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From the Herald Miss Ada Tremper.of near Ann Arbor, who has been teaching in the McLaren district, has given up her school on account of sickness. The safe we spoke of in our last issue was started on its trij, to Stockbridge last week Monday, but did not reach its destination until noon of the following Thuisday, although the distance was but foureen miles. At times six teams were at work hauling the six-ton safe and two-ton yafjon. The expense of moving it from Jetroit to Stockbridge will cost the Deroit Safe Company about $150. MANCHESTER. From tho Enterprue. First wool for the season sold at Mauhester for 20 cents per pound. Notwithstanding the fact that farmers nd mechanics everywhere are Galling for workmen, tramps are numerous. The azy fellows won't work. Owing to the death of Junius Short, president of the Southern Washtenaw Inurance Company, the directors of the ompuny will hold a meeting at the Enerpnse office Saturday afternoon at 5 'clock. SALINE. From the Observer. Jnst as we are closing the last form to fo to press we are in receipt of a letter rom our ex-county clerk and worthy citzen, E. B. Clark, now of Ellsbury, Datota, from which we extract this: "I ommenced seeding May 7th. Seeded 80 eres of wheat the tirst week: begau on 20 acres of wheat and 50 acres of oats Iay 14tli and finished the whole 450 icies May 20th. Had forty horses at work iart of the time." There is pluck and nerrpr for you. 370 acres of wheat and )its in one field is seldom if ever seen in lichigan. Success to Everett is the wish f friends back here in old Washtenaw liEitTBK. DEJffER M'TIIKRA? pHIItCII. Editor Courier : Tlm memorial onrnor ston? of the new LuÜwran chinch of Doxter wis luid witli approprlate ceremonies on Sunday aftenioou last. A joodly numher ot Germans assembled trom the mrroundlng county, and the pastors frum Manchester, Freedom and Anti Arbor, with the pastor of the Dexter church, took part in the exercises, whieh, we rcgret, were uil in the Germán language. It woiikl have been well, in view of the numerous English-speakins; people there, to have had, at least, one address ld English. Tlie sermón was preached by Uev. Neumann, from Ann Arbor, and referred eloquently to the stone on which the patriaren Jacob losted at Bethel. Like that was to him, the preacher hoped that the stone luid that day would be to those who in the future shoukl be haptized, married, or regula rly woiship In that church, while when they died and were buried they ruight go thence to the ga te of heaven. Inside the stone were placed copies of the Wushtenaw Post, the missionary papers and Lnrheran Catechism, with a short history of this organi.ation. The building is situated on the top of Piety Hill, just at the enirance to Dexter froni Ann Arbor, and will be an ornament to the neighborliood and we hope a sónica of blessing to Dexter. W. G. Froin the Leader. Luther James and L. L. Iiabcock are visiting Look-ont Mountaln, near Chatanooga. YPSILANTI. From the Ypsilantian. There are to be two professorships added to the faculty of the Normal Sebool. Edwin Vorce, residing in the eastern part of the township, had nine shee]) killed and 25 badly bitten liy dogs last Friday night. His damage is to the extent of about $100 or $l:if. From the Commercial. We learn that Mr. Erastus Bamson and Mrs. Mary Parsons were married at Toledo last Wednesday evening.