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rr'rthVKfl, ANN AIÍBR ft O. T. B. P. ColumTnis linie. ThroHgh timo tabloln effeot Januiry 2"th. 18S3. otxejtjivrH. ooikq tevtp i ï tí - ï STATIONS. - B. " -, -L- 7lïrïi I M ' ïl4o Ar UMI M i; 11 - " Uankattau Jet 32 " t 90 ' C tí " 8 4" " L Alxl Jnno 9 S8 " I !8 " 7 H - " MoiroeJct 8 41" IH" 7H" t " Ünda 2 ' 42 ' 7 II " 14 " Azllla Jl ' 4 37 " T 40 " 1 " MU" ' '- 4 10 " 7U" !:' UrBl T 5! " 67 " J Ui " 1 3 " PltUBel 7 42 " 4T " SM" 10 i" ArAnnAr 7 10 ' I 85 ' 11" U MM JMkHiU.U. i!l" J60AM 1 7AM 2 1 "' Bain Urk 3 4 ¦ PT S " 1 jj " 1 ( " Klam7.oo 2 il " T 1 ' ï 80 ' 4 0" Orana Kapid 10 40PJ1 10 " s 01 " II LvA Arkor Ar Il 86FH 17 as " 11 ï ' Ar8ubkliyoBliV i 09 ' 11 0JPH Hwll DliN 2 II " 1 Ü0 " lAunng 1 0 " 5 UO 1OBI llliíAm 5 04 ' Bdinora '¦¦ 10 " f 40 - 1 Uaplds ..- IT Jl) " .. 4 44 " Mowald Ulty 3 J " ; t liu rtoskr n 1 106" ] 7 00Maekinaw Oitjl !o 50PM - OnnectloDH.- A t T!tle with rallroads rtlyorelniz at Alexia with Canada l)eutlrn, 1,. B. &. M. B., aud V f M R'T'i Munhuttaa Juac. wilt WlieoiIr'íí & Lake Kile B. II.; nt Mnree Jet. with I.. f-, it M at Duníwllh I-. 1. M. B. : ut tfiltn willi TY St.K & P.E't; at MtMIeW wltü ].. S. & M. S ; at Ann Arbr wit Mlchiga Cn. Kr; at Bouth Lyon wlrt I)erit, LsniinB Nrtkra B'y. U. VT. ARM], KV, Bup't W. H. Bsn. Oe'l Pms. Axcnt, TORT WAYNK & JAUK5ON K. H. Detroit and Indiavapolis Line. By Michigan Central Rallrood from Ann Arborto Jackson, Tralns leave Aun A rbor as íollow: Indianapolis Expresa 2 a m I Ft Wayne Ancoinoantlon íP" I OlnclanvU Kxpres 11 17 p IB All trfttns leave ly ChlraiKo timo. Procure tickots at Ann Arbor or Jackson. M. I) WOODFOHI, Oen'lSup'L DETROIT, MACKÏNAÖirAiiOf Kl'l'l, "¦ ' Jnnury, 15, 1888. Pioneer Eost and West tino Througb tho Upper Península of Michigan. 240 Miles ShoTtcrMtwon all eastwu aní i norltiwcstcrn polnta Via Detroit, pnci 311 Milos Shorter vla Port Ilurun to 1 tren] ind all poluta Ín Canadá, cto. =TrÁ.ffi: - --- jfCTiows: '""wEgir" TlSA.M. L NfarquCUO .....A. 4 30 I' M. ' 10 41 " Onota 3 IB " U Í0 " Au Tritin 2 4í " 9 11) r. m Munlslng 2 00 " 2 20 " Bono 11 15 " 3 00 " McMillan 1115 1. Jl. 3 30 " Mollul-vlllo 10 50 " ;i 55 " Nowborry 10 80 " 7 00 " A St. L 7 30 " VIA M.O, I. I. 7 10 A.M Bay City íl 45 p. M. 8 57 " Lapcer Junct .. . 7 21 " 10 Ü " I'ortlluron 4 15 " 7 68 " Baulnawlty.... 8 30 ¦' 10 25 " Lansiníí 5 35 " 11 4Ï " Jaclíson 4 15 ' 1125 " Detroit 6d0 " VIA ;. R. &I B. I!. 1 00 p. si Grand ltaplds ... 5 15 " 2 57 " Kfllamagjo j ' 25 " Conneotlons aro made nt 8T. IONA3E wlth: Tho Mlohiían Central railroad ír Detroit and all polnta Ín Michigan and in tho oast, south nnd aoutheast. Traína loivo Macklnic City 8:30 a. m., and 9:30 p. m. Tho Grand Raplds & Indiana K. I!, tor Grand ltaplís, Fort Wayno and thc south and oest. I.eavIns Macklnac Cityat 9:50 p. m. Uonnections niado at MAUQUETTB wlth Tho Marquetic, lloughton iOntonngon nülroad íor the Iron and Coppor dlstricts. Through tickets on Bale at Marquelto and St. Ignaccand at all polnts In the Korthcrn Península Also tickets to Europofln psrts by all principal llr.ea at Gon'l Pas?, AgeLt'8 ofllco For informatlun as to pajsonger and frolghtrates apply to ofílco of General Frelght and PasscnKCT Agent. Traína dnlly except íunday. D. McCOOU .'.'RANK iMILLIöAN, Marquetti, Mich. Marquette, Mlch. 1Tlf'IlUJAN ' ENTKAb KAll.KOAl. Time Table, Nov. 12, -1882. I I STATU.:, Jj(!!1[il A.M. A.M. . U. . M. . SI. P.M. l.M. Detroit. . 1-v 7 OU 'J 85 6 55 4 05 8 00 0 50 4 00 O T Jünc. T 15 9 55 6 10 4 20 8 15 10 10 4 15 WayneJunc 7 55 10 24 0 42 4 4Ü 8 45 10 10 4 41 VpMIantl.... 8 23I0 4S 7 05 5 05 'JOS 1 üï 5 t5 AnnArbor.. 8 45 11 CO 7 24 5 22 9 25 11 17 5 lil Iexter 9 08 .... ï 48 6 89 9 44 .... 5 3U Cholsea U?5... . 8 OS 5 52 10 00 . . 5 60 GrassXke.. 9 50 8 32 0 12 10 30 .... 0 13 P. H A. M. JacksonJunc 10 10 8 55 6 38 JackBon 10 20 12 15 o C 55 11 05 12 45 7 02 Albion 11 01 12 60 - o 7 42 1156 122 t 42 lbnriH .... UH 1 30 5 " 8 08 12 20 143 806 r.ii. " "l Battle Croek. 12 19 1 65 8 41 12 47 2 02 8 32 . M. Galesbur. .1253... . i M. 9 15 117 .... 9 00 Kolamnzoo.. 113 2 30 4 60 9 35 1 S5 2 45 9 18 levitón 152 62 .... 111 .... 9 50 Decatur. ... 207 5 42 .... 2 32 ....100o Downülac... 2 2'.i 0 07 .... 2 57 ...10 27 Niles 2 55 4 01 0 5 .... 3 27 4 15 10 52 Buctmnan. . 3 OS 70 .... 3 43 .... 1105 ïhreeüaks.. 3 3S 7 27 .... 4 12 ... 11 82 NewlillffalO. 3 53 4 52 7 10 .... 4 35 .... 11 4o Mlch. City.... 4 23 5 18 8 0 ... 6 03 5 26 1. M. LaJto 6 13 6 02 8 54 .... 6 51 0 16 105 Kensinirton.. 8(0 0 50 9 45 .... 6 40 7 11) 2 00 (¦¦IUCTKO..A (6 7 4 10 3 ... 7 50 8 10 J 50 GOrSQ SAST. TH 2 n So mB K 7M ?'" A M. i M. P. M. .'. M, P. M. P.M. 'IilCf.eo...),T 0 45 9 00 3 40 .... 5 15 'J 10 3 80 [teiiln(aotf'. I Sí 'J M 4 ÍO .... 0 00 10 C0 4 30 l.ake ... 8 17 10 27 5 13 .... O5D1O4O Mirti. City!.'. II Oí U 13 6C0 ... 7 38 1 SS Í.H Now Buffulo. 9 27 Ll 33 0 25 1160 l'hrce üoks. . 11 42 .... 6 40 A.M Buchauan... 10 30 P. M. 7 Cu 12 82 Nüe 10 26 12 ÍS 7 37 .... 9 00 12 45 1131 Dowoitiac ... 1153 .... 800 1 1J Decatur .... H 18 .... 33 I 87 Lnwtcn 1135 .... 653 143 P. St A.M. KalamUOO.. 12 r. I 3S 9 30 6 50 10 20 2 30 7 ijalosbiir... 12 US .... 7 08 llnttlo Ciook 1 0:i 2 15 9 " 7 SS 11 08 3 30 8 1 Marshnll .. 100 3 0CI feS 8 (lililí 33 3 4Ü 8 36 AJbtOII 2 18 3 21 ? 8 31 11 55 4 12 A.M. A.M Jackon...L,v 3 00 4 (!j 7 05 9 30 12 40 6 00 ! 28 Grasa 1-ako.. 3 32 ... 7 28 9 5') .... 5 25 CUolsea 3 58 .... 7 50 10 0T .... 6 50 Doxter 4 15 . 8 03 10 IB .... 6 05 Ajin Arbor. . 4 Sí 5 07 8 26 10 34 2 0j f. M 10 96 Ypsllantl.... 4 55 5 2:i 843 104S 2 20 0 111041 WajnoJunc. 6 20 5 45 9 03 1108 3 14 7 00 O, T. June.. 6 00 6 15 9 4S1185 3 20 7 15 112 Detroit 6 15 8 80 10 00 1150 3 S5 8 0 11 4 Suuötty etceptea. "TtSaturday &"8unday t Dalí y. I excoptod. O. VV. KUOOLKB, II. B. LÏDYARD, (i. P. & T. A., Chicay. Om. Sup'l, Deíríit. vTÚ Boylan'& Co., PAINTER.S nuil I'eilersii Frensh, American & Píate Glass. - - - Sign Writing, Taper Ilanging, Decorating, Frescoing, e!c. 1U. Main St, 2nd Hoor. W. TREMAÍN. GENERAL Insurance Agency ornea Over Cassper Rinsey's Grocery Store, Con. HURÓN AND FOORTH ST, Norlh British Insurance Comp'.i (Of London and Edinburg) Capital 18,000,000, Qold. Detroit Firo aad Marine Ins. o. Caih Asaeti f 600,000 iSpnugfield Ins. Comp'y of Mass., Cash Assets $l,800,O3(. Howard Ins. Co., of New York, Cash Aíaets.... $1,000,000. Igricultaral Insnrance Oomp'j WATEBTOWN, . . NEW YOÍiK, Cash ABaets t ,f 200,000. Lowes liberally tuJioitod nd promptly p


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News