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[reviskd] HEAR this, all ye people, and give car all ye invalids of the wond, Hop Bitters will make you well anti to rejoice. 3. It shall cure all the people and put sickness aud suffering under foot. 3. Be thou not afraid when your family is sick, or you have Bright's disease or Liver Complaint, for Hop Bitters will cure you. 4. Both low and high, ricli and poor know the value of Hop Bitters for bilious, nervousand Bheumntic complaints. 5. Cleanse me with Hop Bitters and I shall haye robust and blooming health. 6. Add disease upon disease and let the worst come, 1 am safe if I use Hop Bitters. 7. For all my life have I been plagued with sickness and sores, and not until a year ago was I cure by Hop Bitters. 8. He that keepeth liis bones froin aching frem Rheumatism and Neuralgia, with Hop Bitters, doeth wisely. li. Though thou hast sores, pimples, freckles, salt rheuni, eryslpelas, bloodpoisoning, yet Hop Bitters will remoce them all. 10. Wbat woman is therc, feeble and sick froni femulecoiiiplaints, who desireth not health and useth Hop Bitters and is made well. 11. Let not ncglect to use Hop Bitters bring on serious Kiiluey and Liver complaints. 12. Keep thy tongue f rom being furrccl, thy blood pure, and thy stomach trom indigestión by using Hop Bitters. 13. All my pjiins and aches and disease go like chaff before the wind when L use Hop Bitters. 14. Mark the man who was nearly ilenil and giveu up by the doctors, after using Hop Bitters and becometh well. 15. Cease from worrying about nervousness, general debility, and urinary trouble, for Hop Bitters will restore you. Aa i'li'Kint (;¦ mu Pharniaeeutlcal preparation of inri ii. nbirh wf'l na found an MtYDtablo reinad y totiio must t'astlttioTis l'..1i;nt. VOS TAOAN'.S A1.AXINK ts composM of Coslly Kcwt. H.rbs hiiü Fin. -ut French Brandy, and Is the ltt"t Important and ¦afest remedy ever luiruduc. d imo tiiis country, fur tno treatnint ot all complalnts caused by Zirrr, KUfnry, Blood or jtoniacfr Troxtblcl, aa Iiniigemiou, BUlkKianesfl, Kldney Complaint, Diabetes, Heart Atfuctluua, Mental Eihaustlon, D-blllty, fec iJo one suffering with sick Headucho sliouM lalt lt. As ft Lazatlve or C'ulhartlc, lt is absolulely per fect, lts use is e-pecully ailvlscd to Ladles. wexnake tlils yrota assertion, Aiaxlae has no equal for complauts Ulentlcupc!. lt Bhould be ttsed by evpry (tni. In toosiioonftal doses, asa preveníive of slckueRH, ty lts power in aldlng digestión and krepuig the b'jwels ïetrular. Try lt once, then see ff you wo::!d ever be without, All Druggtots sell lt. Pnce, fl.ou per bottla. W008TER. ADAMS !. CO., Wellington. 0., U. 3. A 1137-1188 e o w o n


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