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The Ann Arbor Courier

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PBIDAY, JUNE 1, 1883. Closlii and Opening ui malla. vlmls loavlng ahii Arbor, Uast and West, wUJ ckwe as folio ws. OOINU WEST. inrough and Way Mail 8:20 and lü:5U a. m. Vay Mail betweeu Ann Arbur and Jacksou 4:50 p. m, (iight Mail 8:00 p. in. 'UMI KAST. Througb and Way Mail, Night Liue,6:0C a. m. Tbrough and way Mali, Suuday closes Saturday ulght 8:00 p. m. l'brough and Way Mail...lU:2U a. in., 4:5U p. m. GOISQ SOUTH. Toledo Fouch 7.00 a. m. Toledo and Way 8.00p. in. lui m; NORTH. Soutli Lyou and Northern 10.00 a. m. Walsli, Whitmore Lake fc Hamburg 9.30 a. in. MAIL DISTKIUUTKD Eastern Mails distrlbuted at 8 a. m., 9.30 a. m., 12 m. tnd S:30 p. m. VVesleru Mali diutrlbuted at 8 a. in. and 6:30 J Hl. JackHon Mail and Way Mail between Jackon and Ann Arbor distributed at 11:15 a. m. Monroe and Adrián pouch, 10:00 a. m. liniurn .UI Ui . rruluM arrlve and dopart from the Mictilaii 0 niral Depot In this city as follows: TKAl.NS iLAST. ulantic Kxpress 2.04 a. in. Sii!UtKxiies 6.3 a. m. Jucköon Acoominodation 8.'2ö a. m. drand liapids Express üay üxpress 5.07 p. m. Mali 4.37p.m. N. Y. Express 10.26 p. m. ÏBA1NS WK8T. jjl 8.45a. m. Day Express 11. 00a. m. Jrand Rapids Express 5.22 p. m. Jaokson Express 7.24 p. m. Kyeuing Express 9.25 p. m. PiOiflc Express 11.1 p. in. Local Passenger 5.19 a. m. AU trains are run by Chicago time, wb icü ib Ilítueu minutes slower Ihau Aun Arbor time. Tralos arrlve and depnrt trom the Toledo, Ano Arbor & Umud ï'runk depot in tlils city i.-, lollows : TKAIM NOKTU. Express 1 '.35 a. in. Express U.l p. m. Ac-coiuiiuxiiUion (i.iO a. ia. TKAl.NS SOUTH. Express 7.ü0a. m. Mali 3.35 p. ra. Accoimuodatiou 1-j.üö p. ui. Frater nity Lodue Xo. -ia-: F. A A. 9f. Regular commutiications held iu Masonic Hall on Weduesday eveniugs ou or before the ruil inoon. Visiling Brothers cordially welcome. C. B. DAV1SON, W. M. W. F. STIMSON, Sec. Frleudn of The Courier, who have bnsineM at the Probate Court, will ilease reuuest Judice Harriniau to Hnil Iht-ir rriiillui: to thiL nillcf.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News