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The Postmaster-Goneral has issued an order to take effect on July 1, with respect to what is known as "held-for-postage" matter. The order provides that "whenever any letters prepaid at leas than onc f uil rate of postage, or any parcel of third or fourth elass matter not fully prepaid and bidne: otherwise malled e deposited at a post office of the first, second or thirj elais, aud assiened to any otlier post otliee withln the United States, it shall be the duty of tlie postrnaster to sendto theaddressee an official pustal card containing a notice of the detentioD and a rtqueet to remit the proper amount of postage to eutitle the letter or parcel to lic forwarded to its destination. Tliis provisión applies only to matter whieh does not uear the eurd or address of the sender. Such card matter should be returned immediately to the party mailiner it, as preseribed by existiug rejiulations." Uuder this order, wture the seuder is not known, the person addressed is to be givcn an opportunlty of paylng the deficieut postage and of receiving the matter direct from the mailing office. By order of the Secretary of the Interior twenty-sevcn Ute ehildren have beeu sent to the Iudian school at Albuquerque, N. M Hcretofore the Ute Iudiaus have protested against sending thelr ehildren to school, and the faet that tliey have now been persuaded to submit to it is looked upon as au important step toward Iudian civilization. The secretary of the treasury has decided that the $100,000 appropriated for prey ention of the spread of epidemie diseases shall be disbursed by the surgeon-general of the marine hospital service. Over $2,000,000 in United States notes and eertificates for gold and silver were reduceü to pulp in oue dav at the treasury departun-nt. This is the largest day's work of that kind ever perfonned. The Treasury Department having boen informed thai a flrm at Torouto, Canad i, proposc to run a line of Caüadian steainurs this season between Chicago and Montreal, calling at Cleveland and Detroit, was asked if it wouid be pcrmissible for the vess.:ls of this line to carry passengers from Cleveland to Detroit aud Chicago, or from the last named to the flret named points. Unt'l last ycar it was held that the transportation of passengers by foreign vessels between port and port in this country made such vessel6 virtually Hable to a tax of $1 30 per ton. The atturuey-general has sinee, however, given au opinión tbat there is no bar to such transportation. The Canadian flrm above referred to has been notlfied of these facts, and has also been informod that the treasury department looks with no favor u pon the transportation of passengers between our own norte in Canadian bottoms, especially as it is known that the laws of Canada do not extend a similar privilege to vessels of the United States. The Urin has been further informed that although the treasury il'ipartment must concede that there is no legal forcé in the statute upon which it has hitherto relied to prevent such transportation of passengers in foreign bottoms, it would not hesitate to apDlv , in prevention of it, any provisión of the statútes that might be found legally suflicient for that purpose. The queen's birthday was duly celebrated iu Washington at the Britieh legation. The atteudance this year was mnch smaller than usual, owing to the ahseuoe of President Artliur, aud all hut ono of tho oabinet, and tbe iuabillty of several foreign ministers to be present. Word has been reueived at the treasury department that a party of Mormon paupers are en ruute from Swilzcrlaud to New York. Iustriictions were at once issued to the Collector of custoins at New York to prevent t'ne landing of these Mormons, provided they are paupers within the mcaning of the immignitiou act. The receipts at the patent office for the current year will be abour. $1,200,000, or over $200,000 more than last year. Al tempte have been made by Canadians to viólate the act to prevent t'nc importatiou of spurious teas. The treasury department has issued a circular calliug the attention of eustom olliceis to this f act, and urging them to more eaieful Yigilauce. The altenuon oí tiio ireasury miviiif; ICet eal led to tbc f act that FingHsh fisl arc Some,imes' adrpitted frec. of duticsonthe north'-rn [rostiere in üxcesslvequautltics, a circular lias j :ecn issueil to collectors and Olhcrs directiug Luat importers t)e required to ñlo. au affidavit tliat Ihc fresii tish imported are for immeaiatc -onsuniptloii, and not, iutended for preservaliou. Vlie porti oL Sandusky and Detroit are ¦ ly mentioued a3 points wliere flsli Irom Cauada ] are received in largo numbers. Liuut. Col. Hge3 has withdrawn liis iTsi"natiun. He pr fcrsatrialby court martial. Witli a view to keeping Indiana on tlicir rtdpcctive reservatious and also reduciiig the expenses of the Indian service, the comm'.sÊioiHV oí Indian affjirs lias ts6ied a circular to agenta at uou-treaty Indlm agencies dlreeuni tliem to (Jiseouümie supplyiug Iudians with colïee, sugar ani tobáceo, except as a couipeusation for labor performed. The toUl valneof importa of roerphandis- tov 1% uu.ntlis ending April 30, 183, was irêUJYMBl I to the yeal fiidiuíí April 30, Irtbi, T08,0B4,iBT, an increaae of i5,l53,004. Tlievalutof eiports of merchandise for the yeareudlng April 80, 1883, was $811,641,354; lor the pn-cedlne vear, $777,875,781, an increase of $33,765,573. At the request of General Haen, the Secretary of the Navy will order oue of the vesselso'f theNorth Xtlautic Squadron to accompany the vessel to be chartered at St. Johus, N. F-, for the Greelj relief expedilion. The obiect of having a convoy i3 to prevent the fai'lureof thcexpeditioB iff case any accident should befall the Sigual Service steamcr. (i reilt exeitetoent vas caused in Washinatnn n tow linva atfo bv the amiouncement that Gen. Crook's entirc command had been massacied. Telegrauns were at ouce sent out, but no replus were receivcd, and the report is generally discredited, and it is believed he is safe ín the mountains of Arizona. The belief is entertained by Crooks friends that if he does meet foul play, it will be at the hands of his Indlan allies. SThe comrnissioner of the general land office is instructed to direct the ofticers of local land oflices along the Northern Pacific railroad to accept selectkms of land within the indem tv !iiuit8 of the grant to that comDany, and to note the same lipón the books when Buctl selections are free from conflict, without requiring the company to furnish liets of land "loBt in place." For the week ending May 26 there were 144,000 silver dollars issued from the United States mints. GENERAL ITKMS. Snow feil on the 23d inst. a foot in depth on the line of the Richmond aad Allegheuv railroad betweeu Lyuchburg and Clifton íorge, Va. The bricklayers strike at Chicago is assuming serious form. The strikers rccently attempted to intimidate worknieu who had taken their place. Claims of ovor 2,000 persons in Indian territory to be reeognized as ladiang will be eonstdercd by ofllccrs of the interior depaitment sent thithcr for that purposc. Deooration of the graves of Southern eoldicrs was generally observed at Richmond Va on the 23d in' t. Twelve thousand graves were decorated', and the burial serrlce was rcad over the remaius of 6Oldier killed in the ' battle of Sevcn Pines and recently brought to ¦ Richmond. The Mexiean government is perfect ing a pUn for the encouragement of emigra don. bfginning with its norlhern states. 'Tl ! said the governinent will dónate land and & ' passage. The Cuba sugar erop is estimated a - 452,000 tonsor25 per cent less than year üreat drout prevail. The Rcpublican state convention of K ntucky bas nominated Thomaa Z. Morrow for governor. Three counties in Missouri, Howell, Maries and Millcr, have 6uffered great daraage to property from recent wind and rain storrns. The ffovernor of Pennsylvania vetoed a bilí giving pensions to purvivintr veterans of the Muxicau war, or to widows of soldiers and sailors ot tbat war. After sixteen years of labor, and at an expense of nearly as many millions of dollars, the reat bridge between New York and Brooklyn 6 at last complcted. and ready for use by tbe public. Tuis bridge towers far above the highest masts of the greatest sbips that enter New Yoik, and is eonsidered th! grandesttriumph of modern engineering. No other such mass of ma6onry has been att( nipted in modern times, and in the pyramids of Egypt ouK do we flnd a pirallel of buch massive coustruction. The formal opening of this massive structure on the 24th of May was a gratifying success. President Arthur, with Gevcral other dignitaries of the nation and all of the state officials of New York were present. The illuminatlons and drapery were beautiful and appropriate, and the day was observed in both cities as a general holiday. A reception w:is given in the evening, attended by over 15,. 000 people. Communication between these two cities has hitherto been maintaiued by several unes of immense ferry boats, which carry back and forth the scores of thousonds of persons. But uow that the great bridge is completed transit between Brooklyu and New York wtll líe easier and less expenBive. The Canadian government has signed onventious with Germany and Switzerlandfor tic exchange of inoney orders with Canada, eginning July 1. Negotiations with France ud Italy are so forward that it is almost cerain that money orders may be sent to those ountries on the same date, and witli Belgium month later. The steamer Pilot explot'ed near LakevHle, Cal., on the 26th of May, killing 10, vounding seven, while a number of others were missinï. The cause of the explosión is aid to be detective boilers. In proroguina; the Canadian Parliaient, Governor-General Lorne closed bis adress as follows: "The sevcance of my official onnection with Canada does not loosen the ie of affection which will ever makc me desire o serve this country. I pray that the rosperity have peen you enioy may continue, and that he Messing of Gou may at all times be yours I o strengthen you in unity and peace." Tliere arrived at the Zoologieal Garlens in Phlladelphia a few days ago, five of the arest animáis, the only specimens of their ïind,that have ever been known to be captured alive. Their scientific name is Moclorhinchus Angustriv Ostris, although they are known as elephant seáis or sea elephants.The animáis were irocured by Henry Keiche & Brother, of New i'ork, in the South Pacific, ana were taken to ¦lew York about a eek ago, it beiiig the raention to ship t'iem to one of the European zoologieal societies. The Philadelphia society mrebased the animáis. Small-"pox is making sad havoc in the rison at Lancaster, Penn. Fiftecn cases roke out in one day, recently. The indebtedness of Yankton county, )akota, whose repudiation militated against rhe receptiou of Dakotu as a state by the last oougress, has been at last honorably adjusted. Respeoting the settlement between the dominion government and the province of British Columbia, the dominion government at Ottawa, agreed to give a money grant to the province ainouuting to $1,000,000, of which $750,000 is to idemnify tbe province for loss sustaincd in carrying out the terni6 of,tbeconfederation to delay in building the Canada Pacific railway, and $250,000 in aid of the construction of the Esquimau dry doek. An 1,800,000 acre purchase of land in the panhandle of Texas by an English syndicate" is report ed; price, $3,000,000. The tract will be feneed. It borders 200 miles on Indian Teritory. Irishmcn in Galveston, Tex., t 112 a f uiid for the benefit of the widows and ïhildren of the men recently executed at . in for the PtacBnix park murders. Seven hun3red dollars ure already tubseribed and the ' tentiou is to tnake it $1,000, Nogatiations havo been compluted by - liich the Erle and New England express company Have ceased to exist. By the tcrms of i the agreciuent the United States ixpress : pany gets a fooi hold in Boston and a thoroujjh route betwei.'U Boston and the west. Kate Kaue, the fcmale lawyer of Milwaukee, who basjust been released from, havtog been imprisoned foreontempt, is ai;iiu in trouble. The judge has arraigned Katie again for contempt, because she told hini he took bribes. Giaduates of McGill universitv, Montreal, aáoptcd a re6olution favoring tbe aiimissiou of vromen to the privileges of the uuiversity. A band of 150 women of Belleville, 111., wives and friends of ttie etriking eoal miners, niarehed in a body to the mines and coinpelled tbe men who had taken the strikers' ilaees to abandon work. The women attacked he workmen with stones and elubs, besiJes earing up a shqrt line of track-, and tbreatenng to bum tbe turfaee work of the mine. It was only after the arrival of the mllltia that lic infuriated women could be Induced to re;urn to their homes. Lord Lorne has decideil to rernain m !ana'la uutil tbe arrival of his Buccessor. -orne will be raised to the pr'erage upon his , rival iu England. Thepr.nse-s gocs abroad u July. There is a lively war among the raiload cotipanies ou passenger rat es from Peoría, 11. to Missouri rivtr poiuts. First elass fare rom Pe.iria to Council Bluffs, St, Joe. Atchi;on aud Kansas City only 50 cents, with a probibility of a reductiou to 10 cents. Gen. Graut and Mr. Gladstone are jlected honorarv members oí the American peace society in acknowledgment of ttu-ir servicis in connection with the treaty of Washington. The investigaüug committee of the penltentiary at Denver, Col., find affaira at that iustitution in a verv unsatisfactory condition. Punishmeut has'bceuadmiuistered of sucli a nature as to produce iDëauity. A hose ath has been the favorito metbod of puulshíent. The victims wi re ticrl to a post and a ream of water from haif iueh nozzle at 56 joHuds pressure was thrown iu tbe face for lalf an hour at a time, with only short intermlsslons to prevent uccomiiu; insensible. CKiME A bold robbery was perpetratcd in Cleveland, O., a few days ago. The money arrier of the U. S. express comDany had just eceived sundry packages of money cnd other valuables, and put thern in a buggy Borne oue called to him, and no oue being in sight he tepped a little way from hls buggy to auswer the cali. He returned and drove to the office, and there discovered that the poueheu containln the valuables had been stolen, and two bags, exactly similar, but tilled with brown paper, had been substituto!. The stolen pouches contained between $15,000 and $20,000 in bank chepks and certiflcates of deposlt. No clue has been obtained of the adroit robbers. Bill Fox, the dissoliite young fellow who deliberatelv murdered W. L. Howardnear Nevada, Mo., a few days ago for his money, coollv pleaded guilty in cóurt at St. Louis, saying Ule had been a miserable failure aud he wanted it ended. Judge Burton refused to accept the plea, and one of uot guilty was entered and two lawyers were appointed to defend him. The action of Fox crcated a profound sensation. _ OTHER LA.N1JS. Daniel Curley, Phoenix park murder er bas paid the penalty of his crime. He me his death with a coolness that surprised evei his most Intímate f riends. He made no confee 6ione or revelations, but carried his secrets t his grave. The night before the executlon h wrotea most touobing Uttir to bis wife, urging her to be tme to her religious ilulies, anc; to h"-ite up her chlldren iu the fitlth of the Cathollcs. Mackey of Nevada, the American minister, bas started for Moscoiv to atteud thi coronation of the czar as a member of tb American mission. Mrs. Mackey, who accompanie6 her husuand, has 15 court dresses. On learning of tlio existence of a revolutiouary club in Russia, the czar wanted to again postpone the date of liis eoronation but was dissuaded f rom iiis purpoee. The resentment against the pope's circular to the Irish clery continúes to in crease, the people claiming that it nieans disunion between pricsts and people. Advices from Hayti state that a great battle took pJacc tuere April 27, in whkh thi government troops were so badly elaughtereu that they were forced to send a tlag of truco ti the rebels, asking that hostillties bc euspiTukv until they coukl bury their dead. Seven persons have beeu arrestad near Barbille. Ireland, on a cliargeof beingcornected with the sbooting of Mrs. tfmythe, wh. was murdered April 2, 1882. Marquis of Lansdowne has been tendered the governor-g'eueralship of Canada. Hi ba acceptcd, and will bail for Canada in October. The Spanish governuient has agVeed to pay the American idenmity, provisión to b made in the Cuban budget " for upwards ot $526,000, biine the remainder of the awarcl tlxed by the Washington cnmnnssiou. That irrepressible Mr. Bradlaugh has, in three yeara, been the subject of eleven Important divisions in the House of Common, the first being on the rnotion of tbc lamenteu Lord Frederiek Cavendish. Thus far the ouly result acenmpüshed by the Pope's circular has been to increase contributions to the Pamell fuud. The Suez canal company havo annouuced that they propose tocomiñenee eutting a parallel canal across the isthmns fortliwilh. and have applied to the English government for their support in obtaining the nnceeeary concesBion of land from the khedive. The Arcüc exploring vessel Sophia, with Prof. Nordensjold and other scientiste, hae eailed for Greenland. Londorj ship owners who favor another Suez Banal, have raiee;l L30,000 for preliminary expenses. This project 6eem to be rapidly aesumiuir tangible sbape. Latest advices froni Madagasoar report that the Freneh detachment had landed, and carried several important military posts. The Japanese postal agencies which have heretofore been maintaiued at different points iu China, have been discontinued. John Behan, correspondent of the Irish World of New York, för West Clare district, Ireland, has beeu arrested on a charge of intimidaiing the driver of a mail wagon, whom he had called a 6py and infonner. Juror Field has been awarded L3,000 and the Huddys L500 as compensation for outrages to which they were subjected on politieal account. An extensive fire occurred at Vare, in the upper Alps. Fifty houses were destroyed aud several persons perished in the flames The British training ship Mars was destroyed by fire a few days ago. The 400 boys on board barely escaped with their Hves. The fire was incendiary. Gen. Wallace, United States minister at Coustantinople, has lodged a urotest with the government against the imposition of an ad valorem duty of 8 per cent. on imports into luruey. The entire Sweedish ministry have esigned, in coosequence of the defeat of Ihe irmv orgauization bill in the diet. A riot oecvirrod at Rostoft", Russia, in rhich a numbrr of Jews were killed, their louses pillagcd and burned. Accordiug to Lonilon dispatches "ranee and China have rcally come to blows vertlie Tonquin questinn. An official tele;ram from Touquin states that Capt. Kiviere, ;ommandiT of the Freuch forces iu Tonquin vas killed while making a sorlie from f'ort üanoi, aud tljat Capt. De Villcrs was dangcrmsly wounded. (ícd. Bonet has beeu ordered 'rom Saigon to take the place of Capt. Reviere. The Cologne Gazette has published ¦in article which attracts much attentlon, pointing out that (ierniany, Auslrit and Jialy can mu6terl,31S baltaliODSof infantry, 740 squadrons of cavalry, 4,464 tield guns; while tbe forces of France and Kussia amonnt to 1,339 battalionsof infantry, töO squadrons of cavalry, and 4,840 field guus," hut it says that the last two States can ouly opérate with divided force.8. A tripartite alliancc can thus outweigh the whole reuiainder of Europo. A conspiracy against theTurkish government was diseovered at Erzroum, and over 300 persous were arrested and imprisoned. Eight tliousand Germans started for America a few days ago. The czar"o coronation cost the poverty-ridden Kussians $10,000,000. Queen Victoria is suffering with gout, and her physicians fear tbey wili not be able o prevent it reaehiug vital parts. The czar has issued his manifestó í romisiug peace, natioual development, remisiion oL penalties íor non-political oSenees, ' !tc. Miehael Fagan, convicted of the niur)f Stcretary Burke, lias been hanged. Before . aeing executed Fagan tolil his priest that lie J aoped Irisbmen woald avoid secret socicties. Rewards have been given to the Irish ; Informers, as follows: Farrel. received Ll,fliK), rad Miehael K wanazh, thc carraan, L2S ). Both these men have left the country, presumabiy ior America. A dispatch to the Daily News froni Hong Koug, May 27, says: China takes a con-' ciliatory attitude on the Tonquin qucstluu. but maintains its right oL sovcretguty Ton quin. Chinese troops Wflre uot engagcd in Hghting at Hanoi, but a number ol Chinese juihed the Annamites. China will not interfere in the present conflict, but does uot admit the right of France to conquer Tonquiu. On the other hand France is tuorougbly excited over the question, and belicves that its ouly ccurse is to act vlgorously and swiftly. 2The imposing ceremonies attending the coronation of the czar, for which the empire has been so long preparing, were suetiessfully performed in the cathedral of the Holy Aseumption, within the walls of the Kremlin at Moecow, on Suuday, May . The day was uahered in with the ftring of cannon ard riugnr of belle, and a grand rush of people for poiuts conimanding a view of the proposed procession. Thc wliole city was patrolkd by soldiers, large bodies of whom were Btafioned alongthe route of the procüfsion, four miles in length. AU available space in the streets, at windovrs or on house tops was orcupied soon after 6 o'clock tu the morning, fabulous pricis being paid forstandiog room Immense orowds sought admittance to tbc cathedral, but close vigilanc; was observcd, and onh those huWmg tieksUs were admitted. The high tmptrla) and c cclesiustical oilirials who were lo conduct the ceremonies assembled in the cathedral at 7::iü, and were followed by the princes and represeutatives of foreign goveruments, members of the Kussian uoHüiyandthedimplomatioeorps, all of whom werc admittc d with.u the walls oï the Kremlin, but only a part g.n. into the cathi'ilral. An immense throng of citizens, eoldters and visitora surrounded the graat wallp ol the palace unable to see or hear any part o) the ceremony, but ioining the acclamation ol the people iñside. the emperor worc the white uniform of a colouel of the imperial guanlí and the empress a dress of black velvet rlchly embroidered with diamond and eirdK'i with % of precious stones. Tbr rma pair placed themsclves ander a magnifleeu canopy of stik and gold, borne by?5 generáis o high rank. Ou entering the cathc.lral Ukv wei met by the metropolitans of Moscow, Novuo r- ¦ Kinff w'" presni'd themwitha cros? 'to klss ana eprinkled thcm with Loly water, ïuu vuij.Lrui .m euipicos Vueit and bowed heir hcads, aud were tlicn conducted to the anekut thronesof ivory and silver, placed on a liáis and uader a canopy of fcirlet velvet, embroidend with uold aud lined with silver brocadf . In front of the turones on tables covered with gold cloth lay the crowns and scepter. The metropulitan of Novgorod, ascendlng the dais, asked in a loud voicc : "Are you a bcliever? ' The emperor. fallin; on his knees, replied by reading aloud the Lord'e prayer and ie Apostlu'd cretd of the Grcck church. Tb netopolitan responded: "May the grace of the lloly Giiost reinain with thee," and the cuslomary summons to anyoue knowing any ltupcdimcnt to Alcxander's coronation to "come tonvard und show it, was read three times. Che mctropnlitaES thi'n invested the emperor vith the imptral nantk' of, tayiug as hiv did po, "t'ovcr ind profeet thy people as thy robe protects and covers thee," the emperor respOHiling, "I will, I wil!. (5od lielping." After iUToking a bèned c ion. the rowns weie placed ujjou the lieade 01 the eiaperor and tmuress, and thcir majestius wtre agaiu seafed on thuir ilirome. The archileieou ln'oned the imperial titk-s auil sang, "Domine, Sahumfat imjicralunim" whuh was then rtpeated by the chorus1, when all the betla in the city rang and a Sálate af ]Jl gans was fired. The emperor ¦ heu knelt and rcolted a prayer, after which tin; royal couple proceedrd to the door of the sanctüary, were forinally annointed and parfook of tliu sacrament, au' the ceremony was en le?, and Atezan'dar III deslared Czar óf all tue Kussians.


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