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The Ann Arbor Courier

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' FKIDAY, JUNK 8, 1883. !.¦¦ n uud O)nmg of iiiill. ;ia:ls lenvias .-tna Aruur, Knal and West w.U clwo bk forio'.vs: uoinu wkst. Chrouali aud Way Mail S:'20and 10:51) a. m iVav Ma" betweeu Auu.Arbor aud JaeUsou 4:60 p. m N iglit Mail S:00 p. ui QOINO KAST. Through aud Way Mail, Night Line,6:UC a. m rurouuli aud Way Mail, öuuday cliwes öaturday night, 8:00 p. in Tiirongh aud Way Mail. ..10:20 a. m., 4:50 p. ui aoisa south. Toledo Poucli J.OOa. m Poledo aud Way 3.00p. ni QOING NOBTU. South Lyou and Northeru. - 10.00 a. m Walsli, VV'iiiUuore Lake & Hamburg a.30 a. ui MAILS DISTKIBUTKD GMtern Mails distributed at 8 a. m., 9.30 a ai 2 iu. iiid i:30 p. ui. iVesteru Man diHtributed at 8 a. m. and 6:30 '''l'actsou Mail and Way Mail between Jackou and Aun Arbor distributed at 11:15 a. m. ' UonrXM aud Adrián poucli, 10:U0 a. m. iravciiT' i. nul . r-Hlns airive aud depart from the Mionl(B.,C utral Depol lu Ibis city as follows: TllAINS KAUT. Ulaniic Express 'oío"e1iI iïipress b.ï5 a. m. ísAson .vccommodation 8.45 a. m. irand liapids Kxpres 10.64 a. m. ,Ex'"t)S8:::: ::::::::::::::::::: %L S: S. Y. Express 10- mTBAINS WEST. „., 8.45a. m. y Ei'press ll.Oü irandrlapids Kpress J-P-""Ëvemug Express -'o p. m. p.iciüc Kxpress r fo S" m' Local Passenaer j.i a. m. UI trains are run by Chicago time, whicn H ftfteen .uiuatos Blower llian Auu Arbur time. Trrtlns arrive and depi'rt trom the Toledo, nl Arloi&Ur...,d Tru uk depot in this city s loilüws : TRATNS NOK I U. Express ' -35 a. m. txpress b.l . p. ni, .Uuoiniuodaticm ti.i 0 u. ui. TKAt.vS SOUTH. Expivss I.S01. in. Mivil 3.Ï5 p. m. Accoinniodatiou li.'L p. in. Fratemity Lodce Ho. -i".-; F. k. A. 91. Regular communtcatlous held lu Masonic Hall on Weduesday eveuiugs ou or bel'ore the full inoon. Visitiug Brothers cordially welcome. C. U. DAVlSUiN, W. M. V. F. STIMSON, Sec. Friends of Tlie Courier, who have turiinr at the Probate ('min. will )''fi-.c reiuett .ludjjo Harrininn to ,-!! their Printius to thie olHce.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News