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A BICYCLE FORSALECHEAP! A ini i nickclled l. II. I Premier, 52 indi, ball hearings, doublc liollow fui -k,í n sol id condition, for sale at a Bargain. Cali at (ontii K ofllec. PATENTS Obtuinod, and all other business in the U. S. Patent Office attended to lor MODEKAI E FEKS. Our office is opuosite the U. S. Patent Office, and we can obtHin Ptc!nt8 íq lees time tban iboso remóte from WASHINGTON. Seud MOUBLor DKAWINQ. We adviso as to paientaility tree of ch'irgc; and we make NO CH trlOE ÜNLKS8 WE OBTAIN PATBNT. We refcr here, to the Poatmaster, the Supt. of MoneyOrd? Div., and to offlsiaU of the V. 8. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms. and rete rencen to actual client ín your own 8tate or county, uddrese C. A. HXOW A ('(., 111 ti Opposite PatentOflice, Washington, D.C. REMEMBER THIS. IF YOU ARE SICK. If you are sick, HOP BITTERS wül surely .lid nature n makingyou well again wheu all else fails. Ifyou are comparatively wel), bnt feel the neetl of a grand tonic and stimulant, never rest pasy till you are made a new being by the use of HOI' BITTERS. If you are costive or dyspeptic. or are suftering froni auy other of the niimerous diseases of the stomach or bowels, it is your ow n fault if jou remain 1(1, for HOP BITTERS are the sovereign remedy in all such complaints. If you are wastinr away with any form of Kidney disease, stop tempting Death tliis moment, and turn for a cure to HOP BITTERS. Ifyou are sick witli that terrible sickness Nervousness, you wül tind a " Balín in Qilead " in the use of HOP BITTERS. Ifyou iré a fre(iuenter, or a resident of a miasmatie district, barricade your system against the scourge of all countries- malaria], epidemie, bilious, and iuterinittent fevers - by the use of HOP HITTERS. If you have rough, piniply, or sallow skin. bad breath. pains and aehes, and fel miserable generally, HOP IUTTERS will ({Ivo you fair skin, rich blood, the sweetest breath, healtli, and comfort. In short, they cure ALL üiseases of the Stomach, Bowels, Blood, Liver, Xerves. Kidneys, etc , and $500 will be paid fora case tliey will not cure or hel]), or for auythiiiff iinpure or injurious founl in theui. That poor, bedridden, nvalid w i fe, sister, mother, or daughter, can be made the picture of hcallii by a few boules of Hop Bitters, costing but a trifle. Will You Let Thern Suffer ? Clcane, Piirlfy and Knrlcli tbe Bluod unli Hop Bitters, And you will have no sickness or suñeiing or doetor's bilis to pay.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News