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A W f A week made at home hy the indnstrii II Beet business now bfore the pab" k I VM lic. Capital not needed. We will start m w you. Men, women. boys and pirle 5 I wanted everywhereto workfor na. Now i Hiö the time. You can work in spare time, or give your whole time to the business. No oiher business will pay you nearly ae well. No one can fail to niake enormous pay, by engapine at onceCostly outfit and terms free. Money made fast, easily, and houorably. AddresB Tkoe & Co., Port. land, Maine. iliSïi An iuterual Uemerty and aSTIEE OÏÏEE lor all kiuds of RHEÜMATIC COMPLAINTS ! [rheumatineJ If you are suffering from mïï COMPLAIIVTS ! Give Rheumatine a fair trial. You wlll ?ever regrct having done so. From Mr. EDWARD MITCHELL, Manager of the Bank of Commerce, Hamilton, Unt. Hamilton, Januaiv iSth 1SS1 J. N. Sutherland, St. Cttharin. ' 3 My Deur Sir,- I am in receipt of your favor of ÏTw'hk? m']!'-?1 im" Ty exPien w'th regard to RHi.UMATINE.and 1 have no hesitation vvhatever in pronouncing it a success n my case and in heartily ri-commending the remedv to those sufferltig lrom Rheumatism. I suffered for months with that trouble in my rightarm and shoulder.and often was unable to use my hand, and at night the pain was frequently so great as to render sleep an imposSlbility. I must confess that I entertained a repuenance to 'patent'' medicines.but some of my friénjs persuaded me to try "Rheümatine," and although it may be true that I might havegotwell without it om Ihuig I doknovi, that after taking four bottles tht pain loot ils dtfiarture, and have nota thr ful! use "1 M """¦ heartily wish you unbounded success, lis i lully believe your remedy is all that you advertise it to be. 1 am, my dear sir, yours most truly E. MITCHELL. See our Change of Testimoniáis eveiy week in Daily Papers. SOL, B' ALL DB I t.. ists Wholesale Agents for Detroit and Michigan, MESSRS. SWIFT & DODDS. 1U2-U93


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News