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otïoub MM#am nnww INSURANCE AGENT, NTo. 4 S. Mui 11 Bt, Ann Ai l'or. lowiupflrst .¦cliHwcooipamei.: 7 ooo W Homo Ii.miranro (o., of B. -" - Vn7 JOfl Coi.tin.nlnl liwi'-an..-Co.,ol N. Y ,'785568 Nlaffar.' In.anroee Oo., of N. ï ;g (iirïrd luinrano Co., of I'hila..... MmoSh Oriënt In-nrance Oo.. ui Hart lord isooo'm OommU l'nion. of I-"nrt..n m'oUo'onO Iiverpool, [.ondon imd Globe ...„ow.imh' $&- KatM Low. Lossps liberal adluted nud inomptly pald. C. H. Millen. ïui-iiue OKU h. caused l.y IndlBOTrtlon or ExpOMirtt HotS Dleu Hospita!, Paris, Treatment. Pojitive cure In 011e to tliree days. Local Treatment only required. Ko nauseas (loses of SSlSaSSSmmaaa. Owbatit, prf.vrnra Price $1 50, lncldln Bulb Syinge. sniil I)v all DnncBlaU orsenl Iree l.y mail securelyySea!ed óuWlploJprloe Oesrriptl Treatise free on app 1iUii. A.MKUICAN AGKNCY "O" MEDICINE Oü., Detroit. Mlclí and Wludsor. Om. -old In Ann Arbor by O. E. Holmes, Cook Hotel Kloek. I 3-1-8.3 e O w GET THE BEST ! LEAD ALL OTHEBS ! EveryStyle& Price. Guaranteed TJnequaletl FOR OPERATION, ECONOMY, DURABILITY and WORKMANSHIP. ImpreTemeiits and Conveniences found ia , no others. AlwaystReliable. POPULAR EVERYWHERE. For Sale in'Every City and lom la'tho Unltod Statei. And hy John Pflgterer, Ann Arbor. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. No other conipkilntp ae so lafiidioirs in thelr attack ae those alf cetiug the throat and lungs : none so trideü vith by tie majoritj' of sutïerorn. Tfce ordlnary oough r cold, fesulting perbaps faam a t riiliiiu or mnconscious exposure, is often hut rtie beglniiing of a fatal siekness. Aveu's ( ii -aarv Pecïoiuvl has well proven its etticacy in a nwty years' flght wth throat and lung diseases, Ki ehould be taken in aJl cases w ithcut delay. A Terrible Congh Cured. " In 1857 1 took a severe cold, vhich altected niy lungs. 1 had a terrible eougli, and passed dMi after niglit without sleep. The doctors gaie lue up. I tried Aveu's Ciii:ititY Pixtoiïal, wfrWh relieved rey Ion'.. induoeU sleep. ;iud afforded me the rest necessary for the recovcry of my streugth. By the ooutinntjd use of the l'i:i toral a pernianent cure was eitectecl. 1 ani nnw üu years old, hale and hearty, and ;ttn satistied youf Ou i;k PECTouALsave'd rae. Hoiï.vci: Falbbhothkb." Kockinghain, t., Jnly 15, 18fL'. Croup.- A Mother's Tribute. "Wliüe in the country last winter ray littla boy, three years old, was taken ill with croup; it seeined as if he would die from strangulation. One of the faniily Buggested tlie use ot Avut's Chekrv Pectoral, 1 bottle of whu-h was always kept in tlie house. This was tried in small and frequent doses. :nul to nuï delight in less than tuüf muourthe little patiënt nap breathiug easlly. The doctor saidthat the Chekbv Pkcti'ohal had saved my dalling's Ule. Can you wondur at OUT gratitude? Hincerely yours, ynis. Buha Gbdkkt." 15S West 128th St., New York, May 16, 1882. " I have used Aveu's Ciieurv Pk toral in my family for several years, and do not hesitate i pronounee it the most eüectoal remeily for ooughs and colds we have ever tried. A. J. C'ltAMi."' Lake Crystal, Mimi., March 13, 1882. " I sulfered for eight years from Bronchitis, and after trying many remedies with 110 sueoess 1 was cured by the use of Aveu's Cherry Pectoral. JosEi'ii Walken." Bylialia, Miss., April 5, 1S82. "I cannot say enough in praise of Ayer's Cheruv PECTOEAl, Ixiieving as I do that but for its us 1 should long siuce have died from lung troubles. E. Mraodok." Palestino, Tesos, April 22, 1882. No case of an aifoctton of the tiroat or lungs exists which cajuiot be gKatly relieved by the use of Aveu's Cbbbby Pectoral, and it will ahrays cure when tlie iiseas is not already boyend the ontrol oí medicine. PREVARED BV Dr. J. C. Ayer &. Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Dfnggiate Commissioners' Xoticc. STATEOF MICFlIGAN.Couuty The undcrslgned linvinf been appointed by the Probate Cuurt for said County, Commissioners lo reoelve, exarniue and adjnst all claims and demanda ol all persons aainst theestaieof Joseph Schnahel late of said county, deceased, heiehy yive notice thatsixmonths from date are allowed, hy order ol said Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at tlu-store of W.H.Davenport&Kon, in the villagc of Saline, in said county, on Monday the twentleth day of Anaust, and on Monday, tlie nineteeuth day of November next, at ten o'clock A. M. ot each of said days, to reeetoe, examine and adjnst said claims. Daled, May 19, 188.'! WIl.LIAM H. IMVENPOKT. 1 ,, JOIIN W. II UU,, f Commissioners. 1144-47 Notice to Creditors. OTATE OP MICIIIUAN.Connty of yp Notice is hereby priven, thiltby an order of the Probate Court for the County of VVashteuaw. made on the tourteenth day of May, A U 1883 six months from that date were allowed lor creditors to present tlieir claims ggaineit the estáte of Olive Winslow, late of said county, deceased.and that all creditors of said deceased are requircd to present tlieir claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Offlce.m the city of Ann Arbor.for examlnation atit' allowance.on or beforethefourieenth dny ol November next, and that such claims will be heard before said court.ou Tuesday.the fourteenthday of August and on Wednesday, the fourteenth day ol November 3"Xs' at en clock ln the forenoon of each ol sald Da'ted, Ann Arbor, May llth, A. D. ÏRS,"! 1111,1.,. WILLIAM ü. DARRIMAN, m:-"-" Judge of Prolïnte. Itoblnf Piles- Sj-mptoms and Cure. The svmptoms me moisture llke per. piration, intense itehinjr, Increased by scratehinp;, very distressin"-, partioularly at nteht, Boems as if pln-worma wencrawling In and :ibout tlie rectum; the private parta are Bomettmes affected. If alloweil to continue serious resalta may follow. "Swayne's Ointment" ia i pleasant, stire ure. Also for tetter, itch, salt rheuin, Kaki head, eryslpelas, barbers' teh, blotehee, all sealy, orqsty skin diseases. Sent by mail for 50 cents; 3 boxes for $1.25, (in Btnmps). Address, Dr. Svvavne & Sou, Phlladelphla, Pa. Sold by Druggists.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News