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K HAS BEEN PROVEO k.dtÑeTd.sSsEs. ? LaClieS.toyourB!!X,suohMpata J andwoSneBscs,Kidney-WortlsUMuxpaSKl. ; ü poS5.aU apcedily yield to ita curativo power. "My lrlends, K. C. Leward, this clty, used to be drawn doul)le from pulnful Kiduey Dlsease. KIdney-Wort cvredhim."-JMi. M. Kinney. Druggist, Alleghany City, F.. A"'- IS A SURE CURE i for all diíeases of the Kidneys and LIVER - 1 It hM apcoiflo aotíon oí thls moat to-VorUnt oican enabling it to throw off and I Sön. .tSoting the hsalthy .eoretion of I STBUe! and by keeping the bowels in freo I oondiüon.offeotingito recular dtetóarge. MSlarïa SSSiíhlveCOaeclam. .rebiUouB.dyieptio.orconsüpatcd.KidneyTOrt will eurely relieve and quiokly ouro. n tnBptocleansetheSy.tem every one Bhould tako a thorougn oouiso ot it. i [- solo by Pft"0;,1.?.!.?;-!!S tD i ' E . B "S SpSk ALAAjl "I'vegained20 1bs. in two months," writes Mr. J. C. Power, of Trenton, 111., (Dec. 2-82)," and ara a well man. I'd suffered wlth llver disorders slnce 1862. Kidney-Wort curedme." Strong words froro a New York clergyman : "I unhesltatlngly recommend Kidney-Wort. It greatly benefltted rae," says Rev. C. E. Kemble, of Mothawk, N. Y. cFOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF I COriSTIPATION. - No other dlseaso la so prevalent In this tü r try as Conatipation, and no romedy has ever v equaUed the celobrated Kidney-Wort as a c L cure. Wnatover the cauBO,however obstinate f3 CS the case, tiiia remcdy will overeóme it. k 00 DIB CT Q TUIS distressin? J r llMCiWa plaint ia very apt to be - f complicatedwithconstipation. Kidney-Wort " +, strengtliens tho "weakenod parta and quickly m a curea all kinds of Piles oven when phyHicians J1 to and medicines have beforo iailed. íj tSTIi ypu have either of theBO troubles p PRICeTÍ7 USE DrugglStsSell "For 12 yeurs," writes Lyraan T. Abell, of Georgia Vt., "I found no relief from piles, unUI I tried Kidney-Wort. It has cured me:' .THE CREAT CURE % I roa 5 I - RH E ü MA Tl SM- i _ As it is for all the painful diseases of the -o L KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. (Ü It cleansea the Bystem of the acrid poison 00 that causes the dreadful suffering which Jj Q only the victims of Rhemnatism can realize. THOUSANDS OF CASES J L of the worst forma of this terrible disease t (B have been qnickly relieved, and in short timo L PERFECTLY CURED. ü PRICE, $1. I T(M ín OK DRY, SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. [ á4Dry can be sent by mail. [ WELLS, SICaARDSOH&Co. Burlington Vt "I bad habitual costiveness, paia iu the back and rheumatism," writes S. J. Scott, Binliugton, Vt , Kldney-W'ort has cured tliem all." I , . , SALARY AND EXPENSES PAID, to sell Nursery Stook. Experience not necessary. Apply to the old established "Newark Nurseries" of Chas.W. Stüaut, Nowark, Wayne County, New York. 1147-51 "Are you any relation to ray sister?" He blushed ajid stammered until the young lady, taking pity on him, solved the matter by saying : " No ; but he'd like to be- wouldn't you, Alfred?'' Thousands are being cured of Catarrh every year with Halls' CataAh Cure, that the doctors liad given np and said could not be cured. 75 cents a bottle. Sold by Eberbach & Sou. A physician says that smoking makes men bald-headed. Smoking In the parlor af ter the lace curtains have been t'reshly put up is apt to liave that eflect, when the smoker's wile finds it out.- Philadelphia News. One Suffering Soul Happy. "If Ican send onesufferingsoul toyou," writes James Corbin, of Washburn, 111., "I will be happy. Samaritan Neroine corad me, and will cure all cases of fits." $1.50. "When you are in Rome you must do as Romans do," as the American tramp said when he squatted on the steps of a cathedral in the Eternal City and held out his hat.- Philadelphia News. That Husband of Miue Is three times the man he was before he began using " Wells' Health Renewer." $1. Druggists. Mrs. Jones, of Michigan, has started to go to California on foot. and Will lecture at wayside towns in the even ing. As she carries a big hickory cañe, theie will be trouble and sickness forany one wlio molests her. These are Solid Facts. The best blood purifierand system regulator ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bitters. Inactivity of theLiver, Biliousness, Jaundice, Constipation, weak Kidneys, any dis ease of the urinary organs, or who ever requires an appetizer, tonic, or mild stimulant, will always find Electric Bitters the best and only certain cure known They act surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or money refunded. Sold at lifty cents a bottle by H. J. Brown & Co. A country sculptor was ortlered to engrave on a tombstone the following wordsA virtuous woman is a crown to her husband, The stone, however, bein" smull be engraved on it: '-A virtuous woman is 5s, to her husband." The meed of merit for promoting personal assthetics is dueto J. C. Ayer & Co., whose incomparable Hair Vigor is a universal beautifier of the hair. Ilarniless, effective, agreeable, it has taken rank among the indispensable articles of the toilet. To scanty locks it gives luxuriance; and withered hair it clothes wi(h the hue of youth. Medical professor to raw student- ;Where is the glottis?" "I don't know sir! Ithink you put it on tlie shelf In the dissecting room with the rest of your surgical instruments.- Yonkers Gazette. A Startliiig Discovery. Physiciansare often startled bv romarkable diseoveries. The fact that Dr. King's JNew Discovery for Consumption and all lliroat and Lung diaeasea is daily cnrinolatients that they have given up to die, S startliiig them to realize their sense of luty, and examine luto the merite of this ' vonderful discovery; resulting in ! lreds of our best Physicians usin" it in ! heir practice. Trial Bottles free at II J ;l oo" & Ca'S Drng store' Re-Sulai' siz ' " ¦ We hear of an amateur singer in Che! ïango county who friglitened a pair of l anaiy birds to death. It must have been ! a c ear case of killing two birds with ' )ne s tone.- Exchange. ( IteUng Piles-Symptoms and Cure. ) The symptoms are moisture like pers)iration, intense ïtching, increased by , cratchmg, very distressing, particularlv t night, seems as if pin-worras were J rawling hi and about the rectum; the nvate parts are sometimes affected If " llowed to continue serious results inay )llow. "Swayne's Ointment" is a pleasnt, sure sure. Also for te t ter, itch, salt s henm scald head, erysipela barbers' J tch, blotches, all scaly, crusty skin disI, ases. Sentby mail for 50 cents; 3 boxes f or $1.25, (n stamps). Address, Dr i wayne & Son, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold ï y Druggists. j


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