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= HAS BEKN PROVEO j r The surkst cure for ! KIDNEY DISEASES. E HESITATE; use Kidney-Wort at once, n insta reoommend it) and it will Bpeedlly . come tho diseaso and restore healthy action. .me tn For e Ulnts acunar .Ï L LaUleS. to your sex, such as pain J and weaknosses. Kidney-Wort isuMUrpaasod, ïasltwlllactproinptlyandsafely. _ . . B EitherSex. Inoontinenoe, retentlon of urine, o S briclcdustorropy deposita, and dull dragglng = O pains, aU speedily yleld to it curativo power. _ BOItD BY t.t. PBPQOI8T8. Frlce I A well-known clergyman, Rev. N. Cook, of Trempelean, Wis , says: "I flnd Kldney-Worl a ture cure for lddney and Uver troublcs." IS A SURE CURE l for all dlsease of the Kidney and I LIVER I 1 It has speoifloaotiononthlí most Important t oiïan, enabline it to throw off torpidity and k I inlrtion, .Umulatlng thehealthy seoreUonof t SeBUe! and by keeping the boweLi in freo í oondiüon.effootlngita regular discharge. V ___.___. ifyouareBufferingfrom C , Malario, malaria. liavetheohm, ¦ are bUlous,dyspeptio,orconsUpated, V Wort will surely relieve and quickly eure. k I in the SprintooleansetheByBtem every f one should take a thorough course oi it. C u SOLO BYR"L!--r 'Last yearl went toEurcr," says Henry Ward, late Col. 69th Reg., N. U. S. N. Y., now living at 173 W. Slde Ave., J. C. Hlghts, N. J., "only to return worse from chronlc llver complalnt. Kidney-Wort, as a last resort, has glven me better health thaa I've heretofore enjoyed for raany, many years.'' He's cured now and consequently happy. cFOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF i CO1V8TIPATION. - No other diaeaeo ia io prevalent in this IQ ¦ try ña Couat ipation and no reniedy has ever - O equ&lled the oelebratod Wort os a c E cure. Whatever tlie cause, howevor obstínate (5 (3 tlio case, this remedy will overeóme it. u (0 DI I CC TTTT8 dlstreasinff L O w IL-C.W piaint la very pt to be oompllcatodwithconstipatlon. Kidney-Wort st reuR-thens the weakeued parta and q uick ly tí (5 euros all ïtlnds of Piles even when physicians m and medicines have before ötiled. ¦J CTTf you have either of theae troubles v K PRICg $l." USE ) Prugglst Sel! k I will recommend it everywhere," writes Jas. B. Moyer, Carrlage ManufactureiMyerstown, PaM " because it "-Kidney-Wort- "cured my piles." .THE GREAT CURE ; I ros L I - R H E ü M A T I S M- S _ As it is for all tho painful diseases of the -g KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWEL8. B It cleansea the syetom of the acrid poison 00 that causes tho dreadiul sTiflerinjf which % O ouly the victima of Rheumatiam can rcalize. THOUSANDS OF CASES J of tho worst forma of tnia terrible disease - a havo been quickly relieved, and in Bhort timo J! PERFECTLY CURED. O riUCE, 1. LHjrill OR DRY, SOLD BY DRl'GGISTS. -q Í4Dry can be sent by malí. r; WELLS,BICHABDSON&Co., Burlington Vt. " 'Mr. Walter Cross, my customer, was prostrated wlth rheumatlstn for two years; tried la vain, all remedies; Kidney-Wort alone curedhitn. I have trled It myself, and know that it is good."- Portlon of a letter from J, L. Willett, Druggist, YWnt, Mlch.'