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High School Commenceineiit at the M. E. Churcli this mornlng. Tlie first stone side walk on Huroo street is being laid in front of Hong Heng's. William A. Ilatch contení plates making some marked improvements on liis house on Willtam street this sunnner. The schools are ologed. Let loose the little students. They need a chance for rest and strengthening of boily and eyes. The city churclies omit their usual exerciees on Sunday evening to particípate in the memorial service to Dr. Cocker in University hall. Two of the pioneers have passed away this week Mr. Sheldon Ide, who had lived in the city 49 years, and Mrs. Stocking, a resident 34 years. Some twenty of the High School seniors went to Whitmore Lake, Wednesday. Last night was the class reception at Superintendent Perry's. The telephone wires are near to connecting Ann Arbor and Manchester. Communicaiion may be had as soon as the instruments arrive. Wednesday was the day tor Mr. T. J. Wrampelmeier and family and Mr, Geo. Johnston and wife, nee Can ie Hendrickson, to sail for Eiirope. . Mrs. Mariott of Pittsrield had a barn raised last week Thursday, in one hour and f'orty minutes. lts size was 30x40 and Mr. Geo. Morwick was the builder. Judge Best, one of Indiana1 supreine court judges, has dtcided to inake Ann Arbor his home. lie has secured a house and moved his family here. A social on the aiternoon of the Fouith ol July will be held on the lawn at Mis. D. S. Wood's. Refieshnients and speeches are some of the attractious. County Cleik Robison believes in having thingscomfortable and cosy, so he has fitted up hls office with desks and carpets and has had the wood vvork oiled up. We do not hear of any stir being made in the direction of a celebration on the Fourth. Prbably private enterprise will furnish all the excitement experienced. P. W. Carpenter, of Ypsilanti, has resigned hU position as deputy Register of D,eeds and is in a bank at home. Mr. Gilbert has appointed M. Wilcoxson la his place. The State Normal School will hold its Commencement exercises Wednesday, June 27. At that time Hon. Edwin Willits, the Principal elect, makes his inaugural address. ' Prof. Xichola has given a $10.00 oil painting to the upper class in the Third ward school as a prize for the best position, pen-holdiitg and general woik. The picture is to remain in the room. Four students were examined, to be liceneed to preach, hy the M. E. Quarterly conference whicu met Tuesday evening. They are A.W. Stalker, F. L. Osborne, A. S. Hall arul A. B. Storms. Tliey passed creditably. White tliree little boys were playing in the street Wednesday even ing in front of the Fireinen's Hall, one of them named Charlie Ragor was run over by a hack. His chest was crushed in and he was considerably injured. Court meets again on the lOth prox., to give the Goodell divorce case another wliirl. By the time the divorce is obtained, the possession of the children fixed, and alhnony determined upon, it will have been rather expensive. The changed time tables of the Michigan Central and the T., A. A. & G. T. roads appear this week. It will be reraenibered that Ann Arbor people must get down to the depot three minutes ahead, for that is Detroit time. The exercises of the alumni of the High School tliis evening promise to be of an iiiteresting character. Miss Curtís of '78 readsan essay on "The Philosophy of Oscar Wilde," W. B. Cady '78 an oration Ol "Reflections on the Tendency of Modem Poetry," and M. II. Krennan '73 a pocm on " Excusable Homickle." Ann Arbor Commandery will attend service at St. Luke's in Ypsilanti, Monday next. St. John's day occurring on Sunday makes it impossible for the Knigjits to go and come, so it is observed Monday. Rev, Ihomas Macleane makes the address and Hev. WyiiyS gal! officiates n his position Prelate. Every one of the half hundred who were present at the first annual Index read, at Sheehan's hall, Monday evenmS declares he or she had a big time. Be"Ics the spread and dances there were oasts, responded toby Elsle Jones, W. R. yowbridge, Gertrude Warren, Henry uslnn Robert Moore and Flora Potter. erBy lhe ann"al report of Attoruey Genal J. J. Van Riper, for 1882, it seems 2 during the year 048 persons in this unty Were ,,,-osecuted under the followS charges; aduifery,4; assaultand batJ', ' HS3ault w'th intent to murder, 2; S'ary,3; cominon drunkard, 4; disor'y persons, 310; drunkenness, 178; lessuseof fire-arms, 1; larceny, 53; 'injurytobuildi ng, 3 ; receiving len goods,!, threats,4; slander, 11; TlotUmofliquorlaw,6 Huv. T. tí. Forbusk, oL Dutroit, will preacli at the Unitaiian ohurch next Suiiday moniing, in exchange with Air. Sunderland. The evening service will be dispenscd withou account of the service at the University in nieniory of Dr. Oooker. Real estáte in town lias changed hands as follows: Jolin II. Mooie to Irwin Moore Ann Arbor lot, $2,000; James AI. Wil liams to Frederick Rettieh, Sr.. $4,200; Eliza Burd to M. E. Hill, Ann Arbor, $1,500; E. B.Abel toF. H. Belser, $540; Irving Branch to E. M. Hastings, $950; L. A. Wrampleineier to AI. K. Cliurch, $5,000. The fire bells Wednesday eveniug announced the conflagration of the home if Airs. Elizabeth Johnson of the Sixth ward, near Israel Hall's. None of the occupants of the house were at home when it started, and it is thought to have been from an explosión of a lamp. The roof was burned oft' but the furniture was saved. The lqss was about $1,000, partly covered by insurance. It s refreshing in these days of enormous bilis for "extras" in public bilis to hear the report of the building committee for the Firemen's Hall. It will be remeinbered that $10,000 was appropriated and that the contractor's bid was $9,995. Beskles a necessary expenditure of $831.00 for the deepening of the foundations, there was ouly the small sum of $9.45 over the amount. This would make the real excess of the appropriaiion only about $4.00. For the old building $100.00 was receiyed, and $75.00 wa3 saved on partitions. The committee well merited the vote of thanks given them by the common couneil. Arningements lmve been made for a series of grand pleasure tours f rom Toledo ind Detroit to Portland, Me. and return, via. Niágara Falls, Toronto, down the St. Lawrence, Montreal, Quebec, the White Mountains and famous resorts of the New England coast. The rates for the round trip from Ann Arbor will be $23.50, tickets good 60 days. Those desiring to take advantage of this grand opportunity for the most pleasant trip on the continent should apply to H. W. Hayes, agent Michigan Central railroad, and secure greatly reduced rates in connection and get programmes giving full particular. Remember the dates, June 28th, July oth and 26th, 1883. Mr. George Harrison until recently a resident hereabouts has settled in Mantón, Wexford County, and writes of the country : " There is a great deal of hard wood here, consisting mostly of beech and maple, some elm, basswood, etc, with enough jine to make a good inarket for all the produce that a farmer can raise. The land consists of a black gravelly soil which is very productlve. I untlerstand the farmeis are somewhat late with their orops in the soutliern part of the State. Up here tliey are a little ahead, the corn beinglarge enounh to cultívate; the wheat knee-kigh, and oats and grass looking well. Hay is worth $ü;i.00 a ton. People are settling n here very fast.'' A curious war incident is just developng. Last week Air. Winans received a etter from a man In Kansas whom he had ast seen when in a cavalry charge at the second battle of Buil Run. This man was riding by his side and feil struck by five bullets in the thigh, one in the arm and one on the head. He was reported as killed. But now comes the letter from the man, Chas. E. Brewer by name, who is eudeavoring to get a penfOD,andashehas ïo recollection of where he was or what ie did for a year af ter the battle he writes to ascertain whether he was in the University hospital. The hit ou the head had made him crazy for a year. The records of the hospital surgeoii3 at that time were ncomplete and his case does not appear. lr. Winans has some doubts asto the identity of this Brewer, and has written lim, asking questions which only his fornier conuade can answer.