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Pion the Herakl Our fellow citizen, Jas F. Harrington, was pleasantly surprised one evening last week by about lifty of his friendo, the OCCR8lon being his 49tli birlhday. The surprise was ander the ausplces if the Good Templare, and a niee time was enjoyad by 4II. May he eujoy inany more birthdays. Tlie recently elected deacons of the Baptist ehurch, Messr. T. V. Baldwin, Frank Everett, Davis Warner, and John ü. Hoover, were installed last Sundiiy afternoon. The services were very interesling. Kev. E. A. Gay was assisted by Kevs. Mungrr, ol Manchester, Moeher.ot' üexter, and Teal, of Charlotte. DICXTKK. Frora the Leader. It s with more than ordinary regret we learn that we are to lose tlie services of Prof.C. A. Oook, who, as we understand, bas aecepled the prlneipnUlilp ot' one of the schools in the imuiediatc vieinity of Ch caíto. Onrfriend Mr. Honey is making armngeroente to leave our place, and fi-id a home somewliere in the great West. Tuomey Bros., a lirin of long establishment 11 Dexter, are to leave tor Ottawa, Kansas, the flrst of July. MANCHESTKK. From the Enterprise. The alumni will hold their anuual entertainment and reception Friday eveuIng, June 22, notwithstanding all reporta to the contrary. It is now settled that we are to have a town hall tor the electors of this towiiship by a niajority of 35 voted in favor of it at the special election yesterday. A committee on location wasappointed consisting of Frank Spafard, James Mooie, Torn. Holmes, M. Goodyear, and B. G. Lovejoy. The board were also authori.ed to appoint a building committee. The building is to cost about $0,000 and for that sum we ought to get a good 011e. SALINE. From the Observer, The Reverend R. B. Pope, of Ann Arbor will deliver the address before the graduati ng class of our high school this year. Tlie graduating class this year is composed of Miss Mary Jane Wortley, Miss Mary Jane Eccles, Laverne Bassett and George Arthur Brown. Our farmer Iriend, Wrn. Dell, steps gracefully to tlie front and inquires if any one can beat this clip of wool, all pointsconsidered. Last week he sheared a young sheep whose carcass weighed but 22 pounds, the clip or fleece of wool weighing H}{ pounds. This is one pound of wool to less tban three pounds of llesh - or sheep. Who can equal it. YPSILANTI. "From the Ypsüantian. The "steel gang" oí tlie Central rail road arrived here yesterday and have comnienced relaying the track west of tlie city. The new rails are rolled with a beveled edge which fits the eloplag llange of the car wheels and lessens the wear. Rev. Thomas Stalker, who sued the Grand Triink road some time ago for damages for damages for injuries received in an accident, has withdrawn his snit up011 paynicnt to hiiu of $G,000,with which nioney he has gone to Europe for reoreation. From the Commercial. The Council deerns it desirable to estib lish gas works in this city and the clerk is instructed to correspond with companies wishiug to wade in. Prof. Bellows, our great and honored mathennitician is elected city surveyor. He will demónstrate Unes and boundaries to the angle. The U. S. postofflee agent dropped down on us this week. NGver know when to look for these gentlemen. The one here this week is good looking. He probably was not so good lookmg to Spencer, the P. M., whom he found short about $1,500- [Kd ] From tbc Sentinel. The masons comnienced the foundation walls of íanatarium last Saturday, and the woik will be pushed ahead as tast as the weathcr will permiC. The good Episcopalians are taking more notice or Saints days than formerly, aud one, on being aked, what their beíí rung last. Monday for, replied it was the feast of St. Barrabas. He mixed up Baruabas, with the fellow that Pílate let loose.