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The Scrap Bag

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The famous Heidleburg Castle is fast oing to dccay. The total population of the Dominion Canada is 4,350.!)3:5. Tho fanious ckestnut tree on Mount :tna nieasurcs 210 feet at its base. lts ge is at least 800 years. "a Salt I ake citizcn who owfid a idow 0u. which lic could not pav, ettled the business by malring her wite No. 2. A toamster in Mainc oonquers balky orses by takina; tliem out of the shaits nd making them go round and rounu n a circle. Worktucn who were digging up tbe roots of a tree on Lord Darnley B estate at Cobham Hall, ncar Kocliester,Eno- recontly discovered a larsro earthomvaro iarcontainingne.irly 'JOOltoman ;oins in bronzo of the fourth century. In tho last phalanx of the fingere sayM Bourcereat.there i a special arrangement for rapid return of the blood. U consista of largo vcry short capillanes, and is morely á modilicat.on of the tjjie. Üno cannot speak properly of a deviative circulation. Portland, Oregon, is to be the western terminus of the Northern Pacific Rai ,1road. Tho oftlcers of the road wü spend abont live million dollars m that city alono in various ways. Real estáte lias almost doublod in valuo, andeverything is just "boominn;." A La Ci U county, V.s., farmer, who had ailopteil a boy froin a eliantablo insütution slit the boy's tongne with a pair of scissors because he eaught him in a lio. Lying 8, o doubt, a sin but of tho actors in this tragedy, the bov's chances of hoavon onght to bo at least equal to the bruto's chancos of the gallows. A notod "dude" has diedin PhiladelDliia. Ho was a baboon in the Zoological darden, lüs postures and galt worc exactly like tho current Ameriean imitations of tho London swolls, and he showed just about cnough intelliirenoe to complete the likeuess. A recent Tisitor in Maine said he succeocled lo getting n drink of whiskey. The "bar" was the vest pocket ot a notol-kcepor, and thc liquor was poured outforhira in a secret room. After drinking it lio made a rush lor the lioiei pump to put out the lire. A Wisconsin court decides that a pound-mastcr does not hold an office or place of trust, and need not thereforc bc sworn. The owners oí impounded stock, lio wever, seem to think that considerable swoaring is absolutely cssential and thereforo do it tbcmsclves. Thorc are Imlian girls in the Judian Territory Univcrsity who are studying Gorman, Fronch, Latan and Greek, geolory, moral philosophy, politica! oconomy, and othor branches of the college course. A oreat trade in dried or jerked beef is being carried on in South America. Thousands of tons are exported ycarly from Montiovideo, Bosario, and othor parte of Uruguay and Argontine Republic. The University of Vormont has received a bequest'of $115,000. A lumdsome gymnasium is to be erected. A bronzo statuo of Lafayotte, who laidthe corncr-stono of the imiversity, is soon to . be unvoilod on the campus. At a woilcliag in Harlsm, wjierc the ' brido was very dilatory in arriving at tbc churoh a lady remarkod, concerning tho affair: 'Well'tho idea of thar woman being late in getting here, when sho bas beenNvaiting twenty-six years for just snch a chanco as thLi."- liarlem Times. Tho Minnoapolis Triluno publishcs thig undor tho head of "An Illitoratc Mayor's Letter:" "Sur: If the Tribune intends to imply tliat in my oflishal capacity I am an aSS, I wish hearby over my offishal signaehure to deny to deny tho staitment in the most sollum mannor of wich I am capabal." Thore is a doterminod oflbrt on the part of somo of tho poople of Florida to divide tho State into two parte to bo known as North and South Florida. It is said that tho intorests of the different parte are not identioal. This is truc, but in what State of the Union will the interosts of all parts bo found tho sanit. In tho sevcntconth century ]ondon merchants sent thcir supcrüuous funds to the Tower of London, wlicre tho mint thon was, for safe keeping. They abandoned tho habit, howcver, after Charles I. had hclped liimself to $1,000,000 wliich ho found there, altliough ho considorably explained that he "would take it as a loan." Exasperated in tho night by cals, a Uubuquo man went out on bis back porch, swung a heavy club to let fly at tVon rniirlit. t, in lllfl lontr tail of llis ïight shirt, knockcil himself down the teps, and broke big arm. On tho folowing day a man in tho same city, vhilo absent-mindedly trimming a trco, lawed oft' tho limb that he was sitting n, and was half killed by tbo fall. A joker lias propoundedthefollowing jommdrum to somo loys who are just retting inlothc mysteries of nrithmetic: [f tlircc busliol of barley equal onc jushel of oats, how long will it ;akc a shad to climb an applo tree, ,ho bark being oft the tree and ,he seales oiï the shad? lie has jffered a roward of $5 to the boy who will. One of them has reached the jonclusion that the treo is threo feot around, and the lirst step towards tho solution of the puzzle has been reachod. - Home Sentinol. Pcraons sitttng quietly in various places of amusement in London havo lately been astonished atsoeing ayoung gentleman sitting near them guddenly ïlluminated in a mystorions manncr. A momont's inspection has revealed in liis button-hole a tiny ncandescent lamp which is supplied with p.lectricity by an aceumulator carried in his breast-pocket. This unique appl catión of electricity to the freaks of fashion suggests :i ncw field for the ambition of "dudes." A correspondonl of tlie I?oston l'ost gives, upon the authority of a gentloman intimately related to Daniel Wcbster's family, sorue explanationa of the ciroumstances attending tlie nttorance of the great oxpounder's last words. Ho says that in answur to a question f rom an attendant at tho bedside of Webster one of his physieiansaaidin snbstanee: "Yon may give him a spoonful of stimulant at - o'e'ock; anothtir at- o'elock; anothcr at - o'elock; and, if hestill lives, anothor at - o'elock. These directions Vv'oro followed with exactnoss untiltho arrival of tlie hour last nientioned. when the altendanU were undecided about administering anothor doso. It was in tho midst cf their doubts that tlio dying statesman partly raiSed his lieiid and feebly romarked: "I still live."


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