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g HAS BEEN PROVED The SUREST CURE tor ï Í KIDNEY DISEASES. Does a lame baok or dísordered urine indi cate that you aro a victim P THEN IO NOT L E HESITATE; use Kidney-Wort at once, a " giata recommendit)and it will Bieedily come the diseaeo and restore healthy oction. O O I oHioc For oomplainto poouUar L LdUICDi toyour ser, suchas pain u andweaknesses.Kidney-Wortisunauxpasflod. Í as it will oot promptly and safely. EitherSex. Inaontinenoe, retention ofurino, a briele dust or ropy deposita, and dull dragging c O pains, all speedily yield to ita ourative power. 5 80LD BY t.T. DBT7GGISTS. Prico tl. "Mr. KLlmn Jjjiwrence, ray towna-iüiiii,' Aiiys Dr. Philip C. Ballou, of Monkton, Vt., was bloated Irom kkiney dlsease. The skin of hls legs shone like glass. Kldney-Wort aired Mm. Apr. 20-82. IS A SURE CURE ! for all diseases of the Kidneys and LIVER It has specific actioa on this most important organ, enabling it to throw off torpidity and , inaction, stimulatrag thoheaitny eecreuonoi the Bile, and by keeping the bowela in freo conditton, efTecÜng ita regular discharge. BB I mVa Ifyou are suffering from rtfiCl Id lid. malaria, have the ohiUs, are bilious, dyapeptio, orconatipated, Kidneyt Wort wUl surely relieve and quickly oure. In the Spring tocleansetho System, overy one should tako a tliorouch courao oi' it. i ! SOLP BY DRUCCISTS. PrlcetlJ "Teil my brotlier soldiers,' writes J. C. Power, of Trenton, 111., "and all others, too, that Kiduey Mrort cured my 20 years livers dsorders. Publish it, please, in St. Louis OlobeDemocratS' ]FOR THE PERMANENT CURE 0F . CON8TIPATION. No othcr dlsease ia so prevalent in thifl M "" try as CoDsüpation, and no remedy haa orer E- ¦!-. Mv vuv n ii.uiiiuTu " 'i w on au a mire. Whtttever the cause, however obstinate 0 ra tho case, thie remedy will overeóme it t. PILES THW U'rcs8ing S " IUKl0" Plaint la very apt to be poompUcatedwlUioonatipatlon. Kldney-Wort J v strenethons the weakened parta and quloklv L 10 ouroa all kinds of Piles even whea phyaioianó os and medicines havo bofore failod. tWZt you have oithor of these tremoles ¦ r .p.R'c-g $Jv?jjuf l X i7n8i8ir Se" ' Another Bank Caslieir escapes. Uto. ir Horst, C'ash'r of Myerstown (Pa.) Bank, said, rfíeD"'y: "Klduey-Wort cuml m'J bleediiuj THE CREAT CjJRg! .- TOS. - RHEÜMATISM- I B It eleanse the system of the aorid poison " 00 taat causes the dreadful sufl-ering which S O nly toe victima of Bheumatism can rSïïè L L o, t. THOUSANDS OF CASES j , of the worst forms of this tenb" disease "1 O have been quickly reUeved, andTn ehori ïïê 2 PERFECTLY CURED. O I KICE, 1. UQIIDOR DRY. SOI.D I.Y DBIGOISTS. % íinD"T can be sent by mail 5 S SI ü ü F ff ffit8 V 1 1 SïE "Kidney-Wort has glyen immediate relitf, in many cases of rheumatism, falling under my not!ce'-Dr. Philip C. Rallou, Monkton Vt Apr-20-82. "I neverfound even rellef.from rheumatism and kidney troubles till I used Kidney-Wort Xnw lm .."-David M. Hutter, Hartford'


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