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THE NEW 1883 Golden Star Oil Stoye f Tlie latestimproved stove in theraarket. The only stove made that has raoveaüle chimueys. You can Bake, Broil, Boil, Heat Flatirons, Wash, Do anythhig that can be done on a cook stove, at a cost of about 3 CEISTTS .A. X.A_"Y NoHeat, NoSmoke, NoSmell! If you want an oil stove, the best and safest stove made, buy an 1883 COLDEN STAR! We alsosell the SOLDEN 3TAB OASOLWE STOVÏ. whlcb bis several valuuble iinprovenieiits this year. Send for circular with prices. COULSON &, MORHOUS, 115 Wnodnnril Ave., - Detroit. We are the only exclusive House-furnishing Store In the state. Hend vis your address and we will mail you an Illustrated Catalogue, Gratis. 11381150 AYER'S Sarsaparilla curs Ktninimi Hm. Neuralgia, Rheumatic um+, Uriu i;il Debllity, Catarrh, and all ¦JkT.t.-i u.. d by a Uiin and iniporerisheá, or orrupted, condition of tb bUod; expalling tiie Maad-pnibons from the systein. enriching atid rtmtvtug the UI i, and restoring its vital' ifcing rv. r%_ luaÈÊf a long period of unparallcled usefulnoas, Athr'.s Saksatarilla has proven its perfect adaptatisn to tli cure of all diseases orinatiiig iu poorblood wvakened vitality. It is a kighly i.di.mii.iiml extract of Sartaparilla and otlier blool-ptn i ing rootH, coMbincd wilh Iodide of l'otaBaium anti Iron.aiul is the safest, most reliable, and most ecoiioinical and blood-food tbat eau le med. 1 iuhii.Mujil.,1 Kliemnatisra Curptl. " AVKlt's .SAKSAPAHJI.I.A llils UI, il me i,f tho Iliflainniatory liheunmtislii, with which I hiive sultered lor niaiiy yeürs. V. 11. BCOOBB." Dónuun, la., Mareh X, 1882. " Kight yearsngo I had an attack of Rhpumati-in so severo tliat I could not move from thy bt'il, or dress, without help. I tried several remedies without much if any relief, uutil 1 took Avir.s Saksatakilla, by the use oí two Iníttles of vhich 1 was completely cured. I hav not been troubled witb the HheuHiatism vince. Hav sold large quantilies of your Saiisatakiiia, and it t.tili retatoa its wonderful popalarltr. The waiiy notable cures it bas eltected in this vicinity oonviuce me that it is the best blood mediHuè Over oöereii toMic publip. K. F. HaKKIS." Kiver St., liucklund, Mass., May 13, tSSt. " Laat March 1 was so weak fnm sreneral cleblllty that I could not walk withoul help. I'ollowingtbeadviceof afrieiid. I eommenoed tiiking Avi u's SaksaI'AKIli.a, and liefore 1 bad used three bottles 1 feil aswell as I ewrdidin myhre. I have leen at work now for two mnnths, aml tliink your SAitsAi'AHiLi.A the matad Wixl medicine iu the world. Jamfs .M.w.vaiiii.'1 (30 West iM St., New York. Jnljr 18, 18K2. AnCB'4 SARSArAHll.l.v cures Scrofula and all ScrofuloiiH l'oiiiplaintH, Kr.vHipclax, l . zeina, Kiiifrirorm, lilotches, Sores, HoMh, TiiinorH.iuMl KruptloiiBol Ilie Skin. I .¦ : ÜM blood of all impuritics, aids ilijjesticm, stiniai lates the actian of the bowels, and tbns ri'Mom vitalily aud streugtbeus the whole sjratcm. PRKPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer &. Co., LowelJ, Mass. Solil by all Druggtsts; prtoa $1, ii bottle #6.


Ann Arbor Courier
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