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Mr. Gladstone'a rents amount annually to L1,929. Thurlow Woed never laid pp a dollar intil he was íifty years oíd. Lomo and Louiso liavo a, combineil neome oL 975,000 a year, and do not íoard ftny of it. The Princc of Wales will unveil a tatué of Sir Francis Drake, the navigaor, in July at Tavistock. Tho Bar) of Zctland lias givon $'2!'),)00 to tho Edinburgh Association for he Uniyersity Education of Wbmen. Col. Ingersoll declines to mako any uore engageménts to lecture, it is said, nding bis law practico moro profitable. Prince George, son of the Princc of Vales, is on board tlie Canada in the ort of Halifax. Nova Sóotia. He is ated aá a ínidslüpman. The grave of Linton Stephcns, whoni íeorgiana ocnsider an ablor man than ús brother, Alexander II., is niarked only a nionnd of jasmines and roses. Mrs. Anandibai Joslm, a nativo of lidia, eighteen ycars of age, is on her vay to tho United States for tho purpose jf fitting herself for tho practico of medicine in her own country. Following tho Chineso plan, tlic iritish Government has conferrod a itle upon a dead man. That is to say, t has made tho lato Sir George Jeeseí's on a bai'onot for nis father's sake. Mrs. Lucy II. Pickons, thc widou í he war govornor of South Carolina, is at wofk in that state in the interest oí he Society for Restoring Mount Vcríon, Washington's home, !¦ iis former condition. Joaquia Miller says tho daily newsaperis "tho six-shootorof chilizatiou.1 I'licn a ma wlio carriea a newspaper n lus pocket is liable to be arrested for arrying eoncealed weapons. Boston franseript. Josh Billiogs tliinks lui is the best paid vriter in tho business, as lie rcccntlv got HO0 for IS words. This camo f rom ,-i voaltliy New Yorkmerchantwho wantod one of Josh'a quaint sayings í or an advortisement. Kobert Lincoln, diiring tho alhisions o bis fatlierou the occasion of the ban[uot of tho Avmy of the Potomac, was lee])ly moved, and drew back behind lio drapory f li" box that he migbt íidc his emotion. Professor Tyndall resigned his counection vvith the British Board of Trade and Lighthouse Board becauso of a dif'erenco of opinión on the constitution )f a committeojofjnquiry hito tho proporties of a .particular illuminating )ovor. Oscar Wilde was latoly seen by a Joston Ilerald correspondent in a Lonlon restaurant with two charming Indios and a lord, lio still clings to tho brickred necktie and thc longlocks partod in the middlo. Thc quartet wero the observed of all observers. "Mothor Gooso," aeoording to the atest nuthorities, farfrom being a myth, was the wife of Isaac Goosc, and livod n Pudding Lañe (now Dcvon.slürc st ,) [5oston. She was born in 1665 and died in 1757. Tho tirsteditionof hcrnursoiy rhvmcs was publislicd by her son-inaw, Thomas Floot, in thc ycar 1719. Thc Baroncss Burdctt-Coutts, who is Lakinggroat interest in the International Fiaherieí Exhibition in London, has commissioned an artist topaint a picture twenty-two by üítyfeet in BÚe, at acost of éOÓ guineas, to adorn one of the departmonts. The painting will representa morning fishsalo on tho sanen of Scarborough. Mrs. Lydia Pinkham, of ])atont-medcinc fame, who died of paralvsis at her homo in Lynn, Mass.. was of Quaker parentage. Jler maidou ñamo iva? Estes, and sho was born in Lynn sixtyfour yoars ago. íler four sons are dead. l)iit hor husband and daughter, Mrs. U. C Govo, survive her. Sïio is said tu havo been a woman of intellect and benevolence, esteemed by a wide circlo of friendg. Charles Dudloy Warner, tho oditorauthor, says that in literaturo thoi-c is hardly anything for the suithor. lio re ccived $100 advanco monov to write the life of John Smith of Virginia, who also ehristined New England, and paid it all awaj'forobtaiiiinginforination f rom original sources in England and here, and for copying. When he received a statement from his pnblisher lio owed the latter some dollars on the original hundred. He waa a live-yoar oíd grandson ol the author of "Únele Toni's cabin,1 and he was swinging on a neighbor'í front gate. "Wifiie, said his mother, "Mr. Sinitli doegn't like to liavo anyono swing on his gate." "1 don't caro for Mr. Smith." was the roply, "nor for his ox, nor his ass, mr anything that is his.1" "Wljlie," again said his mother, "do.vou know who wrote thoso wordi yon use so?" "No," said Willie, 1 d'no; s'pect it was Gran'Bia Stowe, thoagh. Soiue ono reeently wrote a lettel t tlio Kev. Dr. .Buckley, of New York, asking liim if a mcmbor of tlic MetLodUt Church can consciontiously koe]) checker boardi for sale in bis place of business. Dr. Bnekley :it onoe answered as follows: "It dependa largcly apon llie kind of business Lc is in. If lio is :i butcher or baker or eandlestiek-maker it would seeni inoonistonf to keep chocker-beards for sale, :is tbere is no connection between tbetn and ihat kimi f liusinoss." l'ooplo wlio board "A Life on tlie Ocean Wave" s 1 1 1 1 ir i( Öireadbaapeneas a qaarter of a oeatury or more agu, maj notgenerally knoTftial the man, llenry trassell, wbo composed and Bratsuna it in public, is still liini', h:i]( and hearty. But hë is, aml he walks London streots and R:i!nsp;alo pier and sands liko a ghKt of tlic past, albeit a bappy, genial and. substan taal ghcst. il! lias a oomfortahle fortune, aud líves contented in the growing ÍMiie of his son, Mr. W Clark Hussel], tlio noraliat. Ofer 77,000,000 pages of evangélica] literatura have buen distributed by the aents of the American Tract Socitt uwc May, 188'.'.


Ann Arbor Courier
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