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lire eaught in L. H. Clagg s livery table at Montague, cntirely cousuming it; oss$2,700; fully iusured. Thefirethen croesid to Wtlson & Hendrie'8 machine shop, aml ;he fouudry pattern shop was burned, whilc ¦ha rest of the works iiarrowly escaped. The patteru shop was the most valuable oL the norks, and its loss will cripple thcm íor a long ivutle. Loss $12,0ü0 to $15,000; insurance ibout $3,000. A few tlays ago two Dexter bo}s rclved to beeome highwaymen; the result of readiug a lot of trushy novéis. Tbey aeeordingly armed tbcmselves navy revolvere Mul, niounting each X snow-white charger, ot out. for the wilils of Michigan. Fortúnately for them their papas captured tbem ani.J uirned their uoses homeward bef ore they . ed Piuckney. There will be busy times aincmg the educators at Lnusing from the 5th to the 13th of July. An examination of teachers for state certifieateswill bc held July 5, 6 and 7. The state board of educatiou will also grant the usual five to well-kuown teachers who upon invitation read these upon edueational topic?, July 9. A state teachers' insli fruto "iill behcld on the 10 th and llth. It is said the Michigan Central cornpany bas paid the father of young Pelton, 1 cuntly killed by the cars at Orives Lake, $í,000, and tbc owner of the bas-gy demolished at the same time, $200. Gov. Begole will address the St. Joscph couuty pioneer society at its animal meeting, June 13. An old lady of Paw l'aw ordered down a telegrap'h pele which had been placed iu her back yard, as she didn't propose to have "that paragraph polc iu her yard to paragraph cverything shc said all over town." Annual meeting of the Michigan association of unlon prisoners of war atCirecnville, June 13-14, with a present prospect of a large attendance. Eugcoe B. Wood, late city treasurer ot Lansing. bas been arrested on a charge of embezzlemenl, A ten year old boy nanied 'lhvsa rervender, living in Grand Rapids, wbile ¦ playing horsc with another boy, juinpod from a sidewalk six tncbes hisrb, struck bis chin on the pavement and broke bis ueek, killing him Instautly. Reports frora various locahties ui tho state indícate that the erop of small f ruits will be serlously cffected by the late 6evere storm and cold weather. One of the niostcomplete andsuccessful entertainments ever given in Michigan was the reception tendered the state otücials and legislators by the Hon. T. W. Palmer and wife at their bcautiful home in Detroit. The lefcilative party came in a special car from Lansing, aud were tended in Detroit almost witMn haftlag distance of Sen tor Palmer's residence. A rare treat was given to the squad of meesenger boys, who thorouehly enjoyed the drive about the city. , , ... The bill recently passedby the Iegi5lature relative to the protection of flsh and amt js meeting witb considerable opposition from sportsmen. Numerors petitions are sent tothe legislature by the dissatisfied ones The lOth annual meeting of the national conference of cbaritics and eorroetions will bc held at Louisville, Ky-, beginning on the evenine of Monday, beptember 24 18S3. Michigan will send the following as delégate and members of committeer On the work of the boards oí oharitit-s, Bishop GUlespleof Grand Uupids; on the oHtaateatlOD of eharitios in uitleg, Levi L. Barbour of Detroit; on preventive work amona children, Lyman P. Aldiu of Coldwater, and Mr Wittier J. Baxter of Joncsville is eorresponding seeretarj for Michigan. ïbe residence of John Mnrray a farmer living a short distance cast of FHnt, íaTaíteretfby tbrec burglars a few nights ago who demanded Murray's money He retnsiDB to deliver aay, they set upon hun and nrurlv killed hlm, when bis sister camp to hls ncarij kiiitu i.i .!, hout. The íur ars left without gettlng íiny (nonoy al¦houttli tin-re was quite an amount (n W tamw í1 Two men, thouttht tobe Um ptHle, a liave sinctbi-ciicftpturc'J. Arrangumonts aro bolng rnadc to ! erotee anTodepenétent eollew it Battle Cweb. , h 'The Señalo has passert a WH, making ; 1T to Icptember 30, 1S3, Te appomt.e has , „ íCtnnual meeting of the WW? [ tbe W C 1 U. of the Wolvermo state i tu S I The biH inoreaeing Ihe tax ot t uc ] mathiUCTyatNort,1Mu,kogonburneda(S(;v days ago; loss IBO.OOU, S of BloW Ten tbousaud v untU ot u feoneí . ti10 . overwhclmlngly , . , aeítód mms ÍSy be decreeS by tlie court. Astneeast-boumi passcnp-er tram on the Detroit and Mactnacw & Marqnutte road was tartBfflSry. atul wcre returuh.g homcwben fseSeharfya vote of 28 tol i tÜn House ioint resolution to appoint a Th,. House and Senato committoes on SradraoTi-Tat Traverse islature onthc Oth of June, the day on whic.h the annual meeting of the Michigan State Pioneer Society soould open, and in consequcnce of the commotion and confusión attendiug the breaking ud of tliat body, the meeting has been postpunod one week. Consequently the reunión will bc held iu Represeutative Hall at Lansing, eouimencing Wednesday, June 13, 1883, at 2 o'cloek p. m., and will continue through the day and evenlng of the 14th. The programma, as usual, will consist of rnusic, address of the president, report of the ofliccrs and committees, iutere6ting historical papers, and the usual five minute suecchcs. Waaöngton Throop, an old resident of Detroit, committcd suicide a few days ago, by hanging himself, Mr. Throop was well knoivn in the eastern part of Michigan, having livcl in Detroit almost coutinually since 1833. For many vcars he was chief bookkeepcr for SdCbartah Chandlcr, and was subsrquently onncctcd with the custom house in Detroit. For a number ot years he hus been totally blind, lis b'.induess bi4ng caused by e.losc applieation to nis clerical duties. Frank L. Noble & Co.'s piaster and stueco milis two miles southwest from Grand Raplds caught lire aud were totally de3troyed together with machinerv and a uuinber of coütiguous buildings. Thê total loss is $35,000 wlth $17.000 Insurance. Forty uien are thrown out of cmployment. The Baptist seminary property at Feiitcm is urged as a good plact lor the proposed state bcuool for imbéciles, a bilí for the establishment of wbieh bas been reported favorably by the House committee on education. The propu'ty is a flue one. Prof. A, M. Scb aller, an aged Germ:m mu6icteacber formerly ol Milwaul;e,Wis,, suicided in Liederkraiiï hall Mauistee a few nights ago, by shooting himself in the mouth. He was discovered the next moruiug in au uneontcious state. He will die. Despoudency was t ie cause oi the deed. líe Hit a will headed : ' A huttc will," in which he bcquests hisspectacles to his landlord, and his revolver to the party from whom he borrowed money to purehasc it. A Mrs. John Simpson, of Kalamazoo, is 84 years oíd, has lived in that village just 5ü years and during that time has rcad every number of the Kalamazoo Gazette, walks about townas spry as most people and transacts her own business. Duriug the past year, be6ides doiug her housework, she has pieced and quilted nine nuilt6, knit 22 pairs of socks and 18 pairs ot mittens. Ceorge Payne, a young man of 18 vean attemptcd to board a movlng train at PetOêlfey, wben he was thrown uuder the wheels, Two coaches paseed over him, sevcriug both legs. He lived two hours after the accident. Otis & Co's f urnace at Mancelonn, Kalka.-ka county, burned a few days ago, at a loss of $20,000. Madame Marantlelte won the ten mile race at Schooieraft fair last week in 21 minutes and 33 seconds, making niue changes of horscg meantime without touching the ground. State liremens' tournament at Marshall, August 15-16. The prizes include: $25 : t test appcariug company" iu street parade ; huid engine contest- flrst class- first prize $l5aud state chamDionship bauner valued at I 100, Rccond prize $75; band engine contest , -sceond class- T5 and 50; hose race- open ! to state only- first prize $125 and state charopionjhip belt valued at 1U0, second prise 5; book and ladder companies- open to state only- first prize 8125 and state championship trump.t valued at 7L, second prize $75; steam enginu prizes, $100 and $50; band contest, ?100 aud S0; best band drill under command of dium u"iuj(.r, #50; sweepstake hose race - open to the world - oue prize o00; special ; mcdal prizes for bicycle races-ópeo toallaiuateurs of Michigan. "Addrese Kobert II. Fisher, local seoretarv", Marshall. A number of state oflicials of Colorado were iu Lansing the other day. They visited the capítol while the. House was in scssion.


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