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wUnfailing r ForailskinV f Bemedy suca as Di se as esi Itetter.itch. sobes, pimplis. ƒ VerysipelasvI wring mmj Tff GRmfURE TOR nam pues Symptoma are moisture, Btinging, itchinfr, woree at bight; seemsae if pin-worms were crawling a bout the rectum; the private parta are often affected. As a pleasant, economical and positivo cure, Swatne'8 Oi stmest is superior to any artide Ín the market. Sold ly dniggist s, or eend 50 ets. in 3-ct. Stampa. 3 Bozes, 81.25. Addross, De. Swayne & Son, Phüa., Pa 11S9-I180 Rev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. Th Iípv. Z. I. WlldSj well-known city missionary in Nrw York, nul b rot her of the late eminent Jmlge 'iltls, of the BTnassifitm Bette Supreme Court, wrltei as followfl : "78 F. 54A St., Xew Yorh May lfJ, 1882. Messhs. J, O. Aykb St Co., Gentlemen : Last winter I was trouWled vith a most uneomfortable Itohlng humor affecting more espeóiull; niy limbs, which itehtnl ño intolorably at nlght, andburneilso InteTMOly, that 1 could scarcely bear any clothing over theni. 1 was also a suíl;rer from a severe oatarrli and cntarrhal congh ; my appetite was poor, and mysystem a goxx) deal run down. Knmving the valúe of Avek's Saiïsaparili-a, by obserratton of many other oaset.and froin personal use inforiner years, 1 bogan taking it for the Miiove-D.-um'd disorders. Riy appetitd improvod almost from the rirst dost?. After a short the fererand Itohlng were aMayt'd, and all signs of irritation if the skin disappeared. My catarrh and cough were also cured by the sanie mean?, and niy general health greatl' iniprovcd, until it is now excellent. 1 feel a hundred per cent Btroiiger, and 1 itiribnte these resulta to the use "1 the s'AKiLLA, which J recínniRnd with dl oonfidenoe as the bcít blood medicine ever derfsed. 1 took it in small doses tb ree times a tlay, and nsed, in all, less tluin two bottles. I place these facta at your service, honing tlieir publieaii'Mi iu;iy do good. Youi s rcspL-otfully, Z. P. Wilds." Tlte above instance is but one of the many constant ly coming toournotice, which prove the perfect adaptability of Aveu's Saicsapaïïilla. to the cure of all diseases nrtctng from impureorit' poverishetl blood, and a wcakened vitality. Ayer's Sarsaparilla oleantes, enriohes, and ttresgüiein tlio Mood, stinmlates tlie action of tho stnmach and bowels, and thereby enables the sstcm l rosi.-t and overeóme the attaoksof all Scrqfuloui ZHieateê, Emptions of tie Skin, l!hi itnmfism, ('afarrh. General Débil it y, and all disorders restütlng from poor or eorrupled blood and a low stato of the system. PBSPABSD IiV Dr. J. C. Ayer &. Co., Lowcll, Mass. Sold by all Drnggista; irioe tl, six bottles for 5. iiJII AYER'S 9 CATHARTIC 'P: -1 PILLS - Best Purgativa Medicine - cure C'onstipation, Tinlipestion. Headache, and all Biliosa Disorders. Sold everywhere. Alwayi reliable.