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h Wí A week made at home by the induslri I I I ons. Best business now before the pnb 111 lic. Canital not needed. We wtll star I ¦ F Men, wómen, boys and sirli ? ) I FA wanted every where to work for ue. Nou Bis the time. You can work in span time, or give your whole time to the business. N oiher businesB will pay you nearly as well. Nooni can fail to niaKe enormous pay, by enragin at once Costly outfit and terms free. Money made fast easily, and honorably. Address Tkue & Co., Port land, Maine. iiii An internal Rempdy nnd aSDSE CUSE for all kinds of RHEÜMATIC COMPLAINTS! RHEUMATiNE If you are suffering from KID1Í COMPJjAIIVTS ! Glve Rheu.matine a fair trial. You will never rcgret having done so. From Mr. EDWARD MITCHELL, Manager of the Bank of Commerce, Hamilton, Ont. Ilamilton, Januaty iSth, iSSi. J. X. Sutherland, St. Catharints. ' J My Dear Sir,- l nn in receipt of your favor of 5?5S5Sïtïrïï& asking "'y experienc'e with regard toKHEUMATINE.and I have no hesitation whatever in pronouncing it ¦ success in my case and in henrtlly recommending the remedv to those suffering from Rheumatlsm. I sutïered for inonths wlth that trouble in my rightarm and shoukler.and often was unable to use my hand, and at night the pain was freqiiently so great as to render sleep an impossibihty. I must conless that I entertained a repugnance to 'patent1' medicines, but some of my friends persnaded me to try "Rheumatine," and although it niay be true that migltt have got well without Ihmg I do tno-w, thal after taking four bottles the pain look ís departure, and have uovj the full use qfmy arm. I heartily wish you unbuunded success U I lully believe your remedy is all thal you advertise it tobe. 1 cm, my dear sir, yours most truly E. M1TCHEI.L. See our Change of Testimoniáis everj week in Daily Papers. MOL BY ALL BRV6OIST8. Wholesale Agents for Detroit and Michigan, MESSES. SWIFT & DOLDS. llffi-UBS