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The Greatest Show On Earth

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TTZbiTTIEID nyHOINTSTEIR, SZEÏCTUariiiiin, Bat ley and Iliiieliiiison, - Solc Owwcr' $3.000.000 Represented. S4.8OO Daily Expenses. More tlinn the entire rebelpts of any other in the United Stutes. AWIT ARBOR, TTTTTtf OH S ATURDA?, J U ÍN JSd WÜ 2 ENORMOUS MENACf RÍES UNDER TWO TENTS 2 I H PPODROME ÍN NEARLY HALF-MILE TRACK I I MUSEUM OF LIVINC CURIOSITIES i 3 CIRCUSES IN THREE RINCS 3 I HUCE ELEVATED STACE, 6Ox8O FEET I FOR OLYMPIAN CAMES, FOREVER UNITED SHOWS. O Not merely un Exhibí: ion, but an Institution of the Land. BEHOLD ITS MOUNTAiN-HICH FEATURE PYRAMID ! JB II Bfc á 'rl'' PMde of llie Brilish Ilcarl. Tlic Bigt af SËfll - "" ElephaiU " Tlastodon i ivhatevcr ¦' 11 f I ¦¦ " or 011I ( C'aplivil). llin iilill l SÍ til Irimk i-.:uli.s upward 20 Ice!. Ills weijaJH í , Niicar IO Ion! Hll Iicislii Itt beyond belief! II f f iii jiant rtride i over une rod. TinTTTlT "P Giraffes in Hnrhess and Groupes, 39 Camcls, 2 Giant I n I rl Dromedaries, 0 White Meoea and 4 Nublan Raeers.Giawt UUJJJjlj Khiuocei'os, only 2-Horned Rhinooeros, only true Nile jj j vj nippopotiiiniis, only Nyl Ghaii, Sea Lion.e, ü Giant l'.abboons, (i EJucated Kangaroo, 1 Dens of Trained Wíld ¦ ¦ fiMT I i W I II Beástí, ot' Tifiéis. Lions, l'anthers, Jaguer?, Leopards, il'jl I 1 I I 0 kind of Bears, Coligar?, Hyenaf", etc., with teachers II r 1 1 ll m Ik I II :'"(l t"ii'iers ainong tliem, ind a Trans-parent GLASS j I II I CAIÍ OF SERPENT8 AND FEMAL1Í HIND00 illUllllUlJHIL SNAKB CIIAH.MEK ÍN FUIX VIEW, besidos 30 CAGES OF RARE WILD ANIMALS! AXD EVERÏ CAGE A CARVED II ICIO I Wliich tliere !s no spaoe to catalogue. MENAGERIES OF LOÓSE AND LED ANIMALS, Nubian Lonjr-Horned Cattle, Afrlcan Blanda, Llamas, Guanacos, Sacred Cow and Buil, White Biiftalo, Bisons, Yak, Moose, Elks, Hetl Deer, only Zebras ever broke to work in luimess, and an endless list of ñire sigbts and more than are owned by ül otber Shows on this Continent f put togetber. SO Zulú Warriors, with Princess and Baby ; 13 Nubians, Pagan, ____ ív_ w Mohanimedans, Noniads, and Arabs of the Desert; Australian II II 11 I íin CannibaU, Black. Trackers, or Trailers; Booi.ierane Throwers, A ll A II l Wild Beast Ilunters with Sticks in thcir Noses; Trile I Mil Of Sioux Indian W arrio, Cow Boys trom the PIhíiib, Mexican ll I UClulJ Viorog, etc. The whole in Characteristic Sceik'í, War Dances, Strange Cerenioities and Natural Qrollpes. 33 GOLDEN TABLEAU CARDS 33 Sania Claai iu Ilix Blerry Sleiyli wiili Reindccr Team. The Oíd Wonen wlio Llred in a Slioc, and CinderellaN Fairy Charlo! in Pree Fnll View. H-pri TTmTT More Men' W01111. Children, Horses, Chariots, ItI 1 fL-r H B W L[ú''"' ]'"u"' WiU1 Trained Animáis, Fine JJ'MmJl AA -. M, Ilarness, Jeweled and Gold-triinnicd Wardrobe, Konian Glint and Glamour, Gunning Surprises' % T TTC Sun-ccllMinj Magniiicence, Dazzllug (orgeousMZ JS%. r%_ II J FV""SS :""' Malrhl' Splendor tlian all the other ¦"¦ "¦ mA - Shows in America comblned can produce. From the Q-rounds Daily at 8:30 A. M. A1TI lí llITflIHITlI Gosl'ei',.tlio8-Poot Giant. Lillle People, Dogfaml lili i III Vil il Man. Wild Men of Horneo, Atces, Last of the III III lili II MüUlL'z'""s' Wlld Qirt Cil-cassians, Fat Women & ÜJJ I illiijIJlJl 1,000 WONDERFUJand CURIOUS FREAKS. 01 1 People. 312 Drauslit Slock. 1OO Race and Kinj; Hurles o Ponlei and Jeruzalem Donkeys. ... Gart n i Traint. Ak ilie Station Agent. 1-i TTTITTin 1"TI HfTTriTri :1,1!n'iisI!ll'ls. OneReed Hand. Ufe anil Drum K I I IH IVIIIMI '¦"" (ll""i. Soi)toh BaB Pipera. 7-Ootavè LU JYlllJJU UI lllUulU "'"Tií liels Meohauloal Oornlo Band and 80 Acts at Every Performance. Only Three Ring Circus, with Ncarly 300 Performers. Only Huge Elevated Stage, 60je8Q leet. Only Original Clowns and l'opular '-Dudes," and all the (ireat. Sensations of the whole exhlbltlon-world worth seeing. Larjreat Tenis ever built; ncaily 000,000 Square Yards of Material and coveiing S Acies of GfOUIld. ¦w-urf-v-aar m 'ran'i Flat Kaco. Ladies' Hurdle Race. Ruinnn SUndlne líaBlVl A nJ IHorse (Jhaiiot Race. Man againstHorse Race Pony AlTXAil With Monkey Riders Race, Prole.ssiSnal Foot Race Obslaèle Race (Jumel Race. Wheelbarrow Race. Sack Kacé Ladies' "S7 JStílte u''eartíí'6 t'ÜmPa"y '" Only exhibition wliich the moral classes delight to patronize. More tone and respectability than any other. lts people are better hehaved and dn-sseO, even the supéraumerartes wear button-Iiole bouqueta in their lappeli. Every Feature, Act, Animal or Individual Advertlsed Posilively Kxliihiled Try (o lina somethlnsr alver1ised liich we do uot exhibit, and teil us about it. AVe speciaily Invite Crititism. The Afternoon Performances are as perfect and cnjoyable as tliose given in the Eveninjr, and ailbid an opportunily for uged people, ladies and chlldren td avoid the tremendous crowds late iu the day. Every Kailroad run ch'eap rate Kxciirsion Trains to every Exhibition. Por the comfort of tb ose who detlre to avotd the crnwda nu the gronnds, COVPON TICKETS (ooi) FOR RESEHVEn M'lIüJtlI IIAIKS, an be pnrcliased al the n-ii.ii sliglu adianee at BLISS' JE WEIRY STORE o si tuk i%v fok i:isiiiirmv oxiy. Posltively no Free Tickets siven away. 20,000 Scats. General Aüinlssion O Cents, ciuldren ander ! jearg, ar Cenis. Beserved Nunibri Chaira xtra. Two Performances every day. Door open at l and 7. Performance :ommences al 2 and " P. .11. LANSINÖTFriday, June29. DETROIT, Monday, July 2.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News