at once geiierotisly promised $500, proviiled live otUer names were secured for a like amouiit. Regent Joy, C. H. Buhl, H. P. Baldwin, and Allen Shelden were seen, and each one promised $250. W. A. Moore, James MtMillan, D. M. Dickinson and B. A. AJger all promised to do their share. Thus after getting 2,00() sbscril)ed or promised, the committee, upon the recoininendation of Regent Joy, decideil to appeal to the alumni and other frieiids of the University to come to the rescue and subscribe the five other five hundreds to go with Senator Palmer's liberal ofler. Thatsum would be $3,000. That Joy, Baldwin, Sheldeu and Buhl is $1,000, and from the otliers in Detroit $1,000 more is guaranteed, thus leavinga thousand to be contributed In the smaller amounts. This sum easily can be raised if, say lifty of the professors wouJd contribute 10.00 apiece, and then the remainder -would not be long coming from citizens, alumni and f rienda. The committee met with much encourageinent from the eople of Detroit, and are confident the $0.000 needed can be raised. ilcre is a chauce for any one who believes in supplying to the college boys the nieaus of keeping a sound body along with the means for getting a sound miud. Such an. one ghould put a practical applicution to his belief and be one of those to stand by Senator Palmer with his $500. We are iiitornied that Governor Felcli has kindly coiisented to couiply witti tlie request of bis frieiids to give a talk ou his personal reminiscences of Webster and Oalhoun. The Law lectare room ha been placed at the disposal of tbe cominittee inviting Gavernor Felcb ta perform tliis ecrvice, und the time will be mentioned in our next issue. It will probabiy be on Frlday evening, June Ist.


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