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From the Leader. Deputy postmasters: W. I. Keal, Frank F. Taylor. George S. Sill, Monday nlght, speared a bill-fish, in Portare Lake, weighing 15 pounds, length four feot fonr inches, bill 10 inclies. Many farmera in tl) is vicinity are replanting tlieir cornfields. It is estimated that not inore tlian nne-third of the corn planted In this vicinity is growing. An iron bridge is to be built at Dellii Mills, 115 feet span, 111 in the clear, and l(i fect wide, by the Wrought Irdn Bridge Co., of Cantón, O., for $2,100. MANCHESTER" From the Enterprise. The ladies of the Presbyterian cliurch having decided that the new organ recenlly ordered was not of suffieient volume for the church, a larger, heavier and iiinch handsomer oigan was ordered, and tried lor the first time last Siuulay, to the extreme satisfaction of all listeners. At a meeting of the S. W. F. M. Ins. Co.,held pursuant to notice, at the Enterprise office, on Saturday, June 2d; George S. Kawson was appointed Director and Richard Green President for the unexpired term. The funeral of Junius Short, of Bridgewater, was very largely attended. He being proininently connected with various institutions, the S. W. F. M. Ins. Co., the Farmers' Club, etc., he was well known outside of this vicinity, and many from abroad were in attendance at the funeral. He was a noble man, whoíe work and inflnence will be greatly missed. SALINE. From the Observen Preparations are being made to celébrate the coming Fourth in Saline. Woodchucks all over the county are advertising for scalp protectors. Boys, dogs and Winchesters are making life too unccrtain with them. YPSILAKTI. From the Commercial. The following intercsting Information shows what the several denominations did for inissioiis the past year : BAPTIST. For home work ,1 15 000 Kor foreign work „.,_ 302,000 METHODISTS. For home work 013,000 t'or foreigu work 330,000 PKESBYTERIANS. For home work $ 7Ofi,noo rorforeigu work 480 000 CONGREGATIONAHST8. i"]or home work $ 824,000 t'or foreign work 500,000 l'. W. jUarpenler Wa ru-eieeted ck-rk of the city ponneil nml city last Monilay evening, the vote standing 7 to 3. Mr. Carpenter has maile u patnslaklng clerk. Xo city clerk bas ever done botter. Mr. Carpenter, ui member ol tlic Board of Beview hal shown himself h man of pluck, daring to perform whathe believed to be, and in fact as, lus full duty. From tlie Sentincl. Capt. L. E. Childs, the new captain of tlie Liffht Guaiil, took command tliis week, and made bis bnw to liis new soldier Capt. Childs is a competent offleer, and the company wil] doubtless flourlsh under liis coiiimand. The sanitarium will be larger thau at first contemplated, and Indude B lamidry, shaving saloon, and, in short every convenience deairable tor patients and bather8. Many letters are received daily from persons, who are aiixious to try tlie water, but as vet little Information caobefflfen, except that the work is belng puahed, and will be completed at the earllest possible moment. From the Ypsilant'an. Anilrew Cainpbell has i " rslglng" yesterday, snceessfnlly erretiii}; the frame of a bain whlch will cover 4üxS0 feet. The Ypsilantian has secnred the contract for floing the city irintinfr for the ensning year at nominal figures, and thus becomes the official paper of the city. Eleven churches and 40 saloons at Ann Albor is the Dexter Leader's count. We do not doubt bis personal knowledge of the latter figure, but who counted the churches