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íterrj Pop Dyspepste, TTVY! tOfc C o h t i ve n o 8 s, fUJiJLljfasick lieadache, SJË-jjfPP' hroiii v, lilarWzf&V? rl.ooa, Jaumlice, ijjjjlj J IJ y :ul all IJiscase rangemcnt of Liver, Kowela and KiUncys. BTMPTOMS OF A DTSKASKD LIVER. Bad Brcath; Pain In the Side, sometimos the P.tmi is fcltundcr the Shouldcr-bladc, mistaken fot Khcumatism ; lss " &ppte ; Bowels gcncrally costive, sometimes nltcrnating withlax; the head is troubicd with pain, is dull nd heavy with considerable loss of memory, accompanied withapainfulscnsationoflcavingundoncsomething which oughfto have been done; a slight, dry cou;h and flushed face is sometimes an attendunt, often mistaken fur consumption; thc patíent complains of wcariness and dcbility; nervous, casily startlcd; foet cold or burning, sometimes a prirkly sensatioa of the skin exists; spirits are low and desnondent, and, although satisfied that exercise would ne beneficial, yet one can hardly summon up furtitudc to try t - in fact, distrusts every remedy. Scveral of theabove symptoms attend thediscasc, but cases have oceurred when but few of thcm existed, yet examination after death has shown thc Livor c have been extcnsivcly deranged. It sliould bo usod by all persons, oíd and young, whenever aïiy of tho abovo syuiptoios appcar. Persons Travellnu or Living in UuIiealthy Localltics, by taking a dos occasionally to keep the Liver in hcalthy action, will avold all Malaria, lïllioue attaoks, Dizzincss, Nausci, Drowsiness, Deprcssion of Spirits, etc. It will invifforate likc a glass of wine, but ir no intoxicating beverage. If You liave aten anythlng hard ol digestión, or'feel heavy after mcals, or slcopleS8 at night, takc a dose and you will Ijc relieved. Timo and Doctors Bills will bo saved by always keoping the Kognlator in the House 1 For, whatever thc ailment may be, a ihorotighly safe purgativo, altorativo and toAo can never dc out of place. Thc remedy Es harmlesa and does not Interlere Wttli busiiicsw or pleasuro. IT IS rURELY VEGETABLE, And lias all the power and efficacy of Calomcl or Quimne, without any of the injurious after efi'ects. A GovernoVa Tcstitaony. Simmons Liver Regulator has been Ín usc in my fainily for somc time, and I nm satistied it is a valúame addition lo thc medicr.4 science. J. Gill SkostbBj Governor of Ala. Hon. Alexander ïï. Stepbens, of Ga., lays: Have derived somc benent from the use oí Simmons Livcr Regulator, and wisli to givo ít a further trial. 'Tlio only Tiüng tliat ncvrr fails to Relieve.' - I have usod many remedies for Dyspepsia, Livcr Aöectïon and Dcbility, but ncver have found anythfng to benefit me to tbc extent Simmons Livcr Regulator has. I sent from Minnesota to Georgia fur it, and would send further for such a medicine, and would advise all who are similarly iiffected to give it a trial as it scems thc only tbing that never fails to relieve. fP. M. Janney, Minncnpolis, Minn. Dr. T. W. Blasón says: From actual ex. perience in the use of Simmons Liver Regulator in liny practico I have been and nm satisfied to usc 9? and prescribe it p.s a purgativo medicine. 9 J@?Takc only thc Genuine, which alwayr, Khas on thc V rapper thc red Z Tratle-Mark Jp.ndSignaturoof J. II. ZEILEN & CO. 8 _ FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. I Ê ff tCONQÜERORQ A SPECIFIO FOR W EP1LEPSY, SPASMS, GOKVULSiONS, F&LLING SIGKNESS, ST. VITUS DANOE, ALCHOHOLISM, OPIUM EftTIHG, SYPHILL1S, SGROFULA, KINGS EVIL, ÜGLY BLCOD DISE&SES, DYSPEPS1A, NERVOUSNESS, SIGK HEiDAGHE, RHEÜM&TISM, HERVOÜS WE&KHESS, NERVOUS PR0STRATI9H, BRAIN WORRY, BLOOD SORES, BILIOÜSNESS, COSTIVEHESS, KIDHEY TROUBLES AMD IBREGULAH1TIES. T $1.50 per boitleS " For testimoniáis and circulara send stamp. The Dr. S. A. Richmond Med. Co. , Props. , St Tcoopl)., 2vlo. (11) CorrespoiKlcé frccly aísworcd by Pbys.cians. Hold by all Drugs'stHALÜS QatarrhQure Is Recommer;ded by Physlciartsj Wo manufacture -ind icll itwitha pofiitlve guarantee that it wlll ouro any case, and wowill forfoit tho rIjoyo amouut ifitíiüisin a single instanco, Iti3 URÜko any otter Catarrli TcmcaT.aa is taken internally, actins upop d"tTc5ig Uisoase,Mk yourDrufarist fot it and ACEPT KO IMITATIOB OE SimSTITUTIS. II "J has not Rot it, sond to us and wo wlll forwaia Uumediatply. Trice, 75 cents per hottle. F. J. CHENEY & CC, Toledo. Ohift Il83-118 For Bale by Eborbacb. & Bon AYER'S Ague OTire coiil Lius an antidote foriiil molarlal Hordera ivliicli, bo far :t known, is uso.l In oo , -i,, i ,.,,,, ,i, . ii contalne no Qnhiine, nor , mineral nor doletorlouï subBtnc wliat. . . - _ - ... oonsoquontly produces no injnriotu , irect uiin Hm constitution, bnt li-nves tbo , m m licaltby as it vu beforethe aitnek. WE WAREANT AYER'S AGUE CTIEE t., euro cvcrycnsool Fever and Agae, Intermltteni or Chili Pever, Bomlttent Fever, ruinb Aguo, Bllioos Fover.and Urer Ooml,].ih,t can i d by malaria. IncaMöl fallnre, after duo trial, dealen are authorjïed, by our clrenlar dated July Jst, 1882, to reftind Dio money. Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,LoweU,Mass. gold !y rll DruggittM


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