NORTH- Mrs. Justia North, mother of Mrs. r Smtth of the lst Ward died June 3, at the eeof 83 years of general deblllty. Taken to Bulmyra, N. Y.
WRAMPELMEIER- Elizabeth S. Wrampeümeier daughter of Prof. Wrampelmeler. died Juue 5, at the age of 2 years, 8 month ot scarlet fever. Funeral Tuesday.
TOBIN- David Tobln of (ith Ward died June 6, oí cadcer, aged 44.
HOWARD- Katharlne Howard, daughter of Williams Howard of Northfleld died June 2, t the age ol 32 years, dlsease of the braln.
WALLACE- Elizabeth Wallace of NorthJieM died Jane 3, at the age of 71 years of genraldebility. Lived In the town of Northfleld 35 yetrs.