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MNFAILING r FORAILSKInV f flEMEDY. SUCHAS DlSEASESl ÍTETTER.1TCH, SOBES. PIMPLIS. M' VERYSlPElAS4 WRING WOBM JCHÍHC PILES Symptoms aro moisture, Btinging, itchinp, woree at night; seems as if pin-worms wero crawling about the rectum; the private parts are often affected. Asa pleaeant, económica! and positivo cure, ëwayne's üi ntment is superior to any article ia the market. Sold hy druggistp!, or eend ño ets. in 3-ct. Stamps. 3 Boxee, $1.25. Addreae, Pb. Swayne & Son, Fhila., Fa 11&M18Ü SCROFULA and all scrofulons diseases, Sores, Erysipelas, Eczema, lïlotches, Ringworm, Tumors, Carbuncles, lïoils, and Eruptions of the Skin are tlie direct rosult of au iinpure stale of the blood. To cure these diseases the blood must be pnrified, and restored to a healthyand natural condition. Aveu's Saesapaiulla lias for over forty years been recognized by eminent medical aithorities as the most powerful blood purifier in existeiice. It frees the system from all foul humors, curiches and strengthens the blood, removes all traces of mercurial treatment, and provea itself a complete master of all scrofulous diseases. A Recent Cure of Scrofulons Sores "Some montlis ago I wap troubled wltb scrofulous sores (utcers on my legs. 'i'he IfmbflWere badly swollen and iiiflai'ued, anti the sores discharged large quantities f otfeDsire matter. Kvery remedy I tried failed, until I oseu Aveu's Saiisapakilla, of which 1 havf now lakun three bottles, with the result that the sores are bealed, and my general bealtli ereatly Improved. 1 feel very gratof ui fortbe good your medicine has done me. Yours respectfully, MR8. A.nn O'Ukian." 148 Sullivau St., New York, June 24, 1SXÍ. lE All persons interesten1 are inviícd to cali on Mrs. O'Iirian ; a'.so apon the Rv. Z. P. Wilds of 78 East 54th Street, w York City, who will take pleasurt in test ifyinfi; to the wonderful etUeaey of Ayer'e Sursaparilla, notonly in the cure of Hiím laly, but in his ovrn case aatl many othera uiLliin lii knowledge. The well-known torltcron the Boston IhraUl, B. W. Ball, of Iiochester, KJI.,vrñtes, June 7, 1882: ' Ha ving sufffrod spvere'.y lor Boiue years wlth Eczema, and haring failt d to Önd relief trom other remedies, I have made ne, during tlie past three months, of Avi:i:'s SAltAVAJRILLA, wiiich has ettected a comjtirtt' cure. 1 couaidei' H a lungniücent rL-nicdy lur all blood dis ases." Ayer's Sarsaparilla 8timulatcs añil rcgulates llie BOtlon of tlie dgeptive aml asmilatlve orgaxis, rom-ws nd etrengthcns the vital forces, anti speeiüly cutos Iiheumati-im, Nour.ilKia, Iiliiumiitir Gout. Catarrh, General Deblllty, ftnd all di?. asís arising from an tmpoTOriïhed or corrnpted condltionof the blood, and a weakehed vifalitv. It is incomparably tlie ohespost Mood nuclicine, on account of Itsconceutratcdsti-c-nytli.aiid great power over disease. ritEPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer &. Co., Loweü, Mass. So!d hy all Drnggteta; iricu SI, six bottlos fur S5.


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