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Jack Phelps, one of tho. men who murdered Martin Brophey at Owosso and escapcd, has been capturcd. He was trivne to get out of the state. Goorge Bentley, the coloree! janitor of a Grand Rapids bank, who was arrested for itealing silvcr, somc of which was fonud about hls premises, has pleadcd not guilty. It was expected be would picad gullty. There were 335,605 tona of iron oro hipped irom Marquette, Escanaba and L'Anse is season up to June 13. FralSleete.a Bay City youth who has oeen rcading the history oL Jeosc James and other books of HUe cháraeter, started out the otlier day to make hls fortune as a bandit. After robbing a depot, freight train, and )lacing obstructions on tho track, thereby dong considerable damage, some unfeeling ifflcerB arrested the poor boy and put him in all. The boy fraukly admits that he did it out of pure cussedness. Jabes Blackington, oue of the pionïecrs of Flint, died a few days ago. He had cen a resident of Gcncsee couuty ncarly 60 yeara. An iniruense clay bed has becü estabislied at Muekegon. Thcy will begin raaking briek at once. Byron Tripp, foren) au of a dredge dong government work at Bay City, was drowned a few days ago. Little Nettio Lyon, of Cheboygan, is till very low, and should she live, physicians ay she will never recover f rom the affeetsof the outrage. Mrs. Larimore, a 50-year resident of Niles, died a few days ago. The second baltalion Michigan state roops, stationed in the upper península, has )een disbanded, aud the companies composing bat organization have been assigned to the tiird regiment. A Dowagiac cat, ovvned by Lagee lubbard, attacked and killed a blue raccr four eet long a few days ago. Next ! A Buchanan school ma'am punishes efractory children by raaking them stand in n erapty barrel. The 50th anniversary of Grand ltapïas been ceiebrated on the 23d inst. by the old esidents' assoclation and their friesds, to the umber of nearly 3,000. The exercises were eld at Reed's lake, and consisted of short adresses, recountlne the early days of the Grand rlver valley and its" progress down to the present time; singinc songs and dancing to the ;ime of ancicnf music furuished by the veterns, a picnic, etc. Mike Young, of Chcster, a few days ince, sent his hired man to catch a $200 mare n the paf ture. The man threw a stone at the mare, which broke one of her legs, and she had o be ehot. Star postal service has been establishd between Berville and Belle River sil times ft week, from July 1, and between Pari6ville and Minden three times a week, from July 1. 8pecal service establisbed between Roseburgh and .peaker, Sanilac county, from July 1. A "doctor"' at Bay City professes to ure by magie, and attention is ealled to the matter quite forcibly by the publication of one of his incantations writtcn out (for $7.50) to cure a child of fits. The child died. F. H. Conant and L. A. Dillingham will crect a fnrniture factory at Coldwater 50x100 feet, four stiiries high, wlth engine, boiler room, and dry kiln 25x30 teet,twostories n height. Several other buildings will be put up for storage of stock, etc. Mr. Conant is already at the head of several large enterprises of tbis kind in Toledo, Detroit and New York state. It is expected the factory will be running br November 1. A man nanied Tony, living on George L. Steyens' farm inMason township Cass countv shot himself the other morniog. His wife soou arose and went down cellar to take care of the milk, when she found him dead. No Ciuse for suiciding known. The Grand Rápida national bank will increase its capital August 1, irom 300,000 to $500,000. Water in abundance has been reached in the Aárian water works wel! at a depth of 70 feet. H is soft, but tastt-B stronfily of ""Marshall Rirls li:ive orgaa!zetd .ll broom brigade, but one of the high privates in the rank nearly broke her back trying to obey her mother's ommand to sweep the entry stairs. A liuo-c petition signed by lawyers, doctors divines and business men generally has bie'n signed at ïpstlauti asking the president ton Ínstate PoBtmaeter Clinton Spencer of tbat city, again.t whom a charge of defalcation is pending in the court. Prof Estabrook, President of Ohvet Collera and Mrs. Hicock of Charlotte, werc maxrted at tbat place a few day ago. Newaygo is making vigorous preparations for fecovery and huproyemeut froni the manufacture ITeparations are making for rwbr'ck building over uearly the wl.ole of the burnt district. _ A Macomb county Methodist minister bas been arrested for assault and battery. Mackinaw is more popular this year as a summer resort Ihan ever before. Arthur Stinehoff aud Jack Phelps waU-edtheir examination on the charge of July 0. DETROIT MAKKETS. Detroit June 25, 1883. WHMLT.-Durinj! ÜN eek closing with the tl 22(101. 12lvi is!=ir-oMeQféï M7eh white wheat, low grades 13 50@4 00 Mich white wheat, eommon @ Mich white wheat, cholee & " _ Mlch white wheat, ro Ier process... 5 oOttg TO Mich white wheat, patents, 6 OOM Minnesotas, bakers 50ë ü0 Minneeotas, patenta 4 qq xTkë sai oï 'corn has 'been rather llmitcd ï'riccs range irom 53 to 56 cents. LITB STOCK. CATTLB-The cattle market bas been yery spuug íi25 Rnt Httle interest has been manifestfnediurns; $6 50@ö 68; pi?, W MSHEKP-Vcry few on eale. Pnces ranfe. fT-MeBs Pork .K T shoulders, 9í@9%c. ; dried beef, 15@15!'ccon, 12%@18c; fxtra mess beef, $13 25@ lo 50.


Ann Arbor Courier
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