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;i:i it phopkktï issukeij u O. H. MILIiElT, INSURANCE AGENT, No. 4 S. Mitin St., Ann Arbor. Tlic didcst ifrenoy In I)m city. Busbliched a quurtur oí a ceutury íí. KeiT6MlltlIig the jolIdwIhk ftmi-claiw coinjiaiiieo: Hume Insurance ''o., of N. Y i 7,0 wl.OOO Contim ma InsiirsnieCn., ol X. V 4,907.206 NiaKam Insurance Co., ol N. V 1.7.'i.5 Mj3 'Jirard inpurauce Co., of Fliila 1,182,481 Oriënt lniorance Co., of Hart'brd 1,419,522 Commercial Union, of Ltmdnn I2,O(K).(KK) Liverpool. London und Globe 88j000,000 jgg1" Katet Low. Losses Ubenüli adfnsted and promplly pald. C. H. Millen. 1141-)1()B MAGNETieMpiCINïf ?obc! BRAIN &NERVE F00D.T4kt?5 A cure Gntranteud In all Casen For Old and Young, i al aiul Frmalf. MAONETI M KJICIKÏ a Brain aad Nsrvo Food ; Unfiillng and Poiitive Care. 'J'odct dp ihcdcbUitated nyntem, arrcets al) involuniHiy dÍBCharír'H, removes mental el oom and desponfU'nrv ;i n rl r s'orry derfu! power lo the weakene.i ort' ns JJg" Witb eacb order ior twelv? pa'kire. ROCOlApunled with five dollart, we wilt end om fJmr.'inicr to refnnd the inoney il the treartnent does no' effect a cure. Ft Is the Cheapest and Bc' Medicine In the mrket. Fnll particular In Pamphlot, which we niüll Cree to anyaddresH. Sold liy all DniL'eitH, one packiiL'e ött cents; Six for i'2.50, or sent bv mail nn recelrt nl price, by adaresnini.' the MAOKSTIC MEDICINE CO., Detroit, Mich. 'íuarautees Igtmá In Ann Arhor by C. E. HOLMES, ro(,k Hotel ISlock. HSó-Sö OET THE BEST f LEAD ALL OMES! EveryStyle&Price. Guaranteed Unequaled POR OPERATION. ECOWOMY. DURABILITY and WORKMANSHIP. Improvemeats and Conveniences fonni ín rno others. AlwaysiReliable. POPULAR EVERYWHERE. PorSaloln'Evory City and Towa 'In the TTnited Statea. And by Jolin Pflsterer, Ann Albor. Vegetable Sicilian HÁIR RENEWER was the flrst preparation perfect 1 y adapted to cure diseases of the scalp, and the first successtul restorer of faded or gray liair to its natural color growth, and youthful beauty. It has had many imitators, but none have so fully met all the re quirements needful for the proper tteatment of the hair aud scalp. Hall's Hair Rk.neiver lias steadily grown in favor, and spread its fame and usefulness to every quarter of the globe, lts unparalleled success can be attributed to but one cause: the entire fulfilnuut of its mmüses. The proprietors have often been snrprised at tlie receipt of orders f mm remóte commies, where they had never made an effort for ts int roduetion. The use for a short time of Hall's H mr BmrEWXB wonderfully improves the personal appearanee. It cleanses the scalp from all lmpunties, cures all humors, fever, and ,lrynes and thus prevenís baldness. It stimulatès thé weakened glands, and enables them to push forward a new and vigorous growth. The effects of this article are not transient, like those of alcoholic preparations, but remain a long time, which malees its use a matter of economy. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE FOR THE WHISKERS Win ohange the beard to a natural brown or black, as desired. It produces a permanent co'lor that will not vaak ftway. Oonsisting of a sincle ¦Jreparation, it is applied without troubie. PKEPAKED BY R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N.H. Sold by all Dealers In Medicines. tFOR ALL THE FOEMS Scroftilou, Alrrourial, and Bloml Dlcorden, the host remadr, beeange the most searching tlioruugU blooilpunfler, ia Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Sold by all Diuggists ; $1, six bottles, fi, Commlssiouers' Jíotice. CJTATaoFMICHIGAN.CountyofWashtenaw se ]tl lí T aSa"1St the eBtale of Jos('I)l1 Schuahul ate of „aid coantv, deceased, herebj aiw not h l)ated, May 111, 1883. WILLIAM II. DAVENPOI& ) JOHN SV. nULL, fCommllonors. ___ 1144-47 Notlce to Credlfors. ated, Ann Arhor, May Hth A T) írki Judguol Probate. Estáte of Wllliaui llulbert. gPATE OF MICHIGAN. Couuty of Washtenaw, MÊHÈ4 sa.d e8tat5, of the pendlrf nT" i"tere!"eti in and tho hekriiiR therf ,v 2 said account, order to be publXJ n Si ?"'" T ? Cop oí thi a ncwapapeí priuted an dcircnílt. rti }ouri, hearing. C 'Xtl'yT ' 8aÍd d'V ' WILL1AM ü. HARRIMAN WM. 0. DOTY. p10hate Ro1:I8tJeUrdí!C f


Ann Arbor Courier
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