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Bncklen's Árnica Salve. The best Salve in the worldfor Cuts, Bruises, Sorei, Uleors, Balt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chllblaini, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and poeitlvcly curei piles. It Is guarantecd to give prfect satlsfaction or money refunded. Prfce 85 cent per box. For sale by Kberbach & Son. "Ündoubtedly the most perfect bicycle now made Is the 'Columbia.'"- Scitntijlc American. "Go forth upun your wheelsd horse, and Hst to nature's teachings." THE COLUMBIA B1CYCLES Are made as etrong and durable as the best material and most skllled itorkmanship can produce. They are used by Merchant, Clerks, Ministers, Lawyers, Doctors, Messengers, Collectors and Garpenters. Thoy furnish the cheapest and best means oí BAPID TRANSIT, give the rider the healthle6t of out-door exercise, and in a word are THE POPULAR.STEEDS OF TO-DAY. "I ehall rejoice to sec the time when thls exercise shall be as popular among glrls and women as tennis and the dance, for the more fully the phytical life of our womanklnd is developed tho bctter for men as well as women." - Dr. BW'n'-dson, of Lon'hn on the Tricyde. "Now good rtitiuouuu wainu aFi,tuic, and hcalth on both." THE VOLUMBIA TRICYCLE Is a new machine for general use by both sexcs and all ages. By the aüditlon of the Columbia Trieycle, I The Pope Mf'o. Co. can claim to furnish wheels for THE WHOLB FAMILY. For grandfather, grandmother, fatLer, mother, young man, youug lady, and even to little Jonnie and sissie. Send 3c. stamp for 36-page illustrated Catalogue, with price-list and full information. THE POPE MAMJFACTUR1NG CO., 597 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Orto WAGNER & TAYLOR, A'gts. Ann Arbor, Mich., 21 S. Main St. i.S.SMITH&CÖ. THE DETROIT JEWELERS, Always carry full lines of fine wares in all departments. St.virvf.l'v rno ioQ -f i-k all alike. Every article matked in plain figures. Corner Woodward and Jefferson Avenues. Detroit, April, 1883. AF.HANGSTERFER&Co., 30 and 32 Main St. loe Creara Parlors and OysterOcean Restaurant. Their Celebrated Premium Ice Cream, Water Ices, etc., made to order on short notioe: Parties supplied with Wedding Cakes, Fancy Pyramids. Charlotte de Russe, etc. We have in our employ the flnest Fancy Cake Bakers and Ornamentfis in the state. Malaga ] G rapes, Oran ges, Figs. Dates, Raieins, Nuts of all kinds kept constantly on hand. We also manufecture our own Oandies. Also Propriator of the Hangsterfer Ice Compauy. ephone Connection. po KT WAYNB ft J ACK.ÍON K. B. 'teoi' and IndlanapoHs Line nainpoiu ExprH m. -tWyn.AoooiuoUUoB I 2ï i AJÍ tNünsve by Onuiwo tuië rroonre Ucketi st xm Arhor or JsoUon M.D WOOCrORU, B'lBapit. L