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. -.'.rfour ieort 1 kuffereil uyonyfruma skin diaeane, ï)r. Benson't Skin Cure cured me." C.B. McDonald, Plantersville, Ala. $1. at druggists. Tls soda. beer and ginger poj That keeps the ilrnglst on 11 hop -Cambridge Tribune. F. K. Chéney & Oo., proprtetors Hall's Catarrh Cure, otter $100 rewiird tor anjease of Catanh that can't be cured willi Hali's Catarrh Cure. For sale by Eberbacli & Son. In aiicient Rome any fooi uould become a great violinist. They Wfre all Pagan - ni n n íes. - Musical llerald. Don't Die in the House. " Roughon Rats." ('learsout rals, mlce, roaclics, bcd-bugs, il es mts, moles, chimonks, gophers. 15c. Latinist: Nn, the rate of speed or tempo at which a fugue is to be nlayed s not markeil "tempus fuglt." - Musical Iierald. "MothcrSwan's Worm Syni." Infallible, tasteless, harinless, calharllc. for feverishness, restlessness, worms. constipation. 20c. Mohr & Mobr, heavy Cincinnati dUtilIers, failed on Baturday owinjr to thelr assets growing less anU less. - Lowell Courier. - Fresh air, exercise, good foodanil Dr. Benson's Celery and Clianioniile pil Is will, ,when used together, cure any case of nervousness, sick headache, or Indigestión. They strengthen the uervous system. 5,000 physicians prescribe thcin. A lino picture of a hanging sent to an illustrated paper was pronoonced by the editor as skilfully executed. - The Drummer. Catarrh of the Kladder. StlnglDg irritation, lnflumation, all Khlney and Urinary Complainta, cured by " iiuchu-iaiba." fl. It is a son roe of somt) satisl'aetion lo ti id so niany of our stafesmen in Congress rising lor inforinaiioii. - Hillianisuovt Baniier. $2,500 versus $1.00. " 1 speiit $2,500, wkh ollit-r doctora,1 rites Mr. J. W. Tl'orntmi, ot' Clathom, Miss., "Bámaritan Ifersine, liowuvei', alone cured my son of lils." This is on a par with huudreds of others, npeedy bul thorough. A man who found that -liis fence supports had decayed smid that he held a postmorteiu exaininatiiin on theiu. - Baltimore Evory Saturday. "Kougli on Rats." Clears out rats, mice, ronchas, fiies, ants, bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. 15c. Drugpists. Below cost, a larga assortment of l.ick kids, in lote to snit the tiade. Aliply at once, Colored Foundllogs,' Hoboken, N. J. - Adv. from Life. Z3$ Xo woniau reall}7 inaclioft eCQlloniy unless she uses the Diamond Dvcs. Many dollars eau be saved eveiy vear. Ask the druggist. Jt was at the close of the wedding breakfast. One f the guests aróse, and, ílass in hand, Said: " I drink to the healtli of biidegrnom. May he see many days like this." The intention was jroud, but tlie bride looki'd uj 'is f Bonifithing had dlspleastd her. A in n on i Drug Store. Never was such a rush made for any dmtr store as is now at H. J. Brown C'o.'s for a trial bnltle of Dr. Kinjf's New Discovery for Oonsiunption, Coujrhs and Gold. All persons affected with Asthina, Bronchitis, Üparseness, Severe Ccmtrhs or any affection of' the 'J'hroat and Lungs, can get a trial Hottlc of this great remedy fret, by cailing at the above dra store. Regular size $1,00. " I ain't voted n eiglit years. an' I didn't sec any In n in it," remarked a colored citizen. " loe got ui) edjcashun, an' I dunno wiio to vote for. I might vote for a man for sheriff ter-day an' ter-morrow he'd come an' 'rest me. I dunno nothin' 'bouU votin' an Ise gwyne ter stay home au' work." Ayer's Sarsaparilla operates radically upon andthrough the blood, and is a safe, rellable and absolute cure for the various diseases, complaints, and disorders, due to debility, or to any conftitutional taint or infection. "Sis, give mea lively subject for my composition," said little Ben; and Iris sister Martha quietly replied, " Fieas." Tfell Rewarded. A liberal reward will be paid to any party who will produce a case of Liver, Kiduey orstomach complaint that Electric Bitters will not Bpeedily cure. Bring them along, itwillcostyou n'othing for the medicine if it fuils to cure, and you will be well rewarded for your trouble besides. All Blood diseases, Billiousness, Jaundice, Constipation, and general debility are quickly cured. Satisfaction guaranteed or nioney refunded. Pnce only lifty cents per bottle. For sale by H. J. Brown & Uo. Teacher: " Can you teil me which is the olfactory orgaa ?" Pupil frankly answers, " No, sir." Teacher: "Correct." Pupil goes ofl' in a brown study. That Husband of Mine Is three times the man he was before he began using " Wells' Health Renewer." $1. Druggists. When a yóung man says his gW is " worth her weight in gold," he is not mitting a very high valnation on her unless she is a very heavy girl. At tliis rating, 120 pounds of a girl would be worth only about $y0,000. Avoid by all ineaus the Hse of calomel for billious complaints. Ayer's Csthaitic Pilis compounded entirely of vegetable ingredieuts, have been tested tor forty years, and are acknowledged to be the best remedy ever devised for torpidityof the liver, costiveness, and all derangeinente of the digestive apparatus. Jones says he feels sure tb at his yoiing hopefnl, six niontlis old, will easily develoj) a love for Meld spoits, beeausc he is already such a base bawler. BilionsColic Cured by Rhcnniatlc Syrup. VV'OLCorr. N. Y., Juue 18, '82. Uheumalic Syrvp Co.: Gents - A few weeks since, while sufferIng with bilious eolio, wliich rendered me untit for business, I was advised totrya bottle of your Syrnp. I had no faijh in It at all, at that time, for the reason that 1 had tried so many tb inga In years past without recelvlng any relief, "but before the flrst bottle was einptied I was feeling better tlian 1 had feit for many yvars. 1 know, now that 1 have tried it, that it is the greatest remedy that exists ia the world, anl I feel proud to recommend the Rheamntlu Syruj) to all sulïerers from bilious colic, for I am satish'ed it has cured me. Wishlng you every success with your most wondeiful SyruD, I am sincerely yours, Walteb W. Wuite. Purson : " l'in sorry to hear, Fullocks, you have parted from your wife." Fullocks : "Itwarn't my funk. sir. Fust, she gi' me three months for breakin' her jaw, then she gi' me six months for 'arf Killin' on her, then she bound me over to keep the peace - and I couldn't stan' it no longer." "Biichupaiba." Quick, complete cures all an noy ing Kiduey, Bladder and Urinary Diseases. $1. Druggist. Positivo cure for Piles. To the people of this (!ounty we would say we have been rivcn the Agency of Dr. Marchisi's Italian File üintnient - emphatically guaranteed to Cure or money refunded- Interna], Extern al, Blind, Bleeding or Itching Piles. Price 50c. a box. No cure, No pay. For sale by Ebeibach & Son, Drngglsts.